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現代漢語存在句首尾論元易位的條件與動因 = The condition and motivation of the transposition of the first and last arguments in modern Chinese existential construction /
基於智能公平之環境啟迪幼兒多元智能 : 以中國啟蒙讀物《三字經》為文本 /
Título:  基於智能公平之環境啟迪幼兒多元智能 : 以中國啟蒙讀物《三字經》為文本 /
Autor:  張嘉玲
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MFE 1032 CHEONG
1781年暹羅赴華使團的籌備工作 = Arrangements for Siam's mission to Qing China in 1781 /
Título:  1781年暹羅赴華使團的籌備工作 = Arrangements for Siam's mission to Qing China in 1781 /
Autor:  張毅
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MFAH(H) 042 ZHANG
漢德語"前後/內外"空間方向選擇及其認知動因對比 = A contrast of cognitive styles underlying spatial orientation "front-back/inside-outside" between Chinese and German /
基於智能公平之環境啟迪幼兒多元智能 : 以中國啟蒙讀物《三字經》為文本 /
Título:  基於智能公平之環境啟迪幼兒多元智能 : 以中國啟蒙讀物《三字經》為文本 /
Autor:  張嘉玲
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MFE 1032 CHEONG
Título:  中山文獻.
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  BKSM002
ISBN:  9787218163697
漢德語"前後/內外"空間方向選擇及其認知動因對比 = A contrast of cognitive styles underlying spatial orientation "front-back/inside-outside" between Chinese and German /
The dynamics of classroom participation in a foreign teacher's oral English class for Chinese English-majored students : through the lens of cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) /
《國際中文教育中文水準等級標準》一級多義詞研究 = An analysis of level 1 polysemous words in Chinese proficiency grading standards for international Chinese language education /
The dynamics of classroom participation in a foreign teacher's oral English class for Chinese English-majored students : through the lens of cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) /
數字記憶環境下澳門技藝類非遺的文化生態研究 = Study of cultural ecology about conventional skills and techniques of traditional handicrafts intangible cvultural heritage in Macau and the construction based on digital memory /
《國際中文教育中文水準等級標準》一級多義詞研究 = An analysis of level 1 polysemous words in Chinese proficiency grading standards for international Chinese language education /
Becoming an English teacher : prompts and challenges in teacher identity development /
Título:  Becoming an English teacher : prompts and challenges in teacher identity development /
Autor:  Xiang, Mei Qi
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MFE 1030 XIANG
數字記憶環境下澳門技藝類非遺的文化生態研究 = Study of cultural ecology about conventional skills and techniques of traditional handicrafts intangible cvultural heritage in Macau and the construction based on digital memory /
Investigating the effect of processing instruction and traditional instruction : a case study of the acquisition of English simple past tense among the Macau local junior form students /
Becoming an English teacher : prompts and challenges in teacher identity development /
Título:  Becoming an English teacher : prompts and challenges in teacher identity development /
Autor:  Xiang, Mei Qi
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  MFE 1030 XIANG
Investigating the effect of processing instruction and traditional instruction : a case study of the acquisition of English simple past tense among the Macau local junior form students /
網絡文學與"主流文學"關係史研究 /
Título:  網絡文學與"主流文學"關係史研究 /
Autor:  汪沛
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  PFAH(LIT-C) 040 WANG
見證視野下對革命文學中女性形象的再解讀 : 以丁玲《我在霞村的時候》和Elena Poniatowska《直到我看見你, 我的赫蘇薩》的比較分析為例 = The re-interpretation of the female figure in revolutionary literature from a testimonial perspective : a comparative analysis of Ding Ling's When I was in Xia Cun and Elena Poniatowska's Hasta no verte, Jesús mío /
網絡文學與"主流文學"關係史研究 /
Título:  網絡文學與"主流文學"關係史研究 /
Autor:  汪沛
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  PFAH(LIT-C) 040 WANG
見證視野下對革命文學中女性形象的再解讀 : 以丁玲《我在霞村的時候》和Elena Poniatowska《直到我看見你, 我的赫蘇薩》的比較分析為例 = The re-interpretation of the female figure in revolutionary literature from a testimonial perspective : a comparative analysis of Ding Ling's When I was in Xia Cun and Elena Poniatowska's Hasta no verte, Jesús mío /
許鞍華電影(1979-2017)中的女性意識研究 /
Título:  許鞍華電影(1979-2017)中的女性意識研究 /
Autor:  孫啟菲
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  PFAH(LIT-C) 039 SUN
許鞍華電影(1979-2017)中的女性意識研究 /
Título:  許鞍華電影(1979-2017)中的女性意識研究 /
Autor:  孫啟菲
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  PFAH(LIT-C) 039 SUN
負責任博彩教材2.0 /
Título:  負責任博彩教材2.0 /
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  HV 6722 M32 P8 Fu 2023
ISBN:  9789996563126
Pequenos exploradores : É dia de festa! : jogos e actividades /
Título:  Pequenos exploradores : É dia de festa! : jogos e actividades /
Autor:  Mesquita, Catarina, author.
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  GT 4883 M3 Mes 2023
ISBN:  9996559807
Pequenos exploradores : um passeio por Macau : jogos e actividades /
Título:  Pequenos exploradores : um passeio por Macau : jogos e actividades /
Autor:  Mesquita, Catarina, author.
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  DS 796 M33 Mes 2023
ISBN:  9996559793
Appearing and empty /
Título:  Appearing and empty /
Autor:  Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935- author.
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  BQ 7476 Bst 2023
ISBN:  1614298874
城市空間中的倫理書寫 : 以 1990 年代以來中國城市文學為中心 /
Título:  城市空間中的倫理書寫 : 以 1990 年代以來中國城市文學為中心 /
Autor:  李姝
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  PFAH(LIT-C) 041 LI
基於語料庫的漢語虛擬位移表達式研究 /
Título:  基於語料庫的漢語虛擬位移表達式研究 /
Autor:  王少茗
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  PFAH(LING-C) 030 WANG
被蒙蔽的視野 : 科學全球發展史的真貌 /
Título:  被蒙蔽的視野 : 科學全球發展史的真貌 /
Autor:  Poskett, James
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  Q 125 Pos 2023
ISBN:  6263537213