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印象濠江 : 台灣攝影家眼中的澳門 = Impressao de Macau : Macau nos olhos de fotografos de Taiwan = Impression of Macau : Macau in the eyes of Taiwanese photographers /
A época dos descobrimentos, 1400-1600 /
Title:  A época dos descobrimentos, 1400-1600 /
Author:  Arnold, David, 1946- autor
Publication Year:  [1983]
Call No.:  DP 583 Arn 1983
P'la China fora /
Title:  P'la China fora /
Author:  Duarte, António, author.
Publication Year:  [1991]
Call No.:  DS 711 Dua 1991
澳門古今 /
Title:  澳門古今 /
Author:  李鵬翥, 1934-2014
Publication Year:  1993
Call No.:  DS 796 M314 Li 1993
ISBN:  9620406214
在外交部八年的经历, 1950.1-1958.10 /
Title:  在外交部八年的经历, 1950.1-1958.10 /
Author:  伍修权, 1908-1997
Publication Year:  1983
Call No.:  DS 778 W76 Wu 1983
收回主權與香港前途 /
Title:  收回主權與香港前途 /
Author:  鄭赤琰, author.
Publication Year:  1982
Call No.:  DS 796 H7 Che 1982
ISBN:  9789622260238
"世界文獻遺產與記憶工程" 國際研討會論文集 = Proceedings of the International Conference of "World Documentary Heritage and the Memory Program".
Title:  "世界文獻遺產與記憶工程" 國際研討會論文集 = Proceedings of the International Conference of "World Documentary Heritage and the Memory Program".
Author:  "世界文獻遺產與記憶工程" 國際研討會 澳門) (2010 :
Publication Year:  2010
Call No.:  D 5 Shi 2010
紀念 "澳門特別行政區基本法" 頒佈二十周年特刊, 圖片集 = Edicao especial e album de fotografias comemorativos do 20.º aniversario da promulgacao da Lei Basica da RAEM.
Macau historico
Title:  Macau historico
Author:  Jesus, C. A. Montalto de 1863-1927 (Carlos Augusto Montalto),
Publication Year:  1990
Call No.:  DS 796 M35 Jes 1990
ISBN:  9729418012
澳門朋友帶我遊澳門 = Best kept screts in Macau /
Title:  澳門朋友帶我遊澳門 = Best kept screts in Macau /
Author:  毛詠仙.
Publication Year:  2004
Call No.:  DS 796 M33 Mao 2004
ISBN:  9789993781301
Os descobrimentos portugueses : como um pequeno país se fez ao mar e chegou aos quatros cantos do mundo /
Title:  Os descobrimentos portugueses : como um pequeno país se fez ao mar e chegou aos quatros cantos do mundo /
Author:  Duarte, Luís Ricardo, autor.
Publication Year:  2012
Call No.:  DP 536.95 Dua 2012
ISBN:  972650936X
史記選評 /
Title:  史記選評 /
Author:  徐建委.
Publication Year:  2006
Call No.:  DS 741.3 S683 Hsu
ISBN:  9789620425448
World ears : Imperial China, 617-1644 /
Title:  World ears : Imperial China, 617-1644 /
Publication Year:  2003
Call No.:  DS 749.3
ISBN:  0787617083
一年来国内外重大时事 /
Title:  一年来国内外重大时事 /
Publication Year:  1988
Call No.:  DS 779.18 I 1988
ISBN:  9787210001805
为了实现中华民族的雄心壮志 : 邓小平与中国现代化建设的三步发展战略目标 /
Title:  为了实现中华民族的雄心壮志 : 邓小平与中国现代化建设的三步发展战略目标 /
Author:  冷溶.
Publication Year:  1992
Call No.:  DS 778 T39 Len 1992
ISBN:  9787507301137
中共六大名人慘死經過 : 陳毅, 賀龍, 彭德懷, 劉仁, 張志新, 劉少奇 /
Title:  中共六大名人慘死經過 : 陳毅, 賀龍, 彭德懷, 劉仁, 張志新, 劉少奇 /
Publication Year:  [1985?]
Call No.:  DS 778 A1 Chu 1985
保卫列宁格勒 /
Title:  保卫列宁格勒 /
Author:  陈仲厚.
Publication Year:  1980
Call No.:  D 764.3 L4 Che 1980
歴代宝案 : 訳注本 /
Title:  歴代宝案 : 訳注本 /
Publication Year:  1994-2021.
Call No.:  DS 895 R9 A3 Li 1994
「歴代宝案」訳注本 ... 語注一覧表.
Title:  「歴代宝案」訳注本 ... 語注一覧表.
Publication Year:  1999-2021.
Call No.:  DS 895 R9 A3 Li 1999
香港中華文化教育 /
Title:  香港中華文化教育 /
Author:  施仲謀, 1955-
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  DS 727 Shi 2020
ISBN:  9789620705779
中古前期的交聘與南北互動 /
Title:  中古前期的交聘與南北互動 /
Author:  蔡宗憲.
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  DS 748.55 Tsa 2008
ISBN:  9866913384
Anthems and the making of nation states : identity and nationalism in the Balkans /
Title:  Anthems and the making of nation states : identity and nationalism in the Balkans /
Author:  Pavković, Aleksandar, author.
Publication Year:  2016
Call No.:  DR 24.5
ISBN:  178453126X
清实录穆斯林资料辑录 /
Title:  清实录穆斯林资料辑录 /
Publication Year:  1988
Call No.:  DS 731 M87 Ta 1988
ISBN:  9787227005247
大趨勢 : 中國下一步 = Mega trends : China's next step /
Title:  大趨勢 : 中國下一步 = Mega trends : China's next step /
Author:  鄭永年, author.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  DS 779.46 Che 2020
ISBN:  9620445880
Acção cultural e valorização do património : a definição de políticas públicas para Macau no domínio da cultura /
Title:  Acção cultural e valorização do património : a definição de políticas públicas para Macau no domínio da cultura /
Author:  Rangel, Jorge A. H., autor.
Publication Year:  março de 2021.
Call No.:  DS 796 M315 Ran 2021
ISBN:  9996559572
Tailândia /
Title:  Tailândia /
Author:  Osborne, Christine, 1940- autor.
Publication Year:  1994
Call No.:  DS 563 Osb 1994
ISBN:  9789722317849
The Jiankang Empire in Chinese and world history /
Title:  The Jiankang Empire in Chinese and world history /
Author:  Chittick, Andrew, author.
Publication Year:  [2020]
Call No.:  DS 748.17 Chi 2020
ISBN:  0190937548
絲路新史 : 一個已經逝去但曾經兼容並蓄的世界 = The silk road : a new history /
Title:  絲路新史 : 一個已經逝去但曾經兼容並蓄的世界 = The silk road : a new history /
Author:  Hansen, Valerie, 1958- author
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  DS 33.1 Han 2021
ISBN:  9863448877
World history : global and local interactions /
Title:  World history : global and local interactions /
Publication Year:  [2005].
Call No.:  D 210 Wor 2005
ISBN:  9781558763951
World history : global and local interactions /
Title:  World history : global and local interactions /
Publication Year:  [2005].
Call No.:  D 210
ISBN:  9781558763951