Standalone Databases


Standalone Database

Mplus is a statistical modeling program that provides researchers with a flexible tool to analyze their data. Mplus offers researchers a wide choice of models, estimators, and algorithms in a program that has an easy-to-use interface and graphical displays of data and analysis results.
**To access the database, please enquire Faculty of Business Administration at by email or at 88228892 by phone.

Opera Hotel Management System and F&B Simphony System

Standalone Database

Opera Hotel Management System create a platform for growth with the right hotel property-management system and point-of-sale system to manage your hotel and food and beverage operations. Integrated Oracle Hospitality hotel solutions increase operating efficiency and enable better guest experiences for independent hotels and hotel chains.
**To access the database, please enquire Faculty of Business Administration at by email or at 88228892 by phone.

Refinitiv Workspace (formerly called Thomson Reuters Eikon with Datastream)

Standalone Database

Refinitiv Workspace (formerly called Thomson Reuters Eikon with Datastream) is a platform that includes historical stock index data, exchange rates, interest rates, warrant and commodity data, economic data, bonds, equities, ratings, company accounts, ESG data, M&A and private equity deals, news, analyst forecasts and much more.
**To access the database, please enquire at Reference Desk, G/F of the Library.

SEDONA systems

Standalone Database

SEDONA is a self-service web database application that allows members to maintain their teaching, research, service, experience, development, credentials, and assessment records. Members can create a public site automatically updated by SEDONA. Administrators may use SEDONA to automatically update school webpages, support accreditation, build rubrics to assess learning objectives, customize reports (including CVs), create database queries, web surveys, ePortfolios, evaluations, and benchmark faculty productivity using scorecards.
**To access the database, please enquire Faculty of Business Administration at by email or at 88228892 by phone.

Wind 資訊 (金融終端及經濟數據終端)




WorldScope Fundamentals

Standalone Database

Get a competitive edge when it comes to global insights and analysis. To address the complexity and inconsistencies of financial accounting practices and presentations, Worldscope Fundamentals uses uniform definitions and standardized statement organization, providing Standardized and As Reported financial statement data, calculated financial ratios, company profile information, security data, Officers and Directors, and market content for over 85,000 issuers.
**To access the database, please enquire at Reference Desk, G/F of the Library.
**It can be used by Datastream, Eikon.






此資料庫收書413種, 其中經部57種, 史部91種, 子部26種, 集部139 種。



《四庫全書》收錄圖書 3,460 多種, 約八億字, 36,000 餘册, 分為經, 史, 子, 集四部, 共四十四類, 七十屬。內容覆蓋甚廣, 包括哲學, 歷史, 文藝, 政治, 社會, 經濟, 軍事, 法律, 醫學, 天文, 地理, 算學, 生物學, 農業, 占卜等, 是研究中華五千年歷史文化的重要文獻。



此資料庫匯輯了明實錄和清實錄, 由北京大學劉俊文教授總纂。所收明實錄包括明代官修的太祖至熹宗的十三朝實錄, 以及後人補輯的崇禎朝實錄, 凡14種2923 卷; 所收清實錄包括清代官修的滿州實錄和太祖至德宗的十一朝實錄, 以及後世補纂的宣統政紀, 凡13種4433卷。


華僑報歷史資料庫只供本館內使用, 訂購年份為1937年11月20日至2015年12月31日。本校讀者可到參考諮詢櫃台登記使用。2016年至現今的華僑報, 請以個人身份, 在登記成為免費會員使用。



