
Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (CPCI-S)

Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science is multidisciplinary index to the conference literature in all scientific and technical fields, including Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, etc. Full-text is only available to those e-journals that the Library has subscribed.
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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) 

It provides access to the digital version of books from a broad range of subject areas such as business, economics, electrical engineering, environment and ecology, ethics, philosophy, political science, and writing guides, etc. This collection has more than 1,500 titles.

Emerald Insight

Emerald Insight is a collection of over 40,000 articles from over 300 of management journals, complete with full-text archives back to 1994 and abstracts back to 1989. This database covers a spectrum of management disciplines including: strategy, leadership, library and information management, marketing and human resource management, plus a substantial number of engineering, applied science and technology titles.

Note: Emerald App for iPhone

IEEE Xplore
(20 concurrent users)

IEEE Xplore provides full-text access to IEEE transactions, journals, magazines and conference proceedings published since 1988 and all current IEEE standards.

SAGE Journals Online

It is the delivery platform that provides online access to the subscribed SAGE journals in health sciences, life & biomedical sciences, materials science & engineering as well as social sciences & humanities. The record of articles can be retrieved back to the first issue.


It provides the fulltext of research articles over 1,800 journals, mainly for the Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities.

Springer Open
Free Online Database

SpringerOpen, launched in June 2010, includes Springer’s portfolio of 160+ peer-reviewed fully open access journals across all areas of science ranging from very specialized titles to SpringerPlus.


This premier electronic data source from Springer that covers broadly such subject fields as biomedicine, life science, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer science, humanities, and economics will absorb and merge with our subscribed Kluwer Online databases.

Taylor & Francis Online

It provides full-text access to over 1,800 journals covering many subject areas such as communications, humanities, library & information science, medicals, politics and international relations, social sciences, science & technology.


中國知網是中國學術期刊電子雜志社編輯出版的以《中國期刊全文數據庫 》為核心的數據庫。涵蓋基礎科學、文史哲、工程科技、社會科學、農業、經濟與管理科學、醫藥衛生、信息科技等十大領域。提供中國學術文獻、學位論文等各類資源統一檢索、統一導航、在線閱讀和下載服務。