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For enquiry, please contact us by calling at 8822 8170 or sending email to NOTE: SYSTEMATIC DOWNLOAD IS NOT ALLOWED.

Web Gallery of Art
Free Online Database

The Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts from 11th to 19th centuries. It was started in 1996 as a topical site of the Renaissance art, originated in the Italian city-states of the 14th century and spread to other countries in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Web of Science

It is a website of Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (CPCI-S) as well as Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH), containing citation and abstract information on the published journal articles. Full-text is only available to those e-journals that the Library has subscribed.

Mobile Site Mobile Site

Westlaw Classic

It is an online research service, offering the collection of legal and regulatory information and providing access to case law, legislation, law reviews, treaties, and directories.

Wharton Research Data Services

WRDS is a research platform and business intelligence tool that provides access to S & P Capital IQ, CRSP, NYSE, Thomson Reuters, Bureau van Dijk, Global Insight, OptionMetrics and other important business research databases, with data reaching across multiple disciplines including accounting, banking, economics, finance and statistics.
**To access the database, please enquire Faculty of Business Administration at by email or at 88228892 by phone.

Wiley Online Library

It allows online access to the full text of over 400 journals and more than 2,300 titles of ebooks, which covers a wide range of subjects such as business, management, psychology, humanities and social science, science and engineering etc.

Wind 資訊 (金融終端及經濟數據終端)



WIPO Pearl
Free Online Database

WIPO Pearl gives access to scientific and technical terms derived from patent documents. It helps promote accurate and consistent use of terms across different languages, and makes it easier to search and share scientific and technical knowledge.

WisersOne (formerly called Wisers)
(15 concurrent users)

This database provides access to the news and information come from over 500 regional newspapers in Chinese and English, as well as magazines, weeklies, websites and news agencies.
Access to this database to browse this website and find news first. To search, click on the "Nine Point Image" and WiseSearch image at the top left of the page.

World Bank E-Library
Free Online Database

It is an online, fully cross-searchable portal of over 5,000 World Bank documents. The collection consists of over 2,000 World Bank publications and over 3,200 Policy Research Working Papers, plus each new book and paper as they are published.

World Development Indicators (WDI)
Free Online Database

It provides direct access to more than 600 development indicators, with time series for 208 countries and 18 country groups from 1960 to 2011.
Free Online Database

It is a Web destination with search and social networking features that allow information seekers to discover, localize and personalize content from the collections in their community and thousands more around to world.

WorldScope Fundamentals
Standalone Database

Get a competitive edge when it comes to global insights and analysis. To address the complexity and inconsistencies of financial accounting practices and presentations, Worldscope Fundamentals uses uniform definitions and standardized statement organization, providing Standardized and As Reported financial statement data, calculated financial ratios, company profile information, security data, Officers and Directors, and market content for over 85,000 issuers.
**To access the database, please enquire at Reference Desk, G/F of the Library.
**It can be used by Datastream, Eikon.