Library News

Library News

Stephen Lei and Wilson Hoi of the UM Library Successfully Elected to the IFLA Positions (2023/05/24)


The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) announced the results of the elections for positions on its committees and professional sections on 1 May 2023. With the strong support in the library field, Stephen Lei and Wilson Hoi have been successfully elected to the IFLA positions. They will take up their 4-year terms of office in this year until 2027. Stephen and Wilson have been elected as standing committee members of Knowledge Management Section and Management of Library Associations Section respectively.

Meanwhile, Priscilla Pun of the UM Library has been serving in the IFLA's Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section as a standing committee member and the Information Coordinator. Her term of office expires in 2025. At present, 3 staff members of the UM Library serve in IFLA.