Teaching and Learning

  • Journals available at UM Library
  Academy of Management learning & education
Asia-Pacific forum on science learning and teaching  
Cognition and instruction
College teaching
Curriculum and teaching dialogue  
Curriculum inquiry
Educacao : ensino e educacao de professores e questoes afins
Educational media international  
E-journal of instructional science and technology
Insight : a journal of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning  
Instructional science
International journal for the scholarship of teaching and learning  
International journal of instructional media News
International journal of teaching and learning in higher education  
International journal of web-based learning and teaching technologies  
Journal of computer assisted learning
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction  
Journal of curriculum studies
Journal of online learning and teaching  
Journal of teaching and learning  
Journal of scholarship of teaching and learning
Journal of the learning sciences
Journal of university teaching and learning practice  
Language learning & technology  
Learning and instruction : the journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction
Learning and teaching in higher education  
Learning, media and technology  
Literacy Teaching and Learning  
New directions for teaching and learning
Radical pedagogy  
Support for learning
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice  
Teaching and Learning in (Higher) Education for Sessional Staff - TALES  
Teaching and teacher education
Teaching in higher education
Technology & learning  
The curriculum journal
The journal of scholarship of teaching and learning
The journal of the learning sciences
The teaching professor
Theory into practice


  • Selected resources from other universities

United States

California Institute of Technology . Caltech Project for Effective Teaching
Harvard University . The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning
Johns Hopkins University . Center for Teaching and Learning with Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology . The Teaching and Learning Laboratory
University of Chicago . Center for Teaching and Learning
University of Michigan. Center for research on learning and teaching
University of Minnesota. Center for Teaching and Learning
University of Pennsylvania . Center for Teaching and Learning



McGill University . Teaching & Learning Services
University of British Columbia (UBC), Centre for Teaching and Learning


United Kingdom

Imperial College London . Centre for Educational Development
University of Cambridge, Teaching and Learning
University of Edinburgh. Centre for teaching learning and assessment  
University of Oxford . Oxford Learning Institute



Australian National University, Centre for Higher Education, Teaching and Learning
University of Melbourne, Teaching and Learning
University of Queensland, Teaching and Learning
University of Sydney, Institute for teaching and learning  
University of Tasmania Australia, Teaching and learning  
University of Western Australia, Teaching and learning