
Arts & Humanities Database

This database features hundreds of titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies in ProQuest platform.


CBOA(Communication based on Open Access)平臺是一個基於OA資源開放獲取的學術文獻平臺,由維普資訊旗下子公司重慶非曉數據科技有限公司建設,平臺文獻永久免費。平臺囊括近5500萬篇中外文獻全文資料,近4萬種中外期刊,無需登錄即可獲取文獻原文。註冊並登錄後,平臺將根據內嵌的非曉科學大資料分析演算法,綜合您的檢索資料、屬性資料和關聯資料進行大資料分析,推薦您研究主題相關的OA文獻與期刊,實現文獻精准推薦。

Early English Books Online (EEBO)

It contains 125,101 digital images of texts printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, North America and other English language books from the year 1473 to 1700.

Ethnologue: Languages of the World
Subscription terminated from January 2025.

Reference resource with basic information on the characteristics, classification, and geographical distribution of the world's languages.

Free Online Database

This online platform works as a direction of pronunciation. It utters the sounds which form words in a wide range of languages and dialects worldwide.

Gale Literary Index

Search this digital master index to find coverage of authors and works in products published by Gale.

i-Learner Online Learning Platform: English for Universities
Eligible to 1st year students and current ELC students only

i-Learner Online Learning Platform: English for Universities: it is able to be specifically tailored to meet the needs of the University of Macau. The programme bridges the gap to academic English through integrated skills development and a focus on authentic, communicative language for academic purposes. This all-round platform promotes competence in reading and writing, as well as providing listening, integrated grammar and vocabulary teaching. Through both discipline-based and theme-based learning inputs and a wide array of learning aids and assessment tools, teachers can support the needs of every student and ensure their success in tertiary education.

Elegível apenas para alunos do primeiro ano e alunos atuais do ELC A i-Learner Online Learning Platform: English for Universities pode ser adaptada especificamente para atender às necessidades da Universidade de Macau. O programa preenche a lacuna para o inglês académico através do desenvolvimento integrado de competências e do foco na linguagem autêntica e comunicativa para fins académicos. Esta plataforma abrangente promove a competência em leitura e escrita, além de fornecer ensino integrado de gramática e vocabulário. Através de inputs de aprendizagem baseados em disciplinas e temas, e de uma vasta gama de ferramentas de aprendizagem e avaliação, os professores podem apoiar as necessidades de cada aluno e garantir o seu sucesso no ensino superior.

iG Library (formerly called iSearch Reference Collections)

It is an ebook platform that offers library users access to 3,925 titles of publications by Anmol Publications, Columbia University Press, Momentum, The Princeton University Press, and University of Hawaii Press.

Note: Printing is restricted to 40 pages a time.


JSTOR (Journal STORage) is a full-text digital archive of over 900 core scholarly journals, covering 15 subjects, mainly in the humanities and social sciences.

Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)

Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) abstracts and indexes the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences. The database covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.