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華彩 : 粤華中學學生作品集.
Title:  華彩 : 粤華中學學生作品集.
Publication Year:  2010-
Call No.:  PL 2515.5 Y68 Hua
華彩 : 粤華中學學生作品集.
Title:  華彩 : 粤華中學學生作品集.
Publication Year:  2010-
Call No.:  PL 2515.5 Y68 Hua
二十世紀中國文學史 /
Title:  二十世紀中國文學史 /
Publication Year:  1997
Call No.:  PL 2302
ISBN:  7532914682
欧洲中国古典文学研究名家十年文选 /
Title:  欧洲中国古典文学研究名家十年文选 /
Publication Year:  1998
Call No.:  PL 2272.5
ISBN:  9787214023193
Jean Renoir, the French films, 1924-1939 /
Title:  Jean Renoir, the French films, 1924-1939 /
Author:  Sesonske, Alexander.
Publication Year:  1980
Call No.:  PN 1998.3 R46 Ses 1980
ISBN:  9780674473553
Poesia e drama : Bernardim Ribeiro, Gil Vicente, cantigas de amigo /
Title:  Poesia e drama : Bernardim Ribeiro, Gil Vicente, cantigas de amigo /
Author:  Saraiva, António José, autor.
Publication Year:  [1996]
Call No.:  PQ 9014 Sar 1996
ISBN:  9789726624776
Image, music, text /
Title:  Image, music, text /
Author:  Barthes, Roland, 1915-1980
Publication Year:  1977
Call No.:  PN 37 Bar 1977
ISBN:  0374521360
文化傳遞與文學形象 /
Title:  文化傳遞與文學形象 /
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  PN 879 C5
ISBN:  7301037309
漢語基本知識 /
Title:  漢語基本知識 /
Author:  卉君.
Publication Year:  1977
Call No.:  PL 1071 Han 1977
ISBN:  9789620740084
废都 /
Title:  废都 /
Author:  贾平凹, 1952-
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  PL 2843 P5 Fei 2009
ISBN:  7506347342
中文回歸集 /
Title:  中文回歸集 /
Author:  程祥徽, 1934- author
Publication Year:  2000
Call No.:  PL 1071 Che 2000
ISBN:  9789622382824
Mercadores do ópio : Macau no tempo de Quianlong /
Title:  Mercadores do ópio : Macau no tempo de Quianlong /
Author:  Carmo, Maria Helena do, autor.
Publication Year:  2012
Call No.:  PQ 9262 C3766 Mer 2012
ISBN:  9898616008
犁青詩路探索 /
Title:  犁青詩路探索 /
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  PL 2877 C56
ISBN:  7506339242
Falar português : subsídio para a história do ensino e da difusão da língua portuguesa em Macau (1960-1968) /
Title:  Falar português : subsídio para a história do ensino e da difusão da língua portuguesa em Macau (1960-1968) /
Author:  Aresta, António, autor.
Publication Year:  1997
Call No.:  PC 5038 M3 Are 1997
ISBN:  9789728295134
二拍選評 /
Title:  二拍選評 /
Publication Year:  2006
Call No.:  PL 2698 L55 Erh 2006
ISBN:  9789620425820
Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone /
Title:  Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone /
Publication Year:  [2011]
Call No.:  PN 1995.9 A3 Har 2011
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix /
Title:  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix /
Publication Year:  [2011]
Call No.:  PN 1995.9 A3 Har 2011
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince /
Title:  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince /
Publication Year:  2011
Call No.:  PN 1995.9 A3 Har 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. 哈利波特死神的聖物 /
Title:  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. 哈利波特死神的聖物 /
Publication Year:  [2011]
Call No.:  PN 1995.9 A3 Har 2011
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows.
Title:  Harry Potter and the deathly hallows.
Publication Year:  [2011]
Call No.:  PN 1995.9 A3 Har 2011
Cantonese nivel 1 = 第一級廣東話 /
Title:  Cantonese nivel 1 = 第一級廣東話 /
Author:  Televisao Educativa de Macau (TVEM)
Publication Year:  [199-?].
Call No.:  PL 1065 Tel3
The pronunciation of English in the Atlantic States : based upon the collections of the linguistic atlas of the Eastern United States /
Title:  The pronunciation of English in the Atlantic States : based upon the collections of the linguistic atlas of the Eastern United States /
Author:  Kurath, Hans, 1891-
Publication Year:  [1961],
Call No.:  PE 2802 Kur 1961
ISBN:  0817301291
Title:  小詩磨坊.
Publication Year:  2012
Call No.:  PL 3119 T53 Hsi 2012
ISBN:  9743896686
翻譯研究的功能途徑 = Functional approaches to translation studies /
Title:  翻譯研究的功能途徑 = Functional approaches to translation studies /
Author:  張美芳
Publication Year:  2005
Call No.:  P 306.5 Cha
ISBN:  7810956671
中国文学评论双年选 /
Title:  中国文学评论双年选 /
Publication Year:  2007-
Call No.:  PL 2303 Chu
ISBN:  7536050402
論語選評 /
Title:  論語選評 /
Author:  彭亞非, 1955-
Publication Year:  2006
Call No.:  PL 2471 Z6 Pen 2006
ISBN:  9789620425417
Manual de fonética : exercícios e explicações : QECR Nível A2 /
Title:  Manual de fonética : exercícios e explicações : QECR Nível A2 /
Author:  Espada, Francisco, autor.
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  PC 5077 Esp 2017
ISBN:  9897522409
元曲選評 /
Title:  元曲選評 /
Publication Year:  2006
Call No.:  PL 2262 Ten
ISBN:  9789620425707
明清小品選評 /
Title:  明清小品選評 /
Author:  李玫.
Publication Year:  2006
Call No.:  PL 2262 Li
ISBN:  9789620425301
不日放映 : 新一代澳門影視劇本集 /
Title:  不日放映 : 新一代澳門影視劇本集 /
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  PL 3032 M32 Pu 2007
ISBN:  9993770787