FAQs in using the Scholars Page
FAQs in using the Scholars Page
1. How to login to Scholars Page account?
Scholars please click on ‘Login With UMPASS’ at the top right corner of the Scholars Page home page and use the UMPASS account to log in... Read more →
Please click on ‘Login With UMPASS’ at the top right corner of the Scholars Page home page and use the UMPASS account to log in.

Faculty admin staff can click ‘Log In’ in the upper right corner of the Scholars Page home page and use their administrator account to log in.

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2. Why the numbers from Scholars Page are different from those at WOS and Scopus?
- The Scholars Page does NOT retrieve the number of publications directly from WOS/Scopus.
- This is because the two have different mechanisms of formation.
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- The Scholars Page does NOT retrieve the number of publications directly from WOS/Scopus.
- This is because the two have different mechanisms of formation.
Computer algorithms generate the author page found in WOS/Scopus and sometimes may not correspond to the actual publication aspects.
For example, WOS separates scholars’ publications under three accounts.

For example, Scopus separates scholars’ publications under two accounts.

Number of WOS/Scopus publications in the Scholars Page:

Calculations are made based on the citation statistics of all claimed items.
If the system shows WOS/Scopus in the citation statistics of an item, no matter the number of citations is 0 or many, then it means that the item is included in WOS and Scopus, and labelled WOS and Scopus as Y.
If only WOS citations are shown, regardless of the number of citations, then the item is included by WOS and only by Scopus, labelled WOS as Y and Scopus as N;
Conversely, if only Scopus citations are shown, regardless of the number of citations, then the item was and is only indexed by Scopus, labelled Scopus as Y and WOS as N.
If both of them are displayed as not none, or the citation statistics column is not displayed on the details page of the item, then both WOS and Scopus are labelled as N.
The number of Y's for WOS in the claimed items will be displayed under WOS.
The same goes for Scopus.
Video:Q2 Research output EN.mp4(Click to close)
3. The Scholars Page does not show the citation statistics, they are shown as N. How to fix it?
Scholars Page provides citation counts for publications in both the Web of science and Scopus database. Read more →

Scholars Page provides citation counts for publications in both the Web of science and Scopus database. The citation counts for a publication will be retrieved based on the DOI. The screen captures below shows that after adding DOI, Scholars Page system will automatically retrieve the citation counts of the item in both databases. In summary, it can be seen that the correct filling of DOI is crucial for the system to determine the number of WOS/Scopus inclusions and citations.
Video: Q3 Citation statistics EN.mp4(Click to close)
4. Why no FWCI in my Research Outputs?
Scopus ID is empty, the FWCI value is retrieved based on the Scopus ID added by the scholar... Read more →
Scopus ID is empty, the FWCI value is retrieved based on the Scopus ID added by the scholar. The specific operation of adding Scopus ID is:
Enter into “My Workspace”, click “Edit Profile”, then enter your Scopus ID, it shows as follows:

The automatic retrieval and update of FWCI start at 12:15 PM every day.
For example, if you add Scopus ID at 5:00 pm, you will see the FWCI value after 12:15 PM the next day.
Where to find my Scopus ID?
Enter into https://www.scopus.com/search/form.uri?display=basic#author , enter your last name, first name and add affiliation (eg. University of Macau) in case of repetitive names.

Click on your personal page:

The Scopus ID is the “Scopus Author Identifier” indicated by the green arrow in the above picture.
The Scopus ID can also be obtained from the numbers after the "=" in the URL, as shown below:

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5. Why no Google Scholar Citation?
Google Scholar Citation value is retrieved based on the Google Author ID added by the scholar... Read more →
Google Scholar Citation value is retrieved based on the Google Author ID added by the scholar. The specific operation is as follows:
Enter into “My Workspace”, click “Edit Profile“, then enter your Google Author ID, it shows as follows:

The automatic retrieval and update of Google Scholar Citation start at 00:00 every day.
For example, if you add Google Author ID at 5:00 p.m., you will see the Google Scholar Citation value after 0:00 the next day.
Where to find my Google Author ID?
Click https://scholar.google.com/schhp?hl=en,enter your name to get into your personal page.

The Goolge Author ID is ZpARMMQAAAAJ in the URL, it shows as follows:

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6. Do all publications need to be submitted manually?
Not all publications need to be submitted manually.... Read more →
Not all publications need to be submitted manually.
If your publication is already included in the Scopus database, and the publication institution is the University of Macau, you do not need to submit these publications manually. They will be imported to the Scholars page by the Library periodically.

