Free Online Database
It is an e-print service in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics.
Business Market Research Collection
This database contains company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research from three sources, including Hoover's Company Profiles, OxResearch from Oxford Analystica, and Snapshots.
User Guide (5 concurrent users)
CEIC provides access to over 5 million macro-economic time series and statistics from more than 190 countries and contains databases such as Global Database, China Premium Database, and World Trend Plus. China Premium Database is, in particular, a leading economic time-series database, focused exclusively on the Chinese market that contains historical data dating back to 1949. Use when you need international economic, industrial and financial trends data. Times-series can be directly retrieved from the database and imported into Excel.
Click "Guest Access" for IP access.
DiVoMiner (標準版)
如欲使用此資料庫, 請發電郵至。
Government Finance Statistics (GFS)
Free Online Database
It maintains budgetary and extra-budgetary financial operations data of governments, with history to 1990.
IMF eLibrary
Free Online Database
This platform provides access to global statistical resources, including Trade and Investment as well as 4 core databases; namely, International Financial Statistics (IFS), Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS) and Government Finance Statistics (GFS).
International Financial Statistics (IFS)
Free Online Database
It covers all aspects of international and domestic finance, with history to 1948.
Standalone Database
Mplus is a statistical modeling program that provides researchers with a flexible tool to analyze their data. Mplus offers researchers a wide choice of models, estimators, and algorithms in a program that has an easy-to-use interface and graphical displays of data and analysis results.
**To access the database, please enquire Faculty of Business Administration at by email or at 88228892 by phone.
The Library has bought PACAP: Hong Kong (1997 - 2008), PACAP: Japan (2008 - 2011), PACAP: Taiwan (2005 - 2008), PACAP: Thailand (2005 - 2008).
Qualtrics is a tool for creating and administering web-based surveys for research, teaching, and administrative needs.