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Novos estudos sobre direito da responsabilidade civil extracontratual das entidades públicas por facto da função administrativa /
Title:  Novos estudos sobre direito da responsabilidade civil extracontratual das entidades públicas por facto da função administrativa /
Author:  Gomes, Carla Amado, author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  KKQ 2840 Gom 2019
ISBN:  9726292700
Dano à ecodiversidade e responsabilidade ambiental /
Title:  Dano à ecodiversidade e responsabilidade ambiental /
Author:  Silveira, Paula de Castro, author.
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  K 3585 Sil 2019
ISBN:  9726852773
Arbitragem administrativa : uma proposta /
Title:  Arbitragem administrativa : uma proposta /
Author:  Carvalho, Ana Celeste, author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  KKQ 2764 Car 2019
ISBN:  9724081125
Direito do urbanismo e do ambiente /
Title:  Direito do urbanismo e do ambiente /
Author:  Condesso, Fernando dos Reis, autor.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  KKQ 3062 Con 2020
ISBN:  9724083837
A justiça administrativa : lições /
Title:  A justiça administrativa : lições /
Author:  Andrade, José Carlos Vieira de, autor.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  KKQ 1572 And 2020
ISBN:  9724089592
Macau gaming law : annotated with comments /
Title:  Macau gaming law : annotated with comments /
Author:  Vilela, Antonio Lobo, author
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  K M3 3704 Vil 2020
ISBN:  9998181615
Macau gaming law : annotated with comments /
Title:  Macau gaming law : annotated with comments /
Author:  Vilela, Antonio Lobo, author
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  K M3 3704 Vil 2020
ISBN:  9998181615
Direito constitucional e administrativo do ambiente /
Title:  Direito constitucional e administrativo do ambiente /
Author:  Dias, José Eduardo de Oliveira Figueiredo, author.
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  KKQ 3217 Dia 2007
ISBN:  9724033295
國際經濟法 /
Title:  國際經濟法 /
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  K 3820 Kuo 2008
ISBN:  9787562032687
司法見解 : 澳門高等法院 /
Title:  司法見解 : 澳門高等法院 /
Publication Year:  1996?-
Call No.:  K M3 528 Ssu
刑事法前沿問題探究 : 高銘暄教授, 王作富教授 90 華誕祝賀文集 = Researches into frontier issues of criminal law : collection of papers for 90th birthday of professor Gao Mingxuan and professor Wang Zuofu /
论海洋自由或荷兰参与东印度贸易的权利 /
Title:  论海洋自由或荷兰参与东印度贸易的权利 /
Author:  Grotius, Hugo, 1583-1645, author
Publication Year:  2005
Call No.:  KZA 1348 Gro 2005
ISBN:  9787208057487
The substantive law of the EU : the four freedoms /
Title:  The substantive law of the EU : the four freedoms /
Author:  Barnard, Catherine, author.
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  KJE 5170 Bar 2019
ISBN:  9780198830894
隋彭生 : 律師民法業務思維.
Title:  隋彭生 : 律師民法業務思維.
Author:  隋彭生
Publication Year:  2015
Call No.:  KNQ 500 Sui 2015
ISBN:  9787562059424
Innovation and the transformation of consumer law : national and international perspectives /
Title:  Innovation and the transformation of consumer law : national and international perspectives /
Publication Year:  [2020]
Call No.:  K 3842 Inn 2020
ISBN:  9789811589478
跨域法政研究 = Cross-domain law and politics research /
Title:  跨域法政研究 = Cross-domain law and politics research /
Publication Year:  2019-
Call No.:  K 11 Kua
澳門基本法解讀 /
Title:  澳門基本法解讀 /
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  K M3 3165 Ao 2020
ISBN:  9789996522291