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桃李芬芳 : 多元智能評量與適性敎育 /
題名:  桃李芬芳 : 多元智能評量與適性敎育 /
作者:  張國祥.
出版年:  2001
索書號:  LB 1060 Cha 2001
ISBN:  9789629940362
由心導航 : 青少年生活世界設計 /
題名:  由心導航 : 青少年生活世界設計 /
作者:  游達裕, author.
出版年:  2021
索書號:  LC 1043 Yu 2021
ISBN:  9887887668
梅子青时 : 外婆的青春纪念册 /
題名:  梅子青时 : 外婆的青春纪念册 /
作者:  刘梅香, author.
出版年:  2015
索書號:  LB 3605 Liu 2015
ISBN:  7550241686
情意學習 : 想像未來教育 /
題名:  情意學習 : 想像未來教育 /
出版年:  2022
索書號:  LB 1072 Chi 2022
ISBN:  9620706161
快樂學習的撇步 : 孩子怎麼學? 我們怎麼教! /
題名:  快樂學習的撇步 : 孩子怎麼學? 我們怎麼教! /
出版年:  2005
索書號:  LB 1139.35 A37 Par 2005
ISBN:  9789572957486
哦,他们是这样的: 探秘课文作者的故事与手迹 /
題名:  哦,他们是这样的: 探秘课文作者的故事与手迹 /
作者:  陈渡风, author
出版年:  2022-2023.
索書號:  LB 1577 C5 Che 2022
ISBN:  7572609481
Educational change and the political process /
題名:  Educational change and the political process /
作者:  Mitra, Dana L., author.
出版年:  2022
索書號:  LC 89 Mit 2022
ISBN:  1032079673
Education, equality and human rights : issues of gender, 'race', sexuality, disability and social class /
題名:  Education, equality and human rights : issues of gender, 'race', sexuality, disability and social class /
出版年:  2023
索書號:  LC 213.3 G7 Edu 2023
ISBN:  1032011033
Critical mobile pedagogy : cases of digital technologies and learners at the margins /
題名:  Critical mobile pedagogy : cases of digital technologies and learners at the margins /
出版年:  2021
索書號:  LB 1044.84 Cri 2021
ISBN:  036720455X
Blended and online learning for global citizenship : new technologies and opportunities for intercultural education /
題名:  Blended and online learning for global citizenship : new technologies and opportunities for intercultural education /
作者:  Hunter, William J. author. (Bill),
出版年:  2021
索書號:  LB 1028.5 Hun 2021
ISBN:  036740821X
Higher education policy in developing and Western nations : contemporary and emerging trends in local and global contexts /
Voices from women leaders on success in higher education : pipelines, pathways, and promotion /
題名:  Voices from women leaders on success in higher education : pipelines, pathways, and promotion /
出版年:  [2022]
索書號:  LB 2341 Voi 2022
ISBN:  1032114304
Unlocking opportunity through broadly accessible institutions /
題名:  Unlocking opportunity through broadly accessible institutions /
出版年:  2022
索書號:  LB 2331.63 Unl 2022
ISBN:  0367564203
Transformative teaching around the world : stories of cultural impact, technology integration, and innovative pedagogy /
Teaching and learning for comprehensive citizenship : global perspectives on peace education /
題名:  Teaching and learning for comprehensive citizenship : global perspectives on peace education /
出版年:  2021
索書號:  LC 1091 Tea 2021
ISBN:  0367548046
Superdiversity and teacher education : supporting teachers in working with culturally, linguistically, and racially diverse students, families, and communities /
Studying Latinx/a/o students in higher education : a critical analysis of concepts, theory, and methodologies /
題名:  Studying Latinx/a/o students in higher education : a critical analysis of concepts, theory, and methodologies /
出版年:  2021
索書號:  LC 2670.6 Stu 2021
ISBN:  0367441829
Rethinking copyright for sustainable human development : higher education and access to knowledge /
題名:  Rethinking copyright for sustainable human development : higher education and access to knowledge /
作者:  Hirko, Sileshi Bedasie, author.
出版年:  2022
索書號:  LB 2325 Hir 2022
ISBN:  1032102225
Reimagining globalization and education /
題名:  Reimagining globalization and education /
出版年:  2022
索書號:  LC 191 Rei 2022
ISBN:  1032075295
Como lidar com os problemas de comportamento das crianças : guia para professores, pais e educadores /
題名:  Como lidar com os problemas de comportamento das crianças : guia para professores, pais e educadores /
作者:  Ramos, Vera, autor.
出版年:  maio 2020.
索書號:  LC 4801 Ram 2020
ISBN:  9896931046
The trauma-sensitive classroom : building resilience with compassionate teaching /
題名:  The trauma-sensitive classroom : building resilience with compassionate teaching /
作者:  Jennings, Patricia A., author.
出版年:  [2019]
索書號:  LB 1072 Jen 2019
ISBN:  0393711862
教育漫談 = Propos sur l'éducation /
題名:  教育漫談 = Propos sur l'éducation /
作者:  Alain, 1868-1951, author.
出版年:  2023
索書號:  LB 775 A43 Pro 2023
ISBN:  9888808370
素養教育 : 成就每一個孩子 : 十二年國教一〇八課綱的願景與挑戰 /
題名:  素養教育 : 成就每一個孩子 : 十二年國教一〇八課綱的願景與挑戰 /
作者:  韓國棟, author.
出版年:  2020
索書號:  LA 1136 Han 2020
ISBN:  9571383945