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信用證與銀行押匯 /
Título:  信用證與銀行押匯 /
Autor:  易君明.
Publication Year:  [1970?]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04866
急症外科学 /
Título:  急症外科学 /
Autor:  趙常林.
Publication Year:  [1970?]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04959
我與文學 : 文學一週年紀念特輯 /
Título:  我與文學 : 文學一週年紀念特輯 /
Publication Year:  [1970?]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04601
Título:  朱自淸全集.
Autor:  朱自淸, 1898-1948.
Publication Year:  [197-]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04956
最新美容術 = Fashion and beauty /
Título:  最新美容術 = Fashion and beauty /
Autor:  施梅麗
Publication Year:  [197-?].
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04962
European folk dance its national and musical characteristics /
Título:  European folk dance its national and musical characteristics /
Autor:  Lawson, Joan.
Publication Year:  [197-?]
Call No.:  RBK1970-10335
Título:  校正易經集註.
Publication Year:  [197-?]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04514
日軍進攻星馬畫史 /
Título:  日軍進攻星馬畫史 /
Publication Year:  [197-?]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04604
The psychology and education of the young; a guide to the principles of development, learning, and assessment /
Título:  The psychology and education of the young; a guide to the principles of development, learning, and assessment /
Autor:  Munro, Margaret (Psychology lecturer)
Publication Year:  [1969].
Call No.:  RBK1960-01057
ISBN:  9780444196989
The age of the person; society in the twentieth century /
Título:  The age of the person; society in the twentieth century /
Autor:  Oppen, Dietrich von.
Publication Year:  [1969]
Call No.:  RBK1960-00922
Blackboard to computer: a guide to educational aids.
Título:  Blackboard to computer: a guide to educational aids.
Autor:  Kent, Graeme.
Publication Year:  [1969]
Call No.:  RBK1960-01081
ISBN:  9780706230468
Les mots /
Título:  Les mots /
Autor:  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980, auteur.
Publication Year:  [1969]
Call No.:  RBK1960-00787
The life of George Gershwin /
Título:  The life of George Gershwin /
Autor:  Rushmore, Robert.
Publication Year:  [1966]
Call No.:  RBK1960-00914
Australia : a study of warm environments and their effect on British settlement/ by Griffith Taylor.
Título:  Australia : a study of warm environments and their effect on British settlement/ by Griffith Taylor.
Autor:  Taylor, Thomas Griffith, 1880-1963.
Publication Year:  [1966, ©1958].
Call No.:  RBK1960-01122
Foundry practices.
Título:  Foundry practices.
Autor:  Rusinoff, S. E. 1894-1971. (Samuel Eugene),
Publication Year:  [1966, ©1955].
Call No.:  RBK1960-00870
Topics in English : for the secondary school /
Título:  Topics in English : for the secondary school /
Autor:  Summerfield, Geoffrey.
Publication Year:  [1965]
Call No.:  RBK1960-01024
Britain and the Commonwealth /
Título:  Britain and the Commonwealth /
Autor:  Wiseman, H. Victor (Herbert Victor)
Publication Year:  [1965]
Call No.:  RBK1960-01215
Administering audio-visual services /
Título:  Administering audio-visual services /
Autor:  Erickson, Carlton W. H.
Publication Year:  [1965, ©1959]
Call No.:  RBK1960-00982
Background to geography /
Título:  Background to geography /
Autor:  Crone, G. R. (Gerald Roe)
Publication Year:  [1964].
Call No.:  RBK1960-01039
ISBN:  9780273485414
Modern elementary mathematics /
Título:  Modern elementary mathematics /
Autor:  Ward, Morgan.
Publication Year:  [1964],1965.
Call No.:  RBK1960-00892
The burden and the glory : the hopes and purposes of President Kennedy's second and third years in office as revealed in his public statements and addresses  /
Título:  The burden and the glory : the hopes and purposes of President Kennedy's second and third years in office as revealed in his public statements and addresses /
Autor:  Kennedy, John F. 1917-1963, author. (John Fitzgerald),
Publication Year:  [1964]
Call No.:  RBK1960-00950
Genetics and breeding of rice /
Título:  Genetics and breeding of rice /
Autor:  Chandraratna, Modestus Fernando, 1910-
Publication Year:  [1964]
Call No.:  RBK1960-00999
Tales out of school /
Título:  Tales out of school /
Autor:  Trease, Geoffrey, 1909-1998.
Publication Year:  [1964]
Call No.:  RBK1960-01271
New voices, '64 /
Título:  New voices, '64 /
Autor:  Jacobs, Hayes B., 1919- editor.
Publication Year:  [1964]
Call No.:  RBK1960-00864
A social psychology of group processes for decision-making /
Título:  A social psychology of group processes for decision-making /
Autor:  Collins, Barry E.
Publication Year:  [1964]
Call No.:  RBK1960-01086
Mental health and environment /
Título:  Mental health and environment /
Autor:  Taylor, Stephen James Lake Taylor, Baron, 1910-1988.
Publication Year:  [1964]
Call No.:  RBK1960-01023
The church's worship : considerations on the liturgical constitution of the Second Vatican Council /
Título:  The church's worship : considerations on the liturgical constitution of the Second Vatican Council /
Autor:  Crichton, J. D. 1907-2001. (James Dunlop),
Publication Year:  [1964]
Call No.:  RBK1960-01083
Teach your child about sex /
Título:  Teach your child about sex /
Autor:  Dawkins, Julia.
Publication Year:  [1964]
Call No.:  RBK1960-01173
The psychology of learning and techniques of teaching /
Título:  The psychology of learning and techniques of teaching /
Autor:  Thyne, James Morrison.
Publication Year:  [1964, c1963]
Call No.:  RBK1960-00879
Mark Twain: man and legend /
Título:  Mark Twain: man and legend /
Autor:  Ferguson, J. De Lancey 1888-1966. (John De Lancey),
Publication Year:  [1963].
Call No.:  RBK1960-01270