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Main > All > Category : Medicine
Title: Direito das obrigacoes |
Publication Year: 1979 |
Call No.: RBK1970-00027 |
Title: 過去的工作 / |
Author: 周作人, 1885-1967 |
Publication Year: 1973 |
Call No.: RMK1387 |
Title: A history of western philosophy / |
Author: Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970 |
Publication Year: [1967?], c1945. |
Call No.: RBK1960-00070 |
ISBN: 0671201581 |
Title: Documenta indica / |
Publication Year: 1948- |
Call No.: RBK1970-00064 |
ISBN: 8870411230 |
Title: The thematic apperception test : the theory and technique of interpretation / |
Author: Tomkins, Silvan S. 1911-1991 (Silvan Solomon), |
Publication Year: c1947 |
Call No.: RBK1970-00098 |
ISBN: 0808905066 |
Title: 曹子建詩註 / |
Author: 曹植, 192-232 |
Publication Year: 1973 |
Call No.: RBK1950-C00220 |
Title: The violent land / |
Author: Amado, Jorge, 1912-2001 |
Publication Year: 1945 |
Call No.: RBK1970-00160 |
Title: 萬木春 / |
Author: 長爭, 1931- |
Publication Year: 1976 |
Call No.: RMK1887 |
Title: 中國話劇運動五十年史料集 / |
Publication Year: 1958 |
Call No.: RBK1950-C00494 |
Title: Industrial society in Communist China : a firsthand study of Chinese economic development and management, with significant comparisons with industry in India, the U.S.S.R., Japan, and the United States / |
Author: Richman, Barry M., author |
Publication Year: 1972 |
Call No.: RMK |
ISBN: 9780394717333 |
Title: 康有為評傳 / |
Author: 沈雲龍 |
Publication Year: 1978 |
Call No.: RMK |
Title: 紅樓夢研究書目 : (初稿) / |
Author: 那宗訓 |
Publication Year: 1979 |
Call No.: RBK1970-00018 |
Title: Longfellow : poetical works. |
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882 |
Publication Year: 1904 |
Call No.: RBK1970-00036 |
Title: 蔣百里評傳 / |
Author: 曹聚仁, 1900-1972. |
Publication Year: 1963 |
Call No.: RMK1765 |
Title: 菩提漫論 / |
Author: 釋竺摩 |
Publication Year: 1954 |
Call No.: RMK |
Title: Political power and social classes / |
Author: Poulantzas, Nicos |
Publication Year: 1978 |
Call No.: RBK1970-00055 |
ISBN: 0860917053 |
Title: Design and planning of engineering systems / |
Publication Year: c1973. |
Call No.: RBK1970-00078 |
ISBN: 0132001969 |
Title: A colour guide to Hong Kong birds / |
Author: Viney, Clive, author |
Publication Year: [1977?] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00054 |
Title: The fugu plan : the untold story of the Japanese and the Jews during World War II / |
Author: Tokayer, Marvin, 1936- |
Publication Year: 1979 |
Call No.: RBK1970-00065 |
ISBN: 0709207751 |
Title: Of this time, of that place, and other stories / |
Author: Trilling, Lionel, 1905-1975. |
Publication Year: c1979. |
Call No.: RBK1970-00179 |
ISBN: 015168054X |
Title: Psycholinguistics and reading / |
Publication Year: [1973] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00085 |
ISBN: 0030914515 |
Title: A glossary of Chinese snuff bottle rebus : re-discovering the hidden internal beauty in snuff bottles / |
Author: Li, Raymond |
Publication Year: c1976. |
Call No.: RBK1970-00108 |
Title: A primer for policy analysis / |
Author: Stokey, Edith |
Publication Year: c1978. |
Call No.: RBK1970-00136 |
ISBN: 0393090981 |
Title: Requirements for the irradiation of food on a commercial scale : proceedings ... / |
Author: Panel on the Commercialization of Irradiated Food Items Accepted for Human Consumption Vienna) (1974 : |
Publication Year: 1975 |
Call No.: RBK1970-00074 |
ISBN: 9201112750 |
Title: 詩詞格律十講 / |
Author: 王力, 1900-1986 |
Publication Year: [1959?] |
Call No.: RBK1950-C00213 |
Title: 中國民族史 / |
Author: 羅香林, 1905-1978 |
Publication Year: 1966 |
Call No.: RMK |
Title: 古代南洋史地叢考 / |
Publication Year: 1958 |
Call No.: RBK1950-C00229 |
Title: Dicionario Chines-Portugues = 中葡字典 / |
Publication Year: 1962 |
Call No.: RMK1595 |
Title: La première ambassade du Japon en Europe : 1582-1592 : première partie : le traité du Père Frois / |
Author: Fróis, Luís, 1532-1597, auteur. |
Publication Year: 1942 |
Call No.: RMK |
Title: Conquista espiritual do Oriente em que se dá relação de algumas cousas mais notáveis que fizeram os Frades Menores da Santa Província de S. Tomé da Ińdia Oriental em a pregação da fé e conversão dos infiéis, em mais de trinta reinos, do Cabo de Boa Espera |
Author: Trindade, Paulo da, O.F.M., 1570-1651. |
Publication Year: 1962-1967. |
Call No.: RMK |