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城市空間中的倫理書寫 : 以 1990 年代以來中國城市文學為中心 /
Título:  城市空間中的倫理書寫 : 以 1990 年代以來中國城市文學為中心 /
Autor:  李姝
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  PFAH(LIT-C) 041 LI
基於語料庫的漢語虛擬位移表達式研究 /
Título:  基於語料庫的漢語虛擬位移表達式研究 /
Autor:  王少茗
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  PFAH(LING-C) 030 WANG
多變量競爭機制及其對漢語語序的影響 /
Título:  多變量競爭機制及其對漢語語序的影響 /
Autor:  張翠吉
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  PFAH(LING-C) 029 ZHANG
多變量競爭機制及其對漢語語序的影響 /
Título:  多變量競爭機制及其對漢語語序的影響 /
Autor:  張翠吉
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  PFAH(LING-C) 029 ZHANG
"給"字句的歷時演變和共時比較研究 = A diachronic and synchronic study of Gei sentences /
Título:  "給"字句的歷時演變和共時比較研究 = A diachronic and synchronic study of Gei sentences /
Autor:  王旭
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LING) 159 WANG
"給"字句的歷時演變和共時比較研究 = A diachronic and synchronic study of Gei sentences /
Título:  "給"字句的歷時演變和共時比較研究 = A diachronic and synchronic study of Gei sentences /
Autor:  王旭
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LING) 159 WANG
安多藏語中的漢語借詞變異研究 = A study on the variation of Chinese loanwords in Amdo Tibetan /
Título:  安多藏語中的漢語借詞變異研究 = A study on the variation of Chinese loanwords in Amdo Tibetan /
Autor:  更桑多傑
Publication Year:  2023
安多藏語中的漢語借詞變異研究 = A study on the variation of Chinese loanwords in Amdo Tibetan /
Título:  安多藏語中的漢語借詞變異研究 = A study on the variation of Chinese loanwords in Amdo Tibetan /
Autor:  更桑多傑
Publication Year:  2023
南通方言新老派辭彙對比研究 = Vocabulary difference between the old and new varieties of the Nantong dialect /
Título:  南通方言新老派辭彙對比研究 = Vocabulary difference between the old and new varieties of the Nantong dialect /
Autor:  孫文逸
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LING) 157 SUN
南通方言新老派辭彙對比研究 = Vocabulary difference between the old and new varieties of the Nantong dialect /
Título:  南通方言新老派辭彙對比研究 = Vocabulary difference between the old and new varieties of the Nantong dialect /
Autor:  孫文逸
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LING) 157 SUN
Han heroes and Yamato warriors : competing masculinities in Chinese and Japanese war cinema /
Título:  Han heroes and Yamato warriors : competing masculinities in Chinese and Japanese war cinema /
Autor:  Weiss, Amanda, author.
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  D 743.23 Wei 2023
ISBN:  9888754270
"A不到哪里去"結構的語義和句法分析 = A semantic and syntactic analysis of "A-budao nali qu" construction /
Título:  "A不到哪里去"結構的語義和句法分析 = A semantic and syntactic analysis of "A-budao nali qu" construction /
Autor:  朱月婷
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LING) 156 ZHU
"A不到哪里去"結構的語義和句法分析 = A semantic and syntactic analysis of "A-budao nali qu" construction /
Título:  "A不到哪里去"結構的語義和句法分析 = A semantic and syntactic analysis of "A-budao nali qu" construction /
Autor:  朱月婷
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LING) 156 ZHU
論「二重人格」在施蟄存精神分析小說中的體現 = On the embodiment of 'dual-personality' in Shi Zhecun's psychoanalytic novels /
第32届全国结构工程学术会议论文集 = Proceedings of the 32st national conference on structural engineering /
Título:  第32届全国结构工程学术会议论文集 = Proceedings of the 32st national conference on structural engineering /
Autor:  全国结构工程学术会议 赣州, 中国) 2023 : (32st :
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  TA 630 Chu 2023
論「二重人格」在施蟄存精神分析小說中的體現 = On the embodiment of 'dual-personality' in Shi Zhecun's psychoanalytic novels /
敘事倫理 : 從概念到實踐, 以蕭紅作品為例 = Narrative ethics : from concept to practice, using Xiao Hong's works as an example /
敘事倫理 : 從概念到實踐, 以蕭紅作品為例 = Narrative ethics : from concept to practice, using Xiao Hong's works as an example /
比較《塵埃落定》與《喧嘩與騷動》癡傻視角下的不可靠敘事 = A comparison of the unreliable narratives of "Red Poppies" and "The Sound and the Fury" from a silly perspective /
比較《塵埃落定》與《喧嘩與騷動》癡傻視角下的不可靠敘事 = A comparison of the unreliable narratives of "Red Poppies" and "The Sound and the Fury" from a silly perspective /
張潔新時期小說的"人學"審視 = Analysis on "Ren Xue" in Zhang Jie' s new period novels /
Título:  張潔新時期小說的"人學"審視 = Analysis on "Ren Xue" in Zhang Jie' s new period novels /
Autor:  李靜潤
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LIT) 261 LI
張潔新時期小說的"人學"審視 = Analysis on "Ren Xue" in Zhang Jie' s new period novels /
Título:  張潔新時期小說的"人學"審視 = Analysis on "Ren Xue" in Zhang Jie' s new period novels /
Autor:  李靜潤
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LIT) 261 LI
論汪曾祺小說創作的"衰年變法" = On Wang Zengqi's reform of novel creation in his old age /
Título:  論汪曾祺小說創作的"衰年變法" = On Wang Zengqi's reform of novel creation in his old age /
Autor:  馬一戈
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LIT) 260 MA
Confronting the crisis of engagement : creating focus and resilience for students, staff, and communities /
Título:  Confronting the crisis of engagement : creating focus and resilience for students, staff, and communities /
Autor:  Reeves, Douglas B., 1953- author.
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  LB 2806 Ree 2023
ISBN:  1071894161
数据与个人信息疑难问题法律指引 : 基于215则典型案例的分析 /
Título:  数据与个人信息疑难问题法律指引 : 基于215则典型案例的分析 /
Autor:  万波, author
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  KNQ 483 Wan 2023
ISBN:  7519774090
論汪曾祺小說創作的"衰年變法" = On Wang Zengqi's reform of novel creation in his old age /
Título:  論汪曾祺小說創作的"衰年變法" = On Wang Zengqi's reform of novel creation in his old age /
Autor:  馬一戈
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LIT) 260 MA
澳門詩人梁彥明研究 = Research on Macao poet Liang Yanming /
Título:  澳門詩人梁彥明研究 = Research on Macao poet Liang Yanming /
Autor:  劉嘉琪
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LIT) 259 LAO
澳門詩人梁彥明研究 = Research on Macao poet Liang Yanming /
Título:  澳門詩人梁彥明研究 = Research on Macao poet Liang Yanming /
Autor:  劉嘉琪
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MCS(LIT) 259 LAO
澳門私立中小學中文教師專業發展現狀及對策 = Teacher professional development of private primary and secondary schools in Macao : status quo and strategies /
Everyday executive function strategies : improve student engagement, self-regulation, behavior, and learning /
Título:  Everyday executive function strategies : improve student engagement, self-regulation, behavior, and learning /
Autor:  Sharpe, Valerie, author.
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  LB 1062 Sha 2023
ISBN:  1071870890