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紙雕立體卡片 /
Title:  紙雕立體卡片 /
Author:  鄒紀萬.
Publication Year:  1995
Call No.:  TT 870 Tso 1995
ISBN:  9789576920295
Mechanics of materials /
Title:  Mechanics of materials /
Publication Year:  c2012.
Call No.:  TA 405 Mec 2012
ISBN:  0073380288
Com as mãos : 24 artistas moçambicanos /
Title:  Com as mãos : 24 artistas moçambicanos /
Publication Year:  [2010]
Call No.:  TR 820.5 Com 2010
ISBN:  9893100054
澳門居民互聯網使用趨勢報告 2019 = Internet usage trends in Macao 2019 /
Title:  澳門居民互聯網使用趨勢報告 2019 = Internet usage trends in Macao 2019 /
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  TK 5105.875 I57 Ao 2019
ISBN:  9789996585227
Modern railway engineering consultation : methods and practices /
Title:  Modern railway engineering consultation : methods and practices /
Author:  Zhu, Ying, 1963- author
Publication Year:  [2018]
Call No.:  TF 146 Zhu 2018
ISBN:  9789813238879
Cooling energy solutions for buildings and cities /
Title:  Cooling energy solutions for buildings and cities /
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  TJ 163.5 B84 Coo 2019
ISBN:  9789813236967
A concise manual of engineering thermodynamics /
Title:  A concise manual of engineering thermodynamics /
Author:  Radulescu, Liviu F., author
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  TJ 265 Rad 2019
ISBN:  9789813270848
Bioinspired chemistry : from enzymes to synthetic models /
Title:  Bioinspired chemistry : from enzymes to synthetic models /
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  TP 155.2 E58 Bio 2019
ISBN:  9789813274433
Modern battery engineering : a comprehensive introduction /
Title:  Modern battery engineering : a comprehensive introduction /
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  TK 2896 Mod 2019
ISBN:  9789813272156
Size really does matter : the nanotechnology revolution /
Title:  Size really does matter : the nanotechnology revolution /
Author:  Durkan, Colm, author
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  T 174.7 Dur 2019
ISBN:  1786346613
Facilities planning and design : an introduction for facility planners, facility project managers and facility managers /
Title:  Facilities planning and design : an introduction for facility planners, facility project managers and facility managers /
Author:  Lian, Jonathan, author
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  TS 177 Lia 2019
ISBN:  9813278811
Carbon materials : science and applications /
Title:  Carbon materials : science and applications /
Author:  Chung, Deborah D. L., author
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  TA 418.9 C6 Chu 2019
ISBN:  9789811200939
Economic principles for the hospitality industry /
Title:  Economic principles for the hospitality industry /
Author:  Siu, Ricardo Chi Sen, author
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  TX 907 Siu 2020
ISBN:  9781138090651
The Routledge handbook of gastronomic tourism /
Title:  The Routledge handbook of gastronomic tourism /
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  TX 631 Rou 2019
ISBN:  9781138551558
Lonely Planet's global coffee tour : a taster's guide to the world's best coffee experiences /
Title:  Lonely Planet's global coffee tour : a taster's guide to the world's best coffee experiences /
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  TX 415 Lon 2018
ISBN:  9781787013599
Global distillery tour.
Title:  Global distillery tour.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  TP 590.5 Glo 2019
ISBN:  9781788682312
The Goldilocks policy : the basis for a grand energy bargain /
Title:  The Goldilocks policy : the basis for a grand energy bargain /
Author:  Fanchi, John R., author
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  TJ 808 Fan 2019
ISBN:  9789813277441
Handbook of digital enterprise systems : digital twins, simulation and AI /
Title:  Handbook of digital enterprise systems : digital twins, simulation and AI /
Author:  Kühn, Wolfgang, author
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  T 58.6 Kuh 2019
ISBN:  9789811200731
The water footprint of modern consumer society /
Title:  The water footprint of modern consumer society /
Author:  Hoekstra, Arjen Y., 1967- author
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  TD 345 Hoe 2020
ISBN:  9781138354784
Theory of sampling and sampling practice /
Title:  Theory of sampling and sampling practice /
Author:  Pitard, Francis F., author
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  TN 560 Pit 2019
ISBN:  9781138476486
自由自造 / c 戴爾.道弗帝與亞麗安.康拉德著 ; 張家綺譯 = Free to make / Dale Dougherty with Ariane Conrad.
Title:  自由自造 / c 戴爾.道弗帝與亞麗安.康拉德著 ; 張家綺譯 = Free to make / Dale Dougherty with Ariane Conrad.
Author:  Dougherty, Dale, author.
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  TS 171.57 Dou 2018
ISBN:  9864774441
圖解 RPA 機器人流程自動化入門 /
Title:  圖解 RPA 機器人流程自動化入門 /
Author:  西村泰洋
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  TJ 211.35 Nis 2019
ISBN:  9789862357590
数字电子技术基础 /
Title:  数字电子技术基础 /
Publication Year:  2016
Call No.:  TK 7868 D5 Shu 2016
ISBN:  7040444933
創意巧飾 /
Title:  創意巧飾 /
Author:  三采文化出版事業有限公司
Publication Year:  2002
Call No.:  TT 870 San 2002
ISBN:  9789572002445
AI极简经济学 /
Title:  AI极简经济学 /
Author:  Agrawal, Ajay, author.
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  TA 347 A78 Agr 2018
ISBN:  7535799647
Engineering and the mind's eye /
Title:  Engineering and the mind's eye /
Author:  Ferguson, Eugene S.
Publication Year:  ©1993.
Call No.:  TA 145 Fer 1993
ISBN:  9780262061476
Material science : "pocket refesher" /
Title:  Material science : "pocket refesher" /
Author:  Bhardwaj, R.
Publication Year:  [199-]
Call No.:  TA 403.4 Bha 1990
ISBN:  9788173170300
Why things break : understanding the world by the way it comes apart /
Title:  Why things break : understanding the world by the way it comes apart /
Author:  Eberhart, Mark E.
Publication Year:  ©2003.
Call No.:  TA 409 Ebe 2003
ISBN:  9781400047604
An engineer imagines /
Title:  An engineer imagines /
Author:  Rice, Peter, 1935-1992.
Publication Year:  1996
Call No.:  TA 140 R49 Eng 1996
ISBN:  1899858113