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An introduction to modern English word-formation /
Título:  An introduction to modern English word-formation /
Autor:  Adams, Valerie.
Publication Year:  1973
Call No.:  RBK1970-10561
ISBN:  9780582521940
An introduction to the Greek world /
Título:  An introduction to the Greek world /
Autor:  Arnott, Peter D.
Publication Year:  1967
Call No.:  RBK1960-01123
An introduction to the law /
Título:  An introduction to the law /
Autor:  Post, C. Gordon 1903- (Charles Gordon),
Publication Year:  1963
Call No.:  RBK1960-01283
An introduction to the sociology of education /
Título:  An introduction to the sociology of education /
Autor:  Ashley, Brian J.
Publication Year:  1969
Call No.:  RBK1960-01091
ISBN:  0333011368
An introduction to the sociology of rural development /
Título:  An introduction to the sociology of rural development /
Autor:  Long, Norman.
Publication Year:  1977
Call No.:  RBK1970-10428
ISBN:  9780422744805
An investigation of the professional development needs of the senior management in Macao schools : a qualitative study /
An investigation of the professional development needs of the senior management in Macao schools : a qualitative study /
Analysis of ground deformation induced by twin shield construction in soft soil /
Título:  Analysis of ground deformation induced by twin shield construction in soft soil /
Autor:  Io, Ka In
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(C) 208 IO
Analysis of ground deformation induced by twin shield construction in soft soil /
Título:  Analysis of ground deformation induced by twin shield construction in soft soil /
Autor:  Io, Ka In
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(C) 208 IO
Analysis of linear networks and systems; a matrix-oriented approach with computer applications /
Título:  Analysis of linear networks and systems; a matrix-oriented approach with computer applications /
Autor:  Chan, Shu-Park, 1929-2013.
Publication Year:  [1972].
Call No.:  RBK1970-10460
Analysis of tall buildings by the force-displacement method /
Título:  Analysis of tall buildings by the force-displacement method /
Autor:  Smolira, M.
Publication Year:  1975
Call No.:  RBK1970-10329
ISBN:  007084488
Andrographolide derivative AL-1 suppresses inflammation by reducing mitochondrial reactive oxygen species /
Título:  Andrographolide derivative AL-1 suppresses inflammation by reducing mitochondrial reactive oxygen species /
Autor:  Chen, Qiu Ling
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(CMS) 306 CHEN
Andrographolide derivative AL-1 suppresses inflammation by reducing mitochondrial reactive oxygen species /
Título:  Andrographolide derivative AL-1 suppresses inflammation by reducing mitochondrial reactive oxygen species /
Autor:  Chen, Qiu Ling
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(CMS) 306 CHEN
Angkor : Cité Khmère /
Título:  Angkor : Cité Khmère /
Autor:  Jacques, Claude, author.
Publication Year:  [2000]
Call No.:  DS 554.98 A5 Jac 2000
ISBN:  9748225569
Annelids /
Título:  Annelids /
Autor:  Dales, Rodney Phillips.
Publication Year:  1967
Call No.:  RBK1960-00917
Antologia do conto fantástico português /
Título:  Antologia do conto fantástico português /
Publication Year:  1974
Call No.:  RBK1970-10458
Antologia poética /
Título:  Antologia poética /
Autor:  Sena, Jorge de.
Publication Year:  2010
Call No.:  PQ 9261 S46 Ant 2009
ISBN:  9726656664
Approach to chemistry, 1965 : lectures and workshop reports of the 1965 summer school for chemistry teachers at the U. N. S. W. /
Approximation to ergodic measure of queueing systems /
Título:  Approximation to ergodic measure of queueing systems /
Autor:  Jin, Xing Hu
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(MT) 064 JIN
Approximation to ergodic measure of queueing systems /
Título:  Approximation to ergodic measure of queueing systems /
Autor:  Jin, Xing Hu
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(MT) 064 JIN
Aquisição de português por crianças chinesas de Macau /
Título:  Aquisição de português por crianças chinesas de Macau /
Autor:  Iek, Sin I
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFAH(SLA-P) 010 IEK
Aquisição de português por crianças chinesas de Macau /
Título:  Aquisição de português por crianças chinesas de Macau /
Autor:  Iek, Sin I
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFAH(SLA-P) 010 IEK
Archaeology and society : reconstructing the prehistoric past /
Título:  Archaeology and society : reconstructing the prehistoric past /
Autor:  Clark, Grahame, 1907-1995.
Publication Year:  1960 ;
Call No.:  RBK1960-01219
ISBN:  9780416675108
Artesunate-loaded CaCO3 hybrid nanomedicine for improved cancer therapy /
Título:  Artesunate-loaded CaCO3 hybrid nanomedicine for improved cancer therapy /
Autor:  Zhong, Wen Zhao
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(CMS) 322 ZHONG
Artesunate-loaded CaCO3 hybrid nanomedicine for improved cancer therapy /
Título:  Artesunate-loaded CaCO3 hybrid nanomedicine for improved cancer therapy /
Autor:  Zhong, Wen Zhao
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(CMS) 322 ZHONG
As escolas históricas /
Título:  As escolas históricas /
Autor:  Bourdé, Guy, autor.
Publication Year:  2003
Call No.:  D 13 Bou 2003
ISBN:  9789721030268
Aspects of social change in modern Japan /
Título:  Aspects of social change in modern Japan /
Publication Year:  1971
Call No.:  RBK1970-10292
ISBN:  9780691000145
Aspen notebook: cable and continuing education /
Título:  Aspen notebook: cable and continuing education /
Autor:  Adler, Richard, 1942-
Publication Year:  1973
Call No.:  RBK1970-10502
ISBN:  9780275288174
Assim estalou a guerra : organizado sôbre os documentos diplomáticos revelados pelo "Livro blanco" alemão, "Livro azul" inglês e "Livro amarelo" francês.
Atlantic agricultural unity : is it possible? /
Título:  Atlantic agricultural unity : is it possible? /
Autor:  Coppock, John O.
Publication Year:  ©1966.
Call No.:  RBK1960-01296