Otherwise, it should be considered that if the publication has been submitted by another co-author, scholars can enter the title of the publication in the search bar at the top left of the Scholars Page, and if it has already existed, scholars can simply claim it without repeating the entry.
Click the link below to view a short video on how to search and claim a record.
https://library.um.edu.mo/upload/videos/scholars_page/Search_and_Claim.mp4(Click to close)
7. When will the publication available on the Scholars Page after it has been included in the Scopus database?
The Library does incremental updates from the Scopus database once a month... Read more →
The Library does incremental updates from the Scopus database once a month. By the 15th of each month, the Library will upload publications with a publication date in the previous month into the Scholars Page. For example, if your publication has a publication date of December 2022, it will be uploaded to the Scholars Page on January 15, 2023.
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8. How should I choose the "Document Type" when submitting a publication? For example, what is the difference between "Journal article" and "Journal"?
Please refer to the following for the definitions of several confusing document types... Read more →
Please refer to the following for the definitions of several confusing document types.
1. Journal article: Research reports that are considered to be new and original that can be cited. These include research papers, brief communications, technical notes, chronologies, full papers, and case reports (in full-text form) published in journals. Articles usually include author abstracts, charts, tables, and cited references.
2. Journal: Journals dedicated to the dissemination of original research and commentary on current developments in a specific discipline, subdiscipline, or field of study (e.g., Journal of Clinical Epidemiology), usually published quarterly, bimonthly, or monthly, and sold by subscription.
3. Book chapter: Monographs or publications written on a specific topic within the main part of a book. There are two types of book chapters, the other being articles, reviews, biographies, etc., depending on the nature of the book chapter.
4. Book: Monographs or publications on a specific topic.
5. Conference paper: Full papers on a broad range of subjects that have been or will be presented at a seminar or conference. The accepted papers must have been presented in full at a conference, symposium, or similar meeting.
6. Conference proceedings: The official record of a conference. It is a collection of papers, paper or electronic, that corresponds to the keynote presentation at a conference and additional information (e.g., titles and copyright pages) that are unified into a collection or related group, and may also include other content.
7. Presentation: Presentations given at a conference, symposium, or similar meeting.
8. Conference: Conferences sponsored, at least in part, by an entity at which information is exchanged and discussed.
9. Meeting Abstract: Abstracts or extended abstracts of completed papers that have been or will be presented at a seminar or conference.
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9. How to select target collection when submitting or editing a publication record?
When selecting the target collection, if the author’s affiliation of the publication is the University of Macau, you can select... Read more →
When selecting the target collection, if the author’s affiliation of the publication is the University of Macau, you can select by your faculty or department. Publications with this option checked will be counted towards your total publications and UM publications.

If the author’s affiliation of the publication is not the University of Macau, you can check "personal research not belonging to the institute". Publications with this option checked will be counted towards your total publications only.

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10. When submitting a publication, the "publishing status" can select "Published" or "Forthcoming". What is the difference between these two statuses and how to select them?
Scholars can select the publication status according to the publication stage of the article at the time of submission... Read more →
Scholars can select the publication status according to the publication stage of the article at the time of submission.
Published: The final stage of publication.
Forthcoming: Works that are about to be published include journal articles or books that have been agreed to be published but have not yet been published. For publications with this status, scholars can change the status to "Published" through the editor after they are officially published, without re-entering all the publication's descriptive data.
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11. I have publications that I am working on or have submitted that I have not received a notification for, how do I enter them into the Scholars Page?
Works that have not yet received a formal notification from a publisher can also be submitted to the Scholar's Library and displayed on the Scholar's History... Read more →
Works that have not yet received formal notification from a publisher can also be submitted to the Scholar's Library and displayed on the Scholar's History.
For works at this stage of publication, you can select " Submit a Working Record " for submission.

Works submitted as a working record will be temporarily stored in "Unfinished Submissions" and will only be visible to scholars themselves.
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12. When submitting a publication item, a pop-up message 'An entry with the same name already exists' appears on the page, how to cope with it?
The submission page of the Scholars Page will be queried and matched with existing titles in the library according to... Read more →
The submission page of the Scholars Page will be queried and matched with existing titles in the library according to the type of publication and title selected by the scholar to minimize duplicate records. If you see a pop-up message with the same name when entering, we suggest you click the title link in the pop-up window to check the details of the item to make sure it is your publication.

If yes, you can simply claim it. If not, scholars can close the pop-up window and continue with the submission.
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13. When submitting a publication item, a pop-up message 'Please fill in the serial number corresponding to the Author Affiliation below' appears on the page, how to cope with it?
Please refer to the example below to fill in the correct author and author affiliation... Read more →
Please refer to the example below to fill in the correct author and author affiliation.

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14. Do all publications require full-text uploading?
Scholars can choose whether to upload the full text or not... Read more →
Scholars can choose whether to upload the full text or not.
The full-text version of the document is uploaded in the location shown below with no copyright dispute.
Not uploading the full text will not affect the display of the scholar's "Academic Achievement Report". Visitors can follow the DOI link to view the article.

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15. There’s no citation statistics shows on my publication, how to retrieve the citation counts?
Scholars Page provides citation counts for publications in both the Web of Science and Scopus databases... Read more →
Scholars Page provides citation counts for publications in both the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The citation counts for a publication will be grabbed based on the DOI. The figure below shows that after adding DOI, the Scholars Page system will automatically grab the citation counts of the item in both databases.

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16. There’s no journal impact factor shows on my publication, how to retrieve the value of JIF?
Scholars Page provides JCR JIF values. The JIF will be grabbed based on the title and ISSN... Read more →
Scholars Page provides JCR JIF values. The JIF will be grabbed based on the title and ISSN. This page shows the number of impact factors that will be automatically grabbed by the Scholars Page system after correcting the title and ISSN of the item.

Scholars may check the name and ISSN of a journal in JCR by visiting: https://jcr.clarivate.com/ .
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17. Why are the publications that are available in the Scholar Page not shown on my Academic Staff Portfolio System (ASPS)?
Claiming is an important step. Only claimed publications will appear on your scholars' page and ASPS... Read more →
Claiming is an important step. Only claimed publications will appear on your scholars' page and ASPS.
Click the link below to view a short video on how to do the claim.

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18. What to do if there are duplicate items on my Scholars Page personal home page?
If you have duplicate entries in your claimed list, you can go to... Read more →
If you have duplicate entries in your claimed list, you can go to: My workspace → Claim → Select the publication by ticking the check box in front of the publication title → Scroll down and click the ‘Cancel’ button.
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19. Why is the claimed record in the Scholar Page not displayed on ASPS?
1. Data synchronization between the Scholars Page and ASPS takes approximately 45 minutes. Read more →
1. Data synchronization between the Scholars Page and ASPS takes approximately 45 minutes.
2. Only publications that meet certain criteria will be captured and displayed by the ASPS system. Please check the location shown below for related guidelines.

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