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異國事物的轉譯 : 近代上海的跑馬, 跑狗與回力球賽 = Cultural translation : horse racing, greyhound racing, and Jai Alai in modern Shanghai /
Title:  異國事物的轉譯 : 近代上海的跑馬, 跑狗與回力球賽 = Cultural translation : horse racing, greyhound racing, and Jai Alai in modern Shanghai /
Author:  張寧 (Writer on Culture), author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  GV 721 Cha 2019
ISBN:  9865432161
炮类布局大全 /
Title:  炮类布局大全 /
Author:  屠景明, author.
Publication Year:  1997
Call No.:  GV 1458 C5 Tu 1997
ISBN:  9787805485201
Title:  羅賓魔法寶典.
Author:  博神羅賓.
Publication Year:  2005
Call No.:  GV 1302 Po 2005
ISBN:  9570359951
A good son is sad if he hears the name of his father : the tabooing of names in China as a way of implementing social values /
Title:  A good son is sad if he hears the name of his father : the tabooing of names in China as a way of implementing social values /
Author:  Adamek, Piotr, author.
Publication Year:  [2020].
Call No.:  GT 2465 C5 Ada 2020
ISBN:  0367596717
春节的故事 /
Title:  春节的故事 /
Author:  栀子.
Publication Year:  2010
Call No.:  GT 4504.7 Chi 2010
ISBN:  7530746731
Portugal : o turismo no século XX /
Title:  Portugal : o turismo no século XX /
Author:  Pina, Paulo, autor.
Publication Year:  1988
Call No.:  G 155 P6 Pin 1988
AI for sports /
Title:  AI for sports /
Author:  Brady, Christopher, 1947- author.
Publication Year:  2022
Call No.:  GV 706.8 Bra 2022
ISBN:  1032052023
景观重塑 : 一个西南边陲侨乡的社会文化重构 /
Title:  景观重塑 : 一个西南边陲侨乡的社会文化重构 /
Author:  刘旭临, author.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  G 156.5 H47 Liu 2020
ISBN:  7520366839
Green Leviathan or the poetics of political liberty : navigating freedom in the age of climate change and artificial intelligence /
Title:  Green Leviathan or the poetics of political liberty : navigating freedom in the age of climate change and artificial intelligence /
Author:  Coeckelbergh, Mark, author.
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  GE 195 Coe 2021
ISBN:  0367745992
祈福習俗小錦囊 /
Title:  祈福習俗小錦囊 /
Author:  白鶴鳴.
Publication Year:  1996
Call No.:  GR 335 Pai 1996
ISBN:  9789624363449
Fernão de Magalhães /
Title:  Fernão de Magalhães /
Author:  Salomoni, David, author.
Publication Year:  agosto de 2022.
Call No.:  G 420 M2 Sal 2022
ISBN:  989623518X
Jogos e brincadeiras de Macau : extracto da obra "Meio século em Macau" /
Title:  Jogos e brincadeiras de Macau : extracto da obra "Meio século em Macau" /
Author:  Monteiro, José Joaquim, 1913-1988
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  GV 1201 Mon 2023
ISBN:  9789996559761
Title:  澳門地理.
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  G 128 Ao 2014
ISBN:  9789996544309
Title:  澳門地理.
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  G 128 Ao 2014
ISBN:  9789996544309