Accounting & Tax
This is the quintessential accountant"s database. It brings together highly ranked global and scholarly journals with key resources for locating quick and precise results covering current news and topics, as well as the trends and history influencing important accounting and tax issues of the day.
Audit Analytics
Audit Analytics is a leading data and research provider focused on audit, regulatory, and disclosure intelligence. Library has subscribed to Audit + Compliance module & Accounting + Oversight module.
Business Source Ultimate
Business Source Ultimate has a winning formula: Business students learn about accounting, finance, banking, marketing, management and much more with one comprehensive package that also includes full text of journals found in key subject indexes. In addition to accessing essential full-text journals, business students can delve into case studies, country economic reports and company profiles, as well as interviews with executives and analysts – the key players whose roles they are studying to fill.
Emerald Insight
Emerald Insight is a collection of over 40,000 articles from over 300 of management journals, complete with full-text archives back to 1994 and abstracts back to 1989. This database covers a spectrum of management disciplines including: strategy, leadership, library and information management, marketing and human resource management, plus a substantial number of engineering, applied science and technology titles.
Note: Emerald App for iPhone
SEDONA systems
Standalone Database
SEDONA is a self-service web database application that allows members to maintain their teaching, research, service, experience, development, credentials, and assessment records. Members can create a public site automatically updated by SEDONA. Administrators may use SEDONA to automatically update school webpages, support accreditation, build rubrics to assess learning objectives, customize reports (including CVs), create database queries, web surveys, ePortfolios, evaluations, and benchmark faculty productivity using scorecards.
**To access the database, please enquire Faculty of Business Administration at sterlingchao@um.edu.mo by email or at 88228892 by phone.
Wharton Research Data Services
WRDS is a research platform and business intelligence tool that provides access to S & P Capital IQ, CRSP, NYSE, Thomson Reuters, Bureau van Dijk, Global Insight, OptionMetrics and other important business research databases, with data reaching across multiple disciplines including accounting, banking, economics, finance and statistics.
**To access the database, please enquire Faculty of Business Administration at sterlingchao@um.edu.mo by email or at 88228892 by phone.
中國知網是中國學術期刊電子雜志社編輯出版的以《中國期刊全文數據庫 》為核心的數據庫。涵蓋基礎科學、文史哲、工程科技、社會科學、農業、經濟與管理科學、醫藥衛生、信息科技等十大領域。提供中國學術文獻、學位論文等各類資源統一檢索、統一導航、在線閱讀和下載服務。