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Main > All > Category : Medicine
Title: The double witness : poems, 1970-1976 / by Ben Belitt. |
Author: Belitt, Ben. |
Call No.: RBK1970-05385 |
ISBN: 0691013411 |
Title: A history of economic thought / |
Author: Barber, William J., author |
Publication Year: 1967 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05244 |
ISBN: 9780140208900 |
Title: Faca o seu proprio exame medico / |
Author: Moreno, Jose M. |
Publication Year: [1976]. |
Call No.: RBK1970-05319 |
Title: Presuppositions of human communication / |
Publication Year: 1974 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05188 |
Title: English for the office / |
Author: Little, Peter. |
Publication Year: 1969 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05111 |
ISBN: 9780582422001 |
Title: Oral English : for Hong Kong school certificate / |
Author: Gordon, Ian |
Publication Year: 1979, ©1967. |
Call No.: RBK1970-05355 |
Title: Problemas numericos de tecnologia mecanica : Cursos de serralheiro e de electromecanica / |
Author: Silva, Fernando M. Ferreira da |
Publication Year: [1970?]. |
Call No.: RBK1970-05227 |
Title: Fog and other stories / |
Author: Lowe, Bill |
Publication Year: 1979 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05411 |
ISBN: 0195811690 |
Title: The reform movement of 1898 / |
Publication Year: 1976 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05236 |
Title: Reich / |
Author: Rycroft, Charles |
Publication Year: 1971 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05333 |
ISBN: 0006326188 |
Title: Contributos para a definição de uma política de emprego / |
Author: Soares, Maria Cândida, autor |
Publication Year: 1979 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05380 |
Title: The private government of public money : community and policy inside British politics / |
Author: Heclo, Hugh. |
Publication Year: 1974 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05191 |
ISBN: 9780333145005 |
Title: Econometric models, Techniques, and Applications / |
Author: Intriligator Michael D. |
Publication Year: 1978 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05186 |
ISBN: 9780876921531 |
Title: Men and machines / |
Author: Murrell, Hywel |
Publication Year: 1976 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05302 |
ISBN: 0416823106 |
Title: Interpersonal and group behaviour / |
Publication Year: 1975 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05336 |
ISBN: 9780416827507 |
Title: Progress and disillusion : the dialectics of modern society / |
Author: Aron, Raymond, 1905-1983 |
Publication Year: 1972 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05247 |
ISBN: 9780140214055 |
Title: The Indian economy : poverty and development / |
Author: Chaudhuri, Pramit. |
Publication Year: ©1979. |
Call No.: RBK1970-05405 |
ISBN: 9780258969113 |
Title: The Mother tongue and other languages in education : the second of two volumes of papers from working parties for the first assembly, Durham, 1978 / |
Publication Year: 1979 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05126 |
ISBN: 9780903466233 |
Title: Rail movement of fruit in Queensland : a study of patterns and trends in the transport of a perishable commodity / |
Author: Freeman, Donald B. |
Publication Year: [1971] |
Call No.: RBK1970-05195 |
ISBN: 9780702206160 |
Title: Health and development / |
Author: Cahill, Kevin M. |
Publication Year: ©1976. |
Call No.: RBK1970-05147 |
ISBN: 9780883441787 |
Title: America's receding future : the collision of creed and reality / |
Author: Segal, Ronald, 1932-2008. |
Publication Year: 1970 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05249 |
ISBN: 9780140212686 |
Title: Astride the equator : an account of the Gilbert Islands / |
Author: Sabatier, Ernest |
Publication Year: 1977 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05190 |
ISBN: 0195505182 |
Title: The great crash, 1929 / |
Author: Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1908-2006. |
Publication Year: 1979 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05210 |
ISBN: 9780395139356 |
Title: Shut down : nuclear power on trial / |
Publication Year: ©1979. |
Call No.: RBK1970-04630 |
ISBN: 9780913990216 |
Title: John Locke's political philosophy: eight studies/ |
Author: Gough, J. W. (John Wiedhofft) |
Publication Year: 1973 |
Call No.: RBK1970-04974 |
ISBN: 0198271905 |
Title: Nationalized industries / |
Author: Reid, Graham L. |
Publication Year: 1970 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05253 |
ISBN: 014080160X |
Title: English for business students / |
Author: Pincott, Millie. |
Publication Year: 1978, ©1973. |
Call No.: RBK1970-05117 |
ISBN: 9780582410336 |
Title: Soviet foreign policy since the death of Stalin / |
Author: Hanak, Harry. |
Publication Year: 1972 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05427 |
ISBN: 0710072155 |
Title: Japanese patterns of behavior / |
Author: Lebra, Takie Sugiyama, 1930- author. |
Publication Year: [1976]. |
Call No.: RBK1970-05128 |
ISBN: 9780824803964 |
Title: Seize the day / |
Author: Bellow, Saul (1915-2005). |
Publication Year: 1977 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05251 |
ISBN: 9780140024951 |