Academic Search Ultimate
Subscription terminated from September 2023.
Academic Search Ultimate offers access to resources cited in key subject indexes. The combination of academic journals, magazines, periodicals, reports, books and videos meets the needs of scholars in virtually every discipline ranging from astronomy, anthropology, biomedicine, engineering, health, law and literacy to mathematics, pharmacology, women’s studies, zoology and more.
(Access provided by Macao Public Library)
It provides users with a gateway to scientific knowledge, from basic introductory material to extended article entries and live journal citations in key scientific areas including biology, Earth and environmental sciences, chemistry, physics, and beyond.
ASCE Library
It is an online tool for locating articles of interest across the disciplines of civil engineering. The Library provides full-text access to ASCE Journals subscribed.
IEEE Xplore
(20 concurrent users)
IEEE Xplore provides full-text access to IEEE transactions, journals, magazines and conference proceedings published since 1988 and all current IEEE standards.
IET eBooks
It includes ebooks published by the Institution of Engineering Technology and we have subscribed to 562 titles.
SpringerLink eBook Collection
It provides cover-to-cover search and browse access to 7,6179 titles of eBooks in the subject areas of science and technology. Access can via the SpringerLink search interface.
中國知網是中國學術期刊電子雜志社編輯出版的以《中國期刊全文數據庫 》為核心的數據庫。涵蓋基礎科學、文史哲、工程科技、社會科學、農業、經濟與管理科學、醫藥衛生、信息科技等十大領域。提供中國學術文獻、學位論文等各類資源統一檢索、統一導航、在線閱讀和下載服務。