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Single-stage regulating rectifiers for wireless power transfer /
Título:  Single-stage regulating rectifiers for wireless power transfer /
Autor:  Lin, Jie
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 076 LIN
Single-stage regulating rectifiers for wireless power transfer /
Título:  Single-stage regulating rectifiers for wireless power transfer /
Autor:  Lin, Jie
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 076 LIN
Design of radio frequency wireless power transfer circuits /
Título:  Design of radio frequency wireless power transfer circuits /
Autor:  Li, Xiao Fei
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 075 LI
Design of radio frequency wireless power transfer circuits /
Título:  Design of radio frequency wireless power transfer circuits /
Autor:  Li, Xiao Fei
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 075 LI
Low profile patch antennas with enhanced functionality /
Título:  Low profile patch antennas with enhanced functionality /
Autor:  Liu, Zhong Xun
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 074 LIU
Low profile patch antennas with enhanced functionality /
Título:  Low profile patch antennas with enhanced functionality /
Autor:  Liu, Zhong Xun
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 074 LIU
Advanced differential phase shifters for microwave circuits and antennas /
Título:  Advanced differential phase shifters for microwave circuits and antennas /
Autor:  Qiu, Lei Lei
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 073 QIU
Advanced differential phase shifters for microwave circuits and antennas /
Título:  Advanced differential phase shifters for microwave circuits and antennas /
Autor:  Qiu, Lei Lei
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 073 QIU
State ownership and stock price reaction to CEO sudden death : evidence from Chinese firms /
Título:  State ownership and stock price reaction to CEO sudden death : evidence from Chinese firms /
Autor:  Yan, Jun Yu
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MBA(BF) 286 YAN
State ownership and stock price reaction to CEO sudden death : evidence from Chinese firms /
Título:  State ownership and stock price reaction to CEO sudden death : evidence from Chinese firms /
Autor:  Yan, Jun Yu
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MBA(BF) 286 YAN
The influence of indulgence and dystopia residuals on per capita gambling revenue /
Título:  The influence of indulgence and dystopia residuals on per capita gambling revenue /
Autor:  Liu, Guan Zhi
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MBA(IIRM) 095 LIU
The influence of indulgence and dystopia residuals on per capita gambling revenue /
Título:  The influence of indulgence and dystopia residuals on per capita gambling revenue /
Autor:  Liu, Guan Zhi
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MBA(IIRM) 095 LIU
A responsabilidade civil dos administradores de facto nas sociedades anόnimas = The civil liability of de facto and shadow directors in companies limited by shares /
A responsabilidade civil dos administradores de facto nas sociedades anόnimas = The civil liability of de facto and shadow directors in companies limited by shares /
Relevância jurídica do regime cláusulas contratuais gerais para efeitos da contratação electrόnica /
Título:  Relevância jurídica do regime cláusulas contratuais gerais para efeitos da contratação electrόnica /
Autor:  Li, Yin
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFLL 874 LI
Real-time adaptive stereo depth estimation for autonomous vehicles based on self-supervised learning method /
Título:  Real-time adaptive stereo depth estimation for autonomous vehicles based on self-supervised learning method /
Autor:  Gan, Wan Shui
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(EM) 197 GAN
Relevância jurídica do regime cláusulas contratuais gerais para efeitos da contratação electrόnica /
Título:  Relevância jurídica do regime cláusulas contratuais gerais para efeitos da contratação electrόnica /
Autor:  Li, Yin
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFLL 874 LI
Real-time adaptive stereo depth estimation for autonomous vehicles based on self-supervised learning method /
Título:  Real-time adaptive stereo depth estimation for autonomous vehicles based on self-supervised learning method /
Autor:  Gan, Wan Shui
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(EM) 197 GAN
Research on the determination and recognition of legal parentage in translational surrogacy / By Xu Haoran.
Título:  Research on the determination and recognition of legal parentage in translational surrogacy / By Xu Haoran.
Autor:  Xu, Hao Ran
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFLL 873 XU
BRI trade and investment issues in the context of China-EU relationships /
Título:  BRI trade and investment issues in the context of China-EU relationships /
Autor:  Yang, Min
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFSS(MES) 114 YANG
Feasibility analysis of modular integrating construction implementation in Macau and comparison with traditional cast-in concrete construction /
澳門幼兒教師的職業認同感和職業生涯規劃現狀的研究 /
Título:  澳門幼兒教師的職業認同感和職業生涯規劃現狀的研究 /
Autor:  王雅瑋
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 782 WANG
BRI trade and investment issues in the context of China-EU relationships /
Título:  BRI trade and investment issues in the context of China-EU relationships /
Autor:  Yang, Min
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFSS(MES) 114 YANG
Feasibility analysis of modular integrating construction implementation in Macau and comparison with traditional cast-in concrete construction /
中國農村母嬰互動質量情況及特徵 : 來自山東省的證據 /
Título:  中國農村母嬰互動質量情況及特徵 : 來自山東省的證據 /
Autor:  劉夢姬
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 781 LIU
中國農村母嬰互動質量情況及特徵 : 來自山東省的證據 /
Título:  中國農村母嬰互動質量情況及特徵 : 來自山東省的證據 /
Autor:  劉夢姬
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 781 LIU
中国当代微型小说百家论 (续二) /
Título:  中国当代微型小说百家论 (续二) /
Autor:  陈勇, 1963 author.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  AUS
ISBN:  9787512656383
廣東省幼兒體力活動水平研究 : 基於幼兒身體活動觀察記錄系統的評估 /
Título:  廣東省幼兒體力活動水平研究 : 基於幼兒身體活動觀察記錄系統的評估 /
Autor:  郭凱
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 780 GUO
廣東省幼兒體力活動水平研究 : 基於幼兒身體活動觀察記錄系統的評估 /
Título:  廣東省幼兒體力活動水平研究 : 基於幼兒身體活動觀察記錄系統的評估 /
Autor:  郭凱
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 780 GUO
澳門 "內地優秀幼兒園教師" 的身份認同研究 /
Título:  澳門 "內地優秀幼兒園教師" 的身份認同研究 /
Autor:  白樺
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 779 BAI