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Macau : Herkunft ist Zukunft /
Title:  Macau : Herkunft ist Zukunft /
Publication Year:  2000
Call No.:  BR 1290 M28 Mac 2000
ISBN:  3805004419
創作回憶錄 /
Title:  創作回憶錄 /
Author:  巴金, 1904-2005
Publication Year:  1981
Call No.:  PL 2780 F4 Pa 1981
ISBN:  9620401166
重畫地圖 /
Title:  重畫地圖 /
Author:  也斯, 1949-2013
Publication Year:  c2012.
Call No.:  PL 2924 S7 A57 Bra 2012
ISBN:  9789996542435
古文觀止釋讀 /
Title:  古文觀止釋讀 /
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  PL 2606 Ku 2008
ISBN:  9787802341180
詩詞欣賞 /
Title:  詩詞欣賞 /
Publication Year:  2001
Call No.:  PL 2321 Shi 2001
ISBN:  9576471869
The school drama book : drama, literature and literacy in the creative classroom /
Title:  The school drama book : drama, literature and literacy in the creative classroom /
Author:  Ewing, Robyn, author
Publication Year:  2016
Call No.:  NX 280 Ewi 2016
ISBN:  9781925005349
The unfinished revolution : Sun Yat-Sen and the struggle for modern China /
Title:  The unfinished revolution : Sun Yat-Sen and the struggle for modern China /
Author:  Tjio, Kayloe, author.
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  DS 777 A597 Tji 2017
ISBN:  9814779075
澳門特別行政區總帳目及預算執行情況報告 = Conta geral da RAEM e relatorio sobre a execucao do orcamento /
Title:  澳門特別行政區總帳目及預算執行情況報告 = Conta geral da RAEM e relatorio sobre a execucao do orcamento /
Author:  澳門. 財政局
Publication Year:  2010-
Call No.:  HJ 77.65 A6 Mac
嘗試成功的學習 : 嘗試教學試驗研究 20 年 /
Title:  嘗試成功的學習 : 嘗試教學試驗研究 20 年 /
Publication Year:  2002
Call No.:  LB 1027.42 Cha 2002
ISBN:  7504122637
澳門長虹音樂會, 2010-2012.7
Title:  澳門長虹音樂會, 2010-2012.7
Author:  澳門長虹音樂會
Publication Year:  2012
Call No.:  ML 421 A6 Ao 2012
媒體資料匯編 = Press coverage collection /
Title:  媒體資料匯編 = Press coverage collection /
Author:  公共圖書館國際高峰論壇 深圳) (2009 :
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  Z 669.7 Kun 2009
No couches in Korea /
Title:  No couches in Korea /
Author:  Maher, Kevin M.onf
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  DS 922.7 Mah 2018
ISBN:  9780692674000
Contract law in Hong Kong /
Title:  Contract law in Hong Kong /
Author:  Fisher, Michael J.
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  KNQ 9320.8 Fis 2007
ISBN:  9789622098657
英文研究論文寫作 : 文法指引 = Grammar for the writing of English research papers /
Title:  英文研究論文寫作 : 文法指引 = Grammar for the writing of English research papers /
Author:  廖柏森
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  LB 2369 Lia 2007
ISBN:  9789575323189
直齋書錄解題 /
Title:  直齋書錄解題 /
Author:  陳振孫, 1211-1249
Publication Year:  1987
Call No.:  Z 3101 Che 1987
ISBN:  7532504808
知識論 /
Title:  知識論 /
Author:  Chisholm, Roderick M.
Publication Year:  1988
Call No.:  BD 161 Chi 1988
ISBN:  7108000490
Congresso internacional Bartolomeu Dias e a sua epoca : actas.
Title:  Congresso internacional Bartolomeu Dias e a sua epoca : actas.
Author:  Congresso Internacional Bartolomeu Dias e a Sua Epoca Porto) (1988 :
Publication Year:  1989
Call No.:  DP 582 Con 1988
ISBN:  9729342016
Luís de Camões: a obra e o homem /
Title:  Luís de Camões: a obra e o homem /
Author:  Cidade, Hernâni, 1887-1975
Publication Year:  1980
Call No.:  PQ 9212 Cid 1980
Social education in Asia : critical issues and multiple perspectives /
Title:  Social education in Asia : critical issues and multiple perspectives /
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  H 62.5 E18 Soc 2008
ISBN:  9781593117030
社會心理語言學 /
Title:  社會心理語言學 /
Author:  王德春
Publication Year:  1995
Call No.:  P 40 Wan 1995
ISBN:  7810099728
西方語言學流派 /
Title:  西方語言學流派 /
Author:  劉潤清
Publication Year:  1995
Call No.:  P 121 Liu 1995
ISBN:  7560008135
進化心理學 /
Title:  進化心理學 /
Author:  張雷
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  UMS0398
ISBN:  9787536135291
德國現代化新論 : 權力與自由 /
Title:  德國現代化新論 : 權力與自由 /
Author:  郭少棠
Publication Year:  1992
Call No.:  DD 175 Kuo 1992
ISBN:  9620761162
澳門刑法典, 澳門刑事訴訟法典 /
Title:  澳門刑法典, 澳門刑事訴訟法典 /
Author:  澳門. 政府
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  K M3 5015 Mac 1999
ISBN:  7300032397
澳門民事訴訟法典 /
Title:  澳門民事訴訟法典 /
Author:  澳門. 政府
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  K M3 2205.4 Mac 1999
ISBN:  7300033261
澳門文獻信息服務研究 /
Title:  澳門文獻信息服務研究 /
Author:  楊開荊
Publication Year:  2015
Call No.:  ZA 3060 Yan 2015
ISBN:  9789996521140
汪兆鏞居澳交往研究 /
Title:  汪兆鏞居澳交往研究 /
Author:  丁楠
Publication Year:  2015
Call No.:  PL 2732 A35 Z5 Tin 2015
ISBN:  9789996521126
銘記歷史珍愛和平 : 紀念中國人民抗日戰爭暨世界反法西斯戰爭勝利七十周年 /
Title:  銘記歷史珍愛和平 : 紀念中國人民抗日戰爭暨世界反法西斯戰爭勝利七十周年 /
Publication Year:  2015
Call No.:  DS 777.5313 Min 2015
ISBN:  9789628839513
粤澳合作新機遇 : 澳門與廣東大廣海灣經濟區合作 /
Title:  粤澳合作新機遇 : 澳門與廣東大廣海灣經濟區合作 /
Author:  柳智毅, 1975-
Publication Year:  2016
Call No.:  HC 430.35 Liu 2016
ISBN:  9789996589171
就業政策與權益保障 = Employment policy and labor rights protection /
Title:  就業政策與權益保障 = Employment policy and labor rights protection /
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  HD 5811.85 A6 Chi 1999
ISBN:  9628557912