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Science diplomacy's impact on global governance : a case study of China's climate change negotiations /
Título:  Science diplomacy's impact on global governance : a case study of China's climate change negotiations /
Autor:  Li, Jia Neng
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFSS(IRP) 149 LI
Screening of IRE1α ribonuclease inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicine and underlying anticancer mechanisms study /
Título:  Screening of IRE1α ribonuclease inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicine and underlying anticancer mechanisms study /
Autor:  Xie, Jing
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PICMS(BS) 155 XIE
Screening of IRE1α ribonuclease inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicine and underlying anticancer mechanisms study /
Título:  Screening of IRE1α ribonuclease inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicine and underlying anticancer mechanisms study /
Autor:  Xie, Jing
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PICMS(BS) 155 XIE
Sérgio Godinho e as 40 ilustrações /
Título:  Sérgio Godinho e as 40 ilustrações /
Autor:  Godinho, Sérgio, autor.
Publication Year:  2011
Call No.:  PQ 9307 O36 Ser 2011
ISBN:  9899744824
Shephard technologies and neoclassical production functions /
Título:  Shephard technologies and neoclassical production functions /
Autor:  Junius, Th.
Publication Year:  1977
Call No.:  RBK1970-05951
ISBN:  9789020707274
Sieve methods /
Título:  Sieve methods /
Autor:  Halberstam, H. (Heini)
Publication Year:  1974
Call No.:  RBK1970-06046
ISBN:  9780123182500
Single-stage regulating rectifiers for wireless power transfer /
Título:  Single-stage regulating rectifiers for wireless power transfer /
Autor:  Lin, Jie
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 076 LIN
Single-stage regulating rectifiers for wireless power transfer /
Título:  Single-stage regulating rectifiers for wireless power transfer /
Autor:  Lin, Jie
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 076 LIN
Singular integrals and Fourier theory on Lipschitz boundaries / Lipschitz边界上的奇异积分与Fourier理论 / 钱涛, 李澎涛.
Título:  Singular integrals and Fourier theory on Lipschitz boundaries / Lipschitz边界上的奇异积分与Fourier理论 / 钱涛, 李澎涛.
Autor:  Qian, Tao, author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  QA 323 Qia 2019
ISBN:  7030618394
Singular integrals and Fourier theory on Lipschitz boundaries / Lipschitz边界上的奇异积分与Fourier理论 / 钱涛, 李澎涛.
Título:  Singular integrals and Fourier theory on Lipschitz boundaries / Lipschitz边界上的奇异积分与Fourier理论 / 钱涛, 李澎涛.
Autor:  Qian, Tao, author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  QA 323 Qia 2019
ISBN:  7030618394
Sirt1 deficiency upregulates glutathione metabolism to prevent hepatocellular carcinoma initiation in mice /
Título:  Sirt1 deficiency upregulates glutathione metabolism to prevent hepatocellular carcinoma initiation in mice /
Autor:  Qiu, Peng Xiang
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 104 QIU
Sirt1 deficiency upregulates glutathione metabolism to prevent hepatocellular carcinoma initiation in mice /
Título:  Sirt1 deficiency upregulates glutathione metabolism to prevent hepatocellular carcinoma initiation in mice /
Autor:  Qiu, Peng Xiang
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 104 QIU
Sob céus vermelhos : vida, ilusões e mudanças na China de hojel /
Título:  Sob céus vermelhos : vida, ilusões e mudanças na China de hojel /
Autor:  Kan, Karoline, 1989- autor.
Publication Year:  março de 2020.
Call No.:  DS 779.49 K36 Sob 2020
ISBN:  9897224653
Social planning for growing cities : role of social welfare /
Título:  Social planning for growing cities : role of social welfare /
Autor:  ICSW Regional Conference for Asia and Western Pacific Hong Kong) (1975 :
Publication Year:  1976
Call No.:  RBK1970-05609
Soviet economic structure and performance /
Título:  Soviet economic structure and performance /
Autor:  Gregory, Paul R.
Publication Year:  1974
Call No.:  RBK1970-05646
ISBN:  9780060425098
Spatial variations of air pollution in different microenvironments in the Pearl River Delta Region, China /
Título:  Spatial variations of air pollution in different microenvironments in the Pearl River Delta Region, China /
Autor:  Liu, Ben
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PFST(C) 029 LIU
Spatial variations of air pollution in different microenvironments in the Pearl River Delta Region, China /
Título:  Spatial variations of air pollution in different microenvironments in the Pearl River Delta Region, China /
Autor:  Liu, Ben
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PFST(C) 029 LIU
Spectral clustering and data representation /
Título:  Spectral clustering and data representation /
Autor:  Zhong, Guo
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(CS) 041 ZHONG
Spectral clustering and data representation /
Título:  Spectral clustering and data representation /
Autor:  Zhong, Guo
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(CS) 041 ZHONG
Spinoza /
Título:  Spinoza /
Publication Year:  [2006]
Call No.:  B 3998 Spi 2006
ISBN:  9782729825492
State ownership and stock price reaction to CEO sudden death : evidence from Chinese firms /
Título:  State ownership and stock price reaction to CEO sudden death : evidence from Chinese firms /
Autor:  Yan, Jun Yu
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MBA(BF) 286 YAN
State ownership and stock price reaction to CEO sudden death : evidence from Chinese firms /
Título:  State ownership and stock price reaction to CEO sudden death : evidence from Chinese firms /
Autor:  Yan, Jun Yu
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MBA(BF) 286 YAN
Stilwell and the American experience in China, 1911-45 /
Título:  Stilwell and the American experience in China, 1911-45 /
Autor:  Tuchman, Barbara W. 1912-1989. (Barbara Wertheim),
Publication Year:  1972
Call No.:  E 745 S68 Tuc 1972
ISBN:  9780553257984
Stress intensity factors analysis of semi-circle surface crack in a steel cylinder subjected to uniform loading /
Título:  Stress intensity factors analysis of semi-circle surface crack in a steel cylinder subjected to uniform loading /
Autor:  Zhou, Lin Rui
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MST(C) 198 ZHOU
Stress intensity factors analysis of semi-circle surface crack in a steel cylinder subjected to uniform loading /
Título:  Stress intensity factors analysis of semi-circle surface crack in a steel cylinder subjected to uniform loading /
Autor:  Zhou, Lin Rui
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MST(C) 198 ZHOU
Structural design guide to the ACI building code /
Título:  Structural design guide to the ACI building code /
Autor:  Rice, Paul F., 1921-
Publication Year:  [1972]
Call No.:  RBK1970-05639
ISBN:  9780442369033
Structural mechanisms of lipid metabolism and signaling in human health and diseases /
Título:  Structural mechanisms of lipid metabolism and signaling in human health and diseases /
Autor:  Xiao, Qing Pin
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 102 XIAO
Structural mechanisms of lipid metabolism and signaling in human health and diseases /
Título:  Structural mechanisms of lipid metabolism and signaling in human health and diseases /
Autor:  Xiao, Qing Pin
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 102 XIAO
Study and design of quasi-proportional-resonant controllers for grid-connected inverter /
Título:  Study and design of quasi-proportional-resonant controllers for grid-connected inverter /
Autor:  Chao, Chi Wa
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MST(E) 227 CHAO
Study and design of quasi-proportional-resonant controllers for grid-connected inverter /
Título:  Study and design of quasi-proportional-resonant controllers for grid-connected inverter /
Autor:  Chao, Chi Wa
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MST(E) 227 CHAO