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Novos estudos sobre direito da responsabilidade civil extracontratual das entidades públicas por facto da função administrativa /
Title:  Novos estudos sobre direito da responsabilidade civil extracontratual das entidades públicas por facto da função administrativa /
Author:  Gomes, Carla Amado, author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  KKQ 2840 Gom 2019
ISBN:  9726292700
Dano à ecodiversidade e responsabilidade ambiental /
Title:  Dano à ecodiversidade e responsabilidade ambiental /
Author:  Silveira, Paula de Castro, author.
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  K 3585 Sil 2019
ISBN:  9726852773
Arbitragem administrativa : uma proposta /
Title:  Arbitragem administrativa : uma proposta /
Author:  Carvalho, Ana Celeste, author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  KKQ 2764 Car 2019
ISBN:  9724081125
Direito do urbanismo e do ambiente /
Title:  Direito do urbanismo e do ambiente /
Author:  Condesso, Fernando dos Reis, autor.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  KKQ 3062 Con 2020
ISBN:  9724083837
A justiça administrativa : lições /
Title:  A justiça administrativa : lições /
Author:  Andrade, José Carlos Vieira de, autor.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  KKQ 1572 And 2020
ISBN:  9724089592
デ·サンデ天正遣欧使節記 /
Title:  デ·サンデ天正遣欧使節記 /
Author:  Sande, Duarte de, 1531-1600.
Publication Year:  昭和44 [1969].
Call No.:  D 913 San 1969
ISBN:  4841910026
Eastern and Western synergies and imaginations : texts and histories /
Title:  Eastern and Western synergies and imaginations : texts and histories /
Publication Year:  [2021]
Call No.:  PN 56 G55 Eas 2021
ISBN:  9004437401
Eastern and Western synergies and imaginations : texts and histories /
Title:  Eastern and Western synergies and imaginations : texts and histories /
Publication Year:  [2021]
Call No.:  PN 56 G55 Eas 2021
ISBN:  9004437401
Academic freedom under siege : higher education in East Asia, the U.S. and Australia /
Title:  Academic freedom under siege : higher education in East Asia, the U.S. and Australia /
Publication Year:  [2020]
Call No.:  LC 72.5 E18 Aca 2020
ISBN:  9783030491185
Academic freedom under siege : higher education in East Asia, the U.S. and Australia /
Title:  Academic freedom under siege : higher education in East Asia, the U.S. and Australia /
Publication Year:  [2020]
Call No.:  LC 72.5 E18 Aca 2020
ISBN:  9783030491185
Problemas de português com soluções /
Title:  Problemas de português com soluções /
Author:  Rebelo, Helena, autor.
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  PC 5083 Reb 2017
ISBN:  989996381X
Lugares e palavras de Lisboa /
Title:  Lugares e palavras de Lisboa /
Author:  Santos, Alice, autor.
Publication Year:  2015
Call No.:  PQ 9135 San 2015
ISBN:  9897310681
O Marinheiro de Fernando Pessoa : heranças clássicas no drama estático /
Title:  O Marinheiro de Fernando Pessoa : heranças clássicas no drama estático /
Author:  Bechara, Thiago Sogayar, autor.
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  PQ 9261 P417 Bec 2018
ISBN:  9896898006
A menina dos anos /
Title:  A menina dos anos /
Author:  村上春樹, 1949- autor.
Publication Year:  outubro 2020.
Call No.:  PL 856 U673 Bas 2020
ISBN:  9896609179
Um rei e três imperadores : Portugal, China e Macau no tempo de D. João V = One king and three emperors : Portugal, China and Macau in the time of King João V /
Mulheres da minha alma : sobre o amor impaciente, a vida longa e as bruxas boas /
Title:  Mulheres da minha alma : sobre o amor impaciente, a vida longa e as bruxas boas /
Author:  Allende, Isabel, autor.
Publication Year:  Reimpresso novembro 2020.
Call No.:  PQ 8098.1 L54 Muj 2020
ISBN:  9720033800
O gato preto e outros contos /
Title:  O gato preto e outros contos /
Author:  Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849, autor.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PS 525 P6 Poe 2020
ISBN:  9720033096
澳門上架行會館圖誌 /
Title:  澳門上架行會館圖誌 /
Publication Year:  2016
Call No.:  HD 8039 C32 M3 Ao 2016
ISBN:  9996566013
澳門上架行會館圖誌 /
Title:  澳門上架行會館圖誌 /
Publication Year:  2016
Call No.:  HD 8039 C32 M3 Ao 2016
ISBN:  9996566013
藝術沒有告訴你的事: 觀演評論101 /
Title:  藝術沒有告訴你的事: 觀演評論101 /
Author:  張少鵬, author
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  NX 65 Cha 2018
ISBN:  9996535924
彳亍黑夜間 /
Title:  彳亍黑夜間 /
Author:  幽子, author
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  PL 2973 T98 A6 Chi 2018
ISBN:  9996535932
彳亍黑夜間 /
Title:  彳亍黑夜間 /
Author:  幽子, author
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  PL 2973 T98 A6 Chi 2018
ISBN:  9996535932
甲子記憶 : 新橋坊會60年發展歷程 /
Title:  甲子記憶 : 新橋坊會60年發展歷程 /
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  HT 147 M3 Chi 2018
ISBN:  9789996535918
通商字彙 = A commercial vocabulary, containing Chinese words and phrases /
Title:  通商字彙 = A commercial vocabulary, containing Chinese words and phrases /
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  PL 1128 Tun 2018
ISBN:  7218123279
通商字彙 = A commercial vocabulary, containing Chinese words and phrases /
Title:  通商字彙 = A commercial vocabulary, containing Chinese words and phrases /
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  PL 1128 Tun 2018
ISBN:  7218123279
澳门学研究著作书目 (1500-1999) = Bibliography of the Macaology (1500-1999) = Aomenxue yanjiu zhuzuo shumu (1500-1999) /
Title:  澳门学研究著作书目 (1500-1999) = Bibliography of the Macaology (1500-1999) = Aomenxue yanjiu zhuzuo shumu (1500-1999) /
Author:  叶农, author.
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  Z 3107 M3 Yeh 2018
ISBN:  7218123295
澳門高等教育研究 (1999-2019) /
Title:  澳門高等教育研究 (1999-2019) /
Author:  龐川, author
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  LA 1134 M3 Pan 2019
ISBN:  9998136148
情繫新橋坊 : 澳門新橋口述歷史 /
Title:  情繫新橋坊 : 澳門新橋口述歷史 /
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  DS 796 M337 H75 Chi 2019
ISBN:  9998136172
藍星人 /
Title:  藍星人 /
Author:  黃鴻虹, author
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  PZ 10.831 H837 Lan 2019
ISBN:  9998136520
夢想起航 : 澳門青年在大灣區成功創業勵志案例 /
Title:  夢想起航 : 澳門青年在大灣區成功創業勵志案例 /
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  HD 62.5 Men 2020
ISBN:  9998136903