

CBOA(Communication based on Open Access)平臺是一個基於OA資源開放獲取的學術文獻平臺,由維普資訊旗下子公司重慶非曉數據科技有限公司建設,平臺文獻永久免費。平臺囊括近5500萬篇中外文獻全文資料,近4萬種中外期刊,無需登錄即可獲取文獻原文。註冊並登錄後,平臺將根據內嵌的非曉科學大資料分析演算法,綜合您的檢索資料、屬性資料和關聯資料進行大資料分析,推薦您研究主題相關的OA文獻與期刊,實現文獻精准推薦。

Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
Free Online Database

It brings digitized materials from libraries, archives, and museums around the United States together in a single platform and provides access to millions of photographs, manuscripts, books, sounds, moving images, and more.

DiVoMiner (標準版)


如欲使用此資料庫, 請發電郵至lib_ref@um.edu.mo。

Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

The Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) was launched in late 2015 as a new database within Clarivate Analytics’ (formerly Thomson Reuters’) Web of Science. Around 3,000 journals were selected for coverage at launch, spanning the full range of subject areas.

EndNote 21 Desktop

A tool that allows you to collect bibliographic references in a library, organize and manage those references, and ultimately put them in the body of a paper and in a reference list in a desired citation format. You may download the installation file here.

EndNote 20 Installation Guide

Essential Science Indicators (ESI)

Essential Science Indicators covers a multidisciplinary selection of 8,500 journals from around the world, this in-depth analytical tool offers data for ranking authors, institutions, nations, and journals. It provides researchers with a unique and comprehensive compilation of performance statistics and science trends data derived from the ISI e-information products.

Gale Primary Sources

Gale Primary Sources is an integrated research environment that allows users to search across all of their Gale primary source collections. Gale Primary Sources takes users beyond a simple search and retrieve workflow, allowing them to analyze content using frequency and term-relationship tools. Through intuitive subject-indexing users will discover new material even in the most familiar of content sets.

Open Access Library (OALIB)
Free Online Database

It contains academic articles in both English and Chinese, and features free access to about 994,092 articles. To search Chinese articles, simplified Chinese is recommended for entering.


SciVal offers quick, easy access to the research performance of 8,500 research institutions and 220 nations worldwide.

All users need to register a personal account with your UM email before use.

SEDONA systems
Standalone Database

SEDONA is a self-service web database application that allows members to maintain their teaching, research, service, experience, development, credentials, and assessment records. Members can create a public site automatically updated by SEDONA. Administrators may use SEDONA to automatically update school webpages, support accreditation, build rubrics to assess learning objectives, customize reports (including CVs), create database queries, web surveys, ePortfolios, evaluations, and benchmark faculty productivity using scorecards.
**To access the database, please enquire Faculty of Business Administration at sterlingchao@um.edu.mo by email or at 88228892 by phone.