Brill Online Books
We have subscribed around 80 ebooks in the subject area of Asian Studies, Law and Social Science.
Cambridge Books Online (CBO)
It offers access to ebooks covering subjects from the disciplines across science, technology and medicine, as well as humanities and social sciences.
China Academic Digital Associative Library (CADAL)
Free Online Database
CADAL, formerly known as China-America Digital Academic Library, was initially funded by the Chinese Government and some collaborating organizations in the United States. It was hosted and serviced by Zhejiang University with members from some prestigious universities in the Mainland, U.S., and Hong Kong. CADAL offers 2.5 million volumes of books online including 2 million in Chinese and 0.5 million in English. This database is a useful research aid, especially in the areas of humanities, social science, and Chinese medicine.
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China: Trade, Politics & Culture, 1793-1980
This digital collection provides informative English-language sources relating to China and the West, including manuscripts, documents, letters, missionary periodicals and maps.
Early English Books Online (EEBO)
It contains 125,101 digital images of texts printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, North America and other English language books from the year 1473 to 1700.
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
It provides access to the digital version of books from a broad range of subject areas such as business, economics, electrical engineering, environment and ecology, ethics, philosophy, political science, and writing guides, etc. This collection has more than 1,500 titles.
EBSCO Faculty Select
EBSCO Faculty Select is a customized site that leverages the technology of the EBSCO Discovery Service platform that enables faculty to find and access open educational resource (OER) content, as well as find and request unlimited user DRM-Free eBooks from Library.
Emerald eBook Series Collections
There are two eBook Series Collections, one on Business Management & Economics and the other on Social Sciences. There are around 1,700 titles are available and accessible through the interface and searching facility with the Emerald journal collections.
Gale eBooks
Explore this database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research.