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Assessing an expanded format of the personal optimism and self-efficacy optimism scale /
Título:  Assessing an expanded format of the personal optimism and self-efficacy optimism scale /
Autor:  Feng, Li
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MFE 1020 FENG
Assessing an expanded format of the personal optimism and self-efficacy optimism scale /
Título:  Assessing an expanded format of the personal optimism and self-efficacy optimism scale /
Autor:  Feng, Li
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MFE 1020 FENG
Bachelor's degree programmes : prospectus 1995-1997 .
Título:  Bachelor's degree programmes : prospectus 1995-1997 .
Publication Year:  1995
Call No.:  UMHP0040
Balanço das acções do Governo da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau realizadas no ano financeiro de 2014.
Título:  Balanço das acções do Governo da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau realizadas no ano financeiro de 2014.
Autor:  Macau. Governo.
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  JQ 1519.5 A61 Mac 2014p
Balanço das acções do Governo realizadas no ano financeiro de 2014
Título:  Balanço das acções do Governo realizadas no ano financeiro de 2014
Autor:  Macau. Governo.
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  JQ 1519.5 A61 Mac 2014p
Beautiful views of Zhuhai /
Título:  Beautiful views of Zhuhai /
Publication Year:  1990
Call No.:  DS 797.32 C48 Bea 1990
ISBN:  9787536007918
Becoming an English teacher : prompts and challenges in teacher identity development /
Título:  Becoming an English teacher : prompts and challenges in teacher identity development /
Autor:  Xiang, Mei Qi
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MFE 1030 XIANG
Becoming an English teacher : prompts and challenges in teacher identity development /
Título:  Becoming an English teacher : prompts and challenges in teacher identity development /
Autor:  Xiang, Mei Qi
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MFE 1030 XIANG
Being a teacher : the trainee teacher's guide to developing the personal and professional skills you need /
Título:  Being a teacher : the trainee teacher's guide to developing the personal and professional skills you need /
Autor:  Thompson, Carol, 1963- author.
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  LB 1725 G7 Tho 2021
ISBN:  1529751977
Being versed in both literacy and martial arts : interaction between Foshan Chin Woo Athletic Association and the society (1921-1928) /
Being versed in both literacy and martial arts : interaction between Foshan Chin Woo Athletic Association and the society (1921-1928) /
Between English and Chinese education : a comparative case study of the Chinese educational mission (1872-1881) and Yung Wing’s early bilingual education /
Between English and Chinese education : a comparative case study of the Chinese educational mission (1872-1881) and Yung Wing’s early bilingual education /
Big data and analytics applications in government : current practices and future opportunities /
Título:  Big data and analytics applications in government : current practices and future opportunities /
Publication Year:  2022
Call No.:  JF 1525 A8 Big 2022
ISBN:  103247663X
Big ideas in primary mathematics /
Título:  Big ideas in primary mathematics /
Autor:  Newell, Robert, author.
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  QA 135.5 New 2021
ISBN:  1529716470
Big little hotel : small hotels designed by architects /
Título:  Big little hotel : small hotels designed by architects /
Autor:  Kacmar, Donna, author.
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  NA 7840 Kac 2023
ISBN:  1032256222
Blockchain : a hype or a hoax /
Título:  Blockchain : a hype or a hoax /
Autor:  Sharma, Kapil, author.
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  QA 76.9 B56 Sha 2023
ISBN:  1032126574
Born, revived, and disappeared in the turmoil : The British Baptist Missionary Society in Shaanxi /
Título:  Born, revived, and disappeared in the turmoil : The British Baptist Missionary Society in Shaanxi /
Autor:  Sun, Tian Qi
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MFAH(H) 053 SUN
Born, revived, and disappeared in the turmoil : The British Baptist Missionary Society in Shaanxi /
Título:  Born, revived, and disappeared in the turmoil : The British Baptist Missionary Society in Shaanxi /
Autor:  Sun, Tian Qi
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MFAH(H) 053 SUN
Build your business vocabulary /
Título:  Build your business vocabulary /
Autor:  Flower, John.
Publication Year:  ©1990.
Call No.:  PE 1115 Flo 1990
ISBN:  9780906717875
Business financial planning with Microsoft Excel /
Título:  Business financial planning with Microsoft Excel /
Autor:  Powell, Gavin, author.
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  HG 4012.5 Pow 2023
ISBN:  1032534419
Business objectives pairwork /
Título:  Business objectives pairwork /
Autor:  Bradley, John
Publication Year:  1997
Call No.:  PE 1128 Bra 1997
ISBN:  9780194513968
Cadernos de Lanzarote /
Título:  Cadernos de Lanzarote /
Autor:  Saramago, José, autor.
Publication Year:  2016-2018
Call No.:  PQ 9281 A66 Cad 2016
ISBN:  972004831X
Caim : romance /
Título:  Caim : romance /
Autor:  Saramago, José, author.
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  PQ 9281 A66 Cai 2017
ISBN:  9720049855
Casino and gaming resort investigations /
Título:  Casino and gaming resort investigations /
Autor:  Boss, Derk J., author.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  HV 6711 Bos 2020
ISBN:  1482246368
Casos práticos de direito Administrativo /
Título:  Casos práticos de direito Administrativo /
Autor:  Silva, Artur Flamínio da, autor.
Publication Year:  maio 2023.
Call No.:  KKQ 2716.5 Sil 2023
ISBN:  9894012299
Casos práticos do direito do trabalho : questões práticas resolvidas /
Título:  Casos práticos do direito do trabalho : questões práticas resolvidas /
Autor:  Quintas, Paula, autor.
Publication Year:  setembro 2022.
Call No.:  KKQ 1270 Qui 2022
ISBN:  9894003818
Catalyzed entanglement : Macao Four Circles Disaster Relief Association in 1930s and 1940s /
Título:  Catalyzed entanglement : Macao Four Circles Disaster Relief Association in 1930s and 1940s /
Autor:  Wang, Mo Ru
Publication Year:  2022
Call No.:  MFAH(H) 028 WANG
Catalyzed entanglement : Macao Four Circles Disaster Relief Association in 1930s and 1940s /
Título:  Catalyzed entanglement : Macao Four Circles Disaster Relief Association in 1930s and 1940s /
Autor:  Wang, Mo Ru
Publication Year:  2022
Call No.:  MFAH(H) 028 WANG
China-EU relations in a new era of global transformation /
Título:  China-EU relations in a new era of global transformation /
Publication Year:  2022
Call No.:  D 2025.5 C5 Chi 2022
ISBN:  0367562413