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Em torno das ideias politicas de Camoes : seguido de Camoes panfletario (Camoes e Dom Sebastiao) /
Title:  Em torno das ideias politicas de Camoes : seguido de Camoes panfletario (Camoes e Dom Sebastiao) /
Author:  Sergio, Antonio, 1883-1969
Publication Year:  [1977].
Call No.:  Unknown
Peregrinação e outras obras /
Title:  Peregrinação e outras obras /
Author:  Pinto, Fernão Mendes, 1509?-1583, autor.
Publication Year:  1961-1974.
Call No.:  Unknown
中国刀剑 = Iron and steel swords of China /
Title:  中国刀剑 = Iron and steel swords of China /
Author:  皇甫江.
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  U 856 C5 Hua 2007
ISBN:  7533253582
关于调查潜在非法明死亡的明尼苏逹规程 (2016) : 联合国有效防止和调查法外处决、任意处决和即决处决事件手册修订本 /
水明楼续集 /
Title:  水明楼续集 /
Author:  邱世友.
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  7306029029
The Third World War : August 1985 /
Title:  The Third World War : August 1985 /
Publication Year:  1979
Call No.:  U 313 Thi 1979
ISBN:  9780722141854
祥和之城 : 第一屆感受 "人文澳門" 採風文集 = The city of auspiciousness and serenity : literary works collection of the first cultural tour of experiencing "Macao of humanities" /
中国执业药师发展报告 /
Title:  中国执业药师发展报告 /
Publication Year:  2013
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  9787506788694
警务工作评估系统回顾研究 = Policing : a systematic review of intervention programs /
Title:  警务工作评估系统回顾研究 = Policing : a systematic review of intervention programs /
Publication Year:  2016
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  7010164622
中国吸毒违法行为的预防及矫治 = Drug abuse, prevention and treatment in China /
Title:  中国吸毒违法行为的预防及矫治 = Drug abuse, prevention and treatment in China /
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  7010121133
我国村民自治硏究 /
Title:  我国村民自治硏究 /
Author:  王禹, 1974-
Publication Year:  2004
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  9787301074640
論憲法在特別行政區的適用 /
Title:  論憲法在特別行政區的適用 /
Author:  王禹, 1974- author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  9996575926
An overview of urban and regional planning /
Title:  An overview of urban and regional planning /
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  1789848342
Gilded age /
Title:  Gilded age /
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  1760461989
China today : an encyclopedia of life in the People's Republic /
Title:  China today : an encyclopedia of life in the People's Republic /
Publication Year:  2005
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  0313321701
親屬法教程 /
Title:  親屬法教程 /
Author:  Coelho, Francisco Manuel Pereira, 1925-
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  9787519732004
澳門民事訴訟法典 : 註釋與評論 /
Title:  澳門民事訴訟法典 : 註釋與評論 /
Author:  Pires, Cândida da Silva Antunes
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  9789996541636
蔡繼有書院五周年相冊集 : 澳門隱秘之美 = Choi Kai Yau College 5th anniversary photo book : the hidden beauty of Macau.
澳門科技發展基金新建物聯網國家重點實驗室初評 : 會議手冊.
Title:  澳門科技發展基金新建物聯網國家重點實驗室初評 : 會議手冊.
Author:  澳門科技發展基金新建物聯網國家重點實驗室初評 澳門) (2017 :
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  Unknown
總結"一國兩制"成功實踐經驗, 積極主動融入國家發展大局 : (學術研討會論文集) /
Title:  總結"一國兩制"成功實踐經驗, 積極主動融入國家發展大局 : (學術研討會論文集) /
Author:  總結"一國兩制"成功實踐經驗, 積極主動融入國家發展大局學術研討會 澳門理工學院) (2019 :
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  Unknown
ISBN:  999652213X
Studies in British military thought : debates with Fuller and Liddell Hart /
Title:  Studies in British military thought : debates with Fuller and Liddell Hart /
Author:  Reid, Brian Holden.
Publication Year:  c1998.
Call No.:  U 102 Rei 1998
ISBN:  0803239270
Military misfortunes : the anatomy of failure in war /
Title:  Military misfortunes : the anatomy of failure in war /
Author:  Cohen, Eliot A.
Publication Year:  1991
Call No.:  U 42 Coh 1991
ISBN:  9780679732969
The military experience in the age of reason /
Title:  The military experience in the age of reason /
Author:  Duffy, Christopher, 1936-
Publication Year:  1998
Call No.:  U 39 Duf 1998
ISBN:  9781853266904
The generalship of Alexander the Great /
Title:  The generalship of Alexander the Great /
Author:  Fuller, J. F. C. 1878-1966. (John Frederick Charles),
Publication Year:  1998
Call No.:  U 55 A45 Ful 1998
ISBN:  1853266957
Warrior's dishonour : barbarity, morality and torture in modern warfare /
Title:  Warrior's dishonour : barbarity, morality and torture in modern warfare /
Publication Year:  c2006.
Call No.:  U 22.3 War 2006
ISBN:  9780754647997
澳門 PISA 2018 研究計劃報告 : 從國際比較的觀點評核 15 歲學生的閱讀, 數學和科學素養表現 /