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Adaptive gradient-based adversarial attacks on deep neural networks /
Título:  Adaptive gradient-based adversarial attacks on deep neural networks /
Autor:  Xiao, Ta Tie
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(CS) 039 XIAO
香港・格局・變異 /
Título:  香港・格局・變異 /
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  DS 796 H757 Hsi 2021
ISBN:  9887544108
紫書圓學 /
Título:  紫書圓學 /
Autor:  河洛子, 1985- author.
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  B 105 C453 He 2021
ISBN:  9887422983
紫書圓學 /
Título:  紫書圓學 /
Autor:  河洛子, 1985- author.
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  AUS
ISBN:  9887422983
Civil liability of transnational corporations for environmental damage in developing countries : a systematic approach /
Título:  Civil liability of transnational corporations for environmental damage in developing countries : a systematic approach /
Autor:  Tian, Ze Hua
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 066 TIAN
Civil liability of transnational corporations for environmental damage in developing countries : a systematic approach /
Título:  Civil liability of transnational corporations for environmental damage in developing countries : a systematic approach /
Autor:  Tian, Ze Hua
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 066 TIAN
DNA mismatch repair (MMR) gene variation in the Chinese population /
Título:  DNA mismatch repair (MMR) gene variation in the Chinese population /
Autor:  Zhang, Li
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 101 ZHANG
DNA mismatch repair (MMR) gene variation in the Chinese population /
Título:  DNA mismatch repair (MMR) gene variation in the Chinese population /
Autor:  Zhang, Li
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 101 ZHANG
The Portuguese in China 1513-1999 : courage, endurance and adaptation /
Título:  The Portuguese in China 1513-1999 : courage, endurance and adaptation /
Autor:  Silva, Antonio Manuel Maria Pacheco Jorge da, 1938- author
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  DS 796 M35 Sil 2021
ISBN:  9789996559556
Clustering and feature spaces /
Título:  Clustering and feature spaces /
Autor:  Zhao, Yin Ping
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(CS) 042 ZHAO
Clustering and feature spaces /
Título:  Clustering and feature spaces /
Autor:  Zhao, Yin Ping
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(CS) 042 ZHAO
我國未成年犯規範量刑研究 /
Título:  我國未成年犯規範量刑研究 /
Autor:  陳立毅
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 063 CHEN
Time and space in real-time activity : a projection analysis of a synchronised multi-angle video of training interaction /
Título:  Time and space in real-time activity : a projection analysis of a synchronised multi-angle video of training interaction /
Autor:  Au Yeung, Shing Hung
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFSS(COM) 016 AUYEUNG
我國未成年犯規範量刑研究 /
Título:  我國未成年犯規範量刑研究 /
Autor:  陳立毅
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 063 CHEN
Time and space in real-time activity : a projection analysis of a synchronised multi-angle video of training interaction /
Título:  Time and space in real-time activity : a projection analysis of a synchronised multi-angle video of training interaction /
Autor:  Au Yeung, Shing Hung
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFSS(COM) 016 AUYEUNG
Corruption and economic efficiency : an empirical study based on DEA approach /
Título:  Corruption and economic efficiency : an empirical study based on DEA approach /
Autor:  Kong, Shuai
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFSS(E) 080 KONG
Empirical analysis of criminal sentencing documents in China : three examples /
Título:  Empirical analysis of criminal sentencing documents in China : three examples /
Autor:  Xin, Yan Yu
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFSS(S) 012 XIN
信息網絡視角下詐騙犯罪的刑法規制 /
Título:  信息網絡視角下詐騙犯罪的刑法規制 /
Autor:  謝志強
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 061 XIE
Corruption and economic efficiency : an empirical study based on DEA approach /
Título:  Corruption and economic efficiency : an empirical study based on DEA approach /
Autor:  Kong, Shuai
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFSS(E) 080 KONG
Empirical analysis of criminal sentencing documents in China : three examples /
Título:  Empirical analysis of criminal sentencing documents in China : three examples /
Autor:  Xin, Yan Yu
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFSS(S) 012 XIN
信息網絡視角下詐騙犯罪的刑法規制 /
Título:  信息網絡視角下詐騙犯罪的刑法規制 /
Autor:  謝志強
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 061 XIE
Driving under the influence of alcohol in Macau : frequency, periodicity and law enforcement /
Título:  Driving under the influence of alcohol in Macau : frequency, periodicity and law enforcement /
Autor:  Wang, Yu Qing
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MSS(C) 132 WANG
The effects of parenting styles on academic performance : self-regulation, persistence, and mindset as mediators /
Título:  The effects of parenting styles on academic performance : self-regulation, persistence, and mindset as mediators /
Autor:  Chan, U Wai
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFSS(S) 011 CHAN
Re-evaluation of the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) from the perspective of sovereign participants and investment dispute resolution under China's Belt and Road initiative /
Driving under the influence of alcohol in Macau : frequency, periodicity and law enforcement /
Título:  Driving under the influence of alcohol in Macau : frequency, periodicity and law enforcement /
Autor:  Wang, Yu Qing
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MSS(C) 132 WANG
The effects of parenting styles on academic performance : self-regulation, persistence, and mindset as mediators /
Título:  The effects of parenting styles on academic performance : self-regulation, persistence, and mindset as mediators /
Autor:  Chan, U Wai
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFSS(S) 011 CHAN
Re-evaluation of the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) from the perspective of sovereign participants and investment dispute resolution under China's Belt and Road initiative /
Entrepreneurship and innovation in China : an ecosystem perspective /
Título:  Entrepreneurship and innovation in China : an ecosystem perspective /
Autor:  Zhao, Xi
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFBA(MM) 003 ZHAO
檢察機關提起行政公益訴訟制度研究 /
Título:  檢察機關提起行政公益訴訟制度研究 /
Autor:  遲曉燕
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 059 CHI
Entrepreneurship and innovation in China : an ecosystem perspective /
Título:  Entrepreneurship and innovation in China : an ecosystem perspective /
Autor:  Zhao, Xi
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFBA(MM) 003 ZHAO