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聖若瑟教區中學校部建設與管理之系譜學探究 /
Título:  聖若瑟教區中學校部建設與管理之系譜學探究 /
Autor:  劉錦屏
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFE 844 LIU
Energy efficient sensing interface and systems for Internet of everything application /
Título:  Energy efficient sensing interface and systems for Internet of everything application /
Autor:  Wu, Jiang Chao
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 081 WU
聖若瑟教區中學校部建設與管理之系譜學探究 /
Título:  聖若瑟教區中學校部建設與管理之系譜學探究 /
Autor:  劉錦屏
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFE 844 LIU
Trade and culture : the ongoing debate /
Título:  Trade and culture : the ongoing debate /
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  HD 9999 C9472 Tra 2021
ISBN:  036763998X
Towards a four-tiered model of mediation (against the background of a narrative of social sub-systems in constant cross-fertilization) /
Título:  Towards a four-tiered model of mediation (against the background of a narrative of social sub-systems in constant cross-fertilization) /
Autor:  Luz Dos Santos, Hugo Miguel
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 071 LUZ
澳門大學高等教育的國際化 : 基於與葡語國家高等教育交流與合作的研究 /
Título:  澳門大學高等教育的國際化 : 基於與葡語國家高等教育交流與合作的研究 /
Autor:  屈宇坤
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFE 843 QU
Towards a four-tiered model of mediation (against the background of a narrative of social sub-systems in constant cross-fertilization) /
Título:  Towards a four-tiered model of mediation (against the background of a narrative of social sub-systems in constant cross-fertilization) /
Autor:  Luz Dos Santos, Hugo Miguel
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 071 LUZ
澳門大學高等教育的國際化 : 基於與葡語國家高等教育交流與合作的研究 /
Título:  澳門大學高等教育的國際化 : 基於與葡語國家高等教育交流與合作的研究 /
Autor:  屈宇坤
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFE 843 QU
王國維《人間詞話》詩詞美學概說 /
Título:  王國維《人間詞話》詩詞美學概說 /
Autor:  梁瑞明, author.
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PL 2336 W343 Lia 2021
ISBN:  9887754080
The interface between intellectual property rights and competition law  : the case of misuse of patent rights in the European Union pharmaceutical sector /
十八至十九世紀初期英國對中國貿易的認識與轉變 = The British cognition and transformation of China trade in the 18th to early 19th century /
The interface between intellectual property rights and competition law  : the case of misuse of patent rights in the European Union pharmaceutical sector /
十八至十九世紀初期英國對中國貿易的認識與轉變 = The British cognition and transformation of China trade in the 18th to early 19th century /
COTEST-piloto : um challenge set a avaliação da correferência intrafrásica na tradução automática português-chinês /
Fluid mechanics /
Título:  Fluid mechanics /
Autor:  White, Frank M., author.
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  TA 357 Whi 2021
ISBN:  1260575543
COTEST-piloto : um challenge set a avaliação da correferência intrafrásica na tradução automática português-chinês /
Global research and development of CAR-T cell therapy : a descriptive analysis based on patents and clinical trials /
Título:  Global research and development of CAR-T cell therapy : a descriptive analysis based on patents and clinical trials /
Autor:  Lyu, Li Yang
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(MA) 245 LYU
A imagem da China na tradução jornalística chinês-português : um estudo de caso à luz da análise crítica do discurso /
Título:  A imagem da China na tradução jornalística chinês-português : um estudo de caso à luz da análise crítica do discurso /
Autor:  Xiong, Xue Ying
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFAH(T) 228 XIONG
Global research and development of CAR-T cell therapy : a descriptive analysis based on patents and clinical trials /
Título:  Global research and development of CAR-T cell therapy : a descriptive analysis based on patents and clinical trials /
Autor:  Lyu, Li Yang
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(MA) 245 LYU
A literature review on the relationship between drug relapse and social network of drug users /
Título:  A literature review on the relationship between drug relapse and social network of drug users /
Autor:  Qi, Yun Fen
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MSS(C) 140 QI
A imagem da China na tradução jornalística chinês-português : um estudo de caso à luz da análise crítica do discurso /
Título:  A imagem da China na tradução jornalística chinês-português : um estudo de caso à luz da análise crítica do discurso /
Autor:  Xiong, Xue Ying
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MFAH(T) 228 XIONG
ChemGenerator : 一個用於生成特定靶點潛在配體的網路服務器 /
Título:  ChemGenerator : 一個用於生成特定靶點潛在配體的網路服務器 /
Autor:  侯淩
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(MA) 244 HOU
A literature review on the relationship between drug relapse and social network of drug users /
Título:  A literature review on the relationship between drug relapse and social network of drug users /
Autor:  Qi, Yun Fen
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MSS(C) 140 QI
Acetyltanshinone IIA as a novel agent to overcome drug resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer and non-small cell lung cancer /
(Brin) criar a literatura e a lingua : entender a obra Jesusalém de Mia Couto /
Título:  (Brin) criar a literatura e a lingua : entender a obra Jesusalém de Mia Couto /
Autor:  Hou, Jia Min
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MAS 045 HOU
ChemGenerator : 一個用於生成特定靶點潛在配體的網路服務器 /
Título:  ChemGenerator : 一個用於生成特定靶點潛在配體的網路服務器 /
Autor:  侯淩
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MST(MA) 244 HOU
Social change and intimate partner violence in Macau : did COVID-19 exacerbate the problem? /
Título:  Social change and intimate partner violence in Macau : did COVID-19 exacerbate the problem? /
Autor:  Lei, Chi San
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MSS(C) 139 LEI
Acetyltanshinone IIA as a novel agent to overcome drug resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer and non-small cell lung cancer /
(Brin) criar a literatura e a lingua : entender a obra Jesusalém de Mia Couto /
Título:  (Brin) criar a literatura e a lingua : entender a obra Jesusalém de Mia Couto /
Autor:  Hou, Jia Min
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  MAS 045 HOU
Research on the development strategy of the list of medicines covered by the medical-insurance system : using Japan's experience for reference /