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南國樂韻 /
題名:  南國樂韻 /
出版年:  1984
索書號:  M 1804 Nan 1984
Ownership concentration and stock price volatility : evidence from China /
題名:  Ownership concentration and stock price volatility : evidence from China /
作者:  Ng, Ka U
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MBA(BF) 304 NG
Ownership concentration and stock price volatility : evidence from China /
題名:  Ownership concentration and stock price volatility : evidence from China /
作者:  Ng, Ka U
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MBA(BF) 304 NG
The impact of ownership concentration on the number of patents : evidence from Chinese listed firm : evidence from 1999 to 2010 /
The impact of ownership concentration on the number of patents : evidence from Chinese listed firm : evidence from 1999 to 2010 /
Financial development, human capital and economic growth : an empirical study of Asian small open economies /
題名:  Financial development, human capital and economic growth : an empirical study of Asian small open economies /
作者:  Zhang, Feng Jia
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MBA(BF) 302 ZHANG
Financial development, human capital and economic growth : an empirical study of Asian small open economies /
題名:  Financial development, human capital and economic growth : an empirical study of Asian small open economies /
作者:  Zhang, Feng Jia
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MBA(BF) 302 ZHANG
The influence of restaurant servicescape on Chinese millenials' electronic word-of-mouth : the case of fine dining /
題名:  The influence of restaurant servicescape on Chinese millenials' electronic word-of-mouth : the case of fine dining /
作者:  Leong, Wan Han
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MBA(IIRM) 108 LEONG
The influence of restaurant servicescape on Chinese millenials' electronic word-of-mouth : the case of fine dining /
題名:  The influence of restaurant servicescape on Chinese millenials' electronic word-of-mouth : the case of fine dining /
作者:  Leong, Wan Han
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MBA(IIRM) 108 LEONG
An analysis of the attractiveness of showroom entertainment within Macao's IRs for mainland Chinese tourists /
題名:  An analysis of the attractiveness of showroom entertainment within Macao's IRs for mainland Chinese tourists /
作者:  Hong, Ning Wei
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MBA(IIRM) 107 HONG
An analysis of the attractiveness of showroom entertainment within Macao's IRs for mainland Chinese tourists /
題名:  An analysis of the attractiveness of showroom entertainment within Macao's IRs for mainland Chinese tourists /
作者:  Hong, Ning Wei
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MBA(IIRM) 107 HONG
刑事一體化視角下實現精準的刑事政策與刑法適用 : 以涉新冠肺炎疫情犯罪為例 = Achieve precise criminal policy and criminal justice from the perspective of criminal integration : taking crimes related to COVID-19 as an example /
刑事一體化視角下實現精準的刑事政策與刑法適用 : 以涉新冠肺炎疫情犯罪為例 = Achieve precise criminal policy and criminal justice from the perspective of criminal integration : taking crimes related to COVID-19 as an example /
澳門幼稚園融合教師對於融合教育現況、困境、需求之研究 /
題名:  澳門幼稚園融合教師對於融合教育現況、困境、需求之研究 /
作者:  程文英
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MFE 964 CHENG
澳門幼稚園融合教師對於融合教育現況、困境、需求之研究 /
題名:  澳門幼稚園融合教師對於融合教育現況、困境、需求之研究 /
作者:  程文英
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MFE 964 CHENG
探索中國女性學生在美學習計算機科學的經歷 : 基於加州大學爾灣分校的研究 /
題名:  探索中國女性學生在美學習計算機科學的經歷 : 基於加州大學爾灣分校的研究 /
作者:  張鈺杭
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MFE 963 ZHANG
探索中國女性學生在美學習計算機科學的經歷 : 基於加州大學爾灣分校的研究 /
題名:  探索中國女性學生在美學習計算機科學的經歷 : 基於加州大學爾灣分校的研究 /
作者:  張鈺杭
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MFE 963 ZHANG
學生的課程詮釋 : 中國內地南方某小學五年級學生的洞察與抗拒 /
題名:  學生的課程詮釋 : 中國內地南方某小學五年級學生的洞察與抗拒 /
作者:  詹雨欣
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MFE 962 ZHAN
學生的課程詮釋 : 中國內地南方某小學五年級學生的洞察與抗拒 /
題名:  學生的課程詮釋 : 中國內地南方某小學五年級學生的洞察與抗拒 /
作者:  詹雨欣
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MFE 962 ZHAN
A duoethnography of a Chinese pre-service teacher's encounters with primary school students spelling errors in the English classroom /
A duoethnography of a Chinese pre-service teacher's encounters with primary school students spelling errors in the English classroom /
論刑法空間之適用問題 : 網絡犯罪與移交制度的衝擊 = On the application of criminal law space : the impact of cybercrime and transfer system /
論刑法空間之適用問題 : 網絡犯罪與移交制度的衝擊 = On the application of criminal law space : the impact of cybercrime and transfer system /
尤克里里完全入门24课 = Ukulele manual complete learn to play /
題名:  尤克里里完全入门24课 = Ukulele manual complete learn to play /
作者:  陈建廷.
出版年:  2010
索書號:  MT 645.3 Che 2013
ISBN:  7546366283
感恩、毅力與性格的關係 /
題名:  感恩、毅力與性格的關係 /
作者:  陳載略
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MFE 974 CHAN
感恩、毅力與性格的關係 /
題名:  感恩、毅力與性格的關係 /
作者:  陳載略
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MFE 974 CHAN
澳門民事證據能力的"三性說"構建 = Constructing a "Doctrine of Three Attributes" for Macao's civil evidence capacity /
澳門民事證據能力的"三性說"構建 = Constructing a "Doctrine of Three Attributes" for Macao's civil evidence capacity /
在低碳膳食下短期高強度間歇訓練對超重者減重和生活質量及情緒的影響 /
題名:  在低碳膳食下短期高強度間歇訓練對超重者減重和生活質量及情緒的影響 /
作者:  陳蕾晴
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MFE 982 CHEN
在低碳膳食下短期高強度間歇訓練對超重者減重和生活質量及情緒的影響 /
題名:  在低碳膳食下短期高強度間歇訓練對超重者減重和生活質量及情緒的影響 /
作者:  陳蕾晴
出版年:  2022
索書號:  MFE 982 CHEN