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廣東年鑒 /
Title:  廣東年鑒 /
Publication Year:  1987-
Call No.:  DS 793 K7 Kua
明史研究論叢 /
Title:  明史研究論叢 /
Publication Year:  1982-
Call No.:  DS 753 Min 1982
ISBN:  9787800476266
宋代吐蕃史料集 /
Title:  宋代吐蕃史料集 /
Publication Year:  1986-<1989>
Call No.:  DS 786 Sun 1989
ISBN:  9787540900359
吉林年鑑 /
Title:  吉林年鑑 /
Publication Year:  1988 -
Call No.:  DS 793 K54 Chi
吉林年鑑 /
Title:  吉林年鑑 /
Publication Year:  1988 -
Call No.:  DS 793 K54 Chi
長安導遊 /
Title:  長安導遊 /
Publication Year:  1980?].
Call No.:  DS 797.68 H7 Cha 1980
北京年鑑 /
Title:  北京年鑑 /
Publication Year:  1990 -
Call No.:  DS 795 A2 Pei
ISBN:  7507404978
A mentalidade revolucionária : sociedade e mentalidades na revolução francesa /
Title:  A mentalidade revolucionária : sociedade e mentalidades na revolução francesa /
Author:  Vovelle, Michel, autor.
Publication Year:  1987
Call No.:  DC 158.8 Vov 1987
深圳年鑑 = Shenzhen yearbook /
Title:  深圳年鑑 = Shenzhen yearbook /
Publication Year:  1997-
Call No.:  DS 797.32 S55 She
The British presence in Macau, 1635-1793 /
Title:  The British presence in Macau, 1635-1793 /
Author:  Puga, Rogério Miguel.
Publication Year:  ©2013.
Call No.:  DS 796 M3572 Pug 2013
ISBN:  9888139797
香港雜記 : 外一種 /
Title:  香港雜記 : 外一種 /
Author:  陳鏸勛
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  DS 796 H745 Che 2018
ISBN:  9789620440533
國民政府對香港問題的處置 1937-1949 /
Title:  國民政府對香港問題的處置 1937-1949 /
Author:  孫揚
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  DS 740.5 G7 Sun 2017
ISBN:  9789620442544
九龍城寨簡史 = A concise history of Kowloon Walled city /
Title:  九龍城寨簡史 = A concise history of Kowloon Walled city /
Author:  魯金, 1924-1995, author
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  DS 796 H76 K69 Lu 2018
ISBN:  9789620442827
風俗論 : 論各國民族的精神與風俗以及自查理曼至路易十三的歷史 /
Title:  風俗論 : 論各國民族的精神與風俗以及自查理曼至路易十三的歷史 /
Author:  Voltaire 1694-1778 (François Marie Arouet de),
Publication Year:  1995-1997.
Call No.:  D 18 Vol 1995
ISBN:  9787100016377
Carlos d'Assumpção : um homem de valor /
Title:  Carlos d'Assumpção : um homem de valor /
Author:  Oliveira, Celina Veiga de, autor.
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  DS 796 M353 A8 Oli 2017
ISBN:  9996588629
Hongkong, Macau, Kanton : Perlflußdelta /
Title:  Hongkong, Macau, Kanton : Perlflußdelta /
Publication Year:  Januar 1998.
Call No.:  DS 796 H73 Hon 1998
ISBN:  9783826823565
Portugais et Espagnols en "Océanie" : deux empires : confins et contrastes /
Title:  Portugais et Espagnols en "Océanie" : deux empires : confins et contrastes /
Author:  Pélissier, René, auteur.
Publication Year:  [2010]
Call No.:  DU 65 Pel 2010
ISBN:  9782902804146
... 中國重要考古發現 = Major archaeological discoveries in China in ... /
Title:  ... 中國重要考古發現 = Major archaeological discoveries in China in ... /
Publication Year:  2000-
Call No.:  DS 715 Chu
ISBN:  7501012512
China's foreign affairs /
Title:  China's foreign affairs /
Publication Year:  2003-
Call No.:  DS 779.27 Chu
ISBN:  7501225877
香港東區街道故事 = The secret history of Hong Kong's eastern district streets /
Title:  香港東區街道故事 = The secret history of Hong Kong's eastern district streets /
Author:  魯金, 1924-1995, author
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  DS 796 H775 Lu 2019
ISBN:  9620444493
紀念孫中山先生在澳行醫 120 周年 /
Title:  紀念孫中山先生在澳行醫 120 周年 /
Author:  霍啟昌, 1942-
Publication Year:  2013
Call No.:  DS 777 Huo 2013
ISBN:  9789993745754
Da estada em Macau do Dr. Sun Yat Sen : interpretação do seu pensamento revolucionário /
Title:  Da estada em Macau do Dr. Sun Yat Sen : interpretação do seu pensamento revolucionário /
Author:  霍啟昌, 1942- autor.
Publication Year:  Dezembro 2016.
Call No.:  DS 777 Huo 2016
ISBN:  9996559033
Imperfect understanding = 不够知己 /
Title:  Imperfect understanding = 不够知己 /
Author:  温源宁, author.
Publication Year:  2012
Call No.:  DS 734 Wen 2012
ISBN:  7513516898
中國縱横 : 一个汉学家的学术探索之旅 /
Title:  中國縱横 : 一个汉学家的学术探索之旅 /
Author:  Spence, Jonathan D., author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  DS 736 Spe 2019
ISBN:  7220109725
Introdução à história dos descobrimentos portugueses /
Title:  Introdução à história dos descobrimentos portugueses /
Author:  Albuquerque, Luís de, 1917-1992, autor.
Publication Year:  [1983]
Call No.:  DP 583 Alb 1983
Dans l'ombre de Lyautey /
Title:  Dans l'ombre de Lyautey /
Author:  Boisboissel, Yves de, author.
Publication Year:  [1998]
Call No.:  DC 342.8 L8 Boi 1998
ISBN:  9782738467829
La Thaïlande /
Title:  La Thaïlande /
Author:  Fistié, Pierre, author.
Publication Year:  1980
Call No.:  DS 578 Fis 1980
ISBN:  9782130365341
Portuguese-Korean historical studies : proceedings of the first seminar, Seoul, Korea, April 2001 /
Title:  Portuguese-Korean historical studies : proceedings of the first seminar, Seoul, Korea, April 2001 /
Author:  Portuguese-Korean historical studies. Seoul, Korea) 2001 : (1st :
Publication Year:  c2002.
Call No.:  DP 557 K6 Por 2001
Encontros e desencontros ibéricos : tratados hispano-portugueses desde a Idade Média /
Title:  Encontros e desencontros ibéricos : tratados hispano-portugueses desde a Idade Média /
Publication Year:  2006
Call No.:  DP 86 P6 Enc 2006
ISBN:  9789728987039
Braga : roteiro histórico e monumental extra-muros /
Title:  Braga : roteiro histórico e monumental extra-muros /
Author:  Costa, Luís, 1921- autor.
Publication Year:  1985
Call No.:  DP 802 B7 Cos 1985