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Título:  中國廣播電視年鑑
Publication Year:  2007-
Call No.:  HE 8700.9 C5 Chu
Le Commerce du globe : comptes de revient de marchandises échangées entre les principaux marchés du monde.
Título:  Le Commerce du globe : comptes de revient de marchandises échangées entre les principaux marchés du monde.
Autor:  Muller, H.-L. auteur. (Henri-Louis),
Publication Year:  [2018?]
Call No.:  HB 151 Mul 2018
El siglo de China : de Mao a primera potencia mundial /
Título:  El siglo de China : de Mao a primera potencia mundial /
Autor:  Tamames, Ramón, 1933- autor.
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  HC 427.95 Tam 2007
ISBN:  840807024X
Viagem ao fundo das consciências : a escravatura na época moderna /
Título:  Viagem ao fundo das consciências : a escravatura na época moderna /
Autor:  Pimentel, Mario do Rosário, autor.
Publication Year:  1995
Call No.:  HT 1221 Pim 1995
ISBN:  9789728047757
Investing in people : reflections on values and virtue-friendly enterprises /
Título:  Investing in people : reflections on values and virtue-friendly enterprises /
Autor:  Udani, Zenon A S
Publication Year:  c1995.
Call No.:  HF 5549 Uda 1995
ISBN:  971852729x
Dear Uncle Go : male homosexuality in Thailand /
Título:  Dear Uncle Go : male homosexuality in Thailand /
Autor:  Jackson, Peter A.
Publication Year:  1995
Call No.:  HQ 76.2 T5 Jac 1995
ISBN:  0942777115
中国四十年社会变迁 /
Título:  中国四十年社会变迁 /
Autor:  毕竞悦, author.
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  HN 733.5 Pi 2018
ISBN:  7302491658
管教愛兒有妙方 /
Título:  管教愛兒有妙方 /
Autor:  Chase, Betty N.
Publication Year:  1993
Call No.:  HQ 769 Cha 1993
ISBN:  9579189293
計算廣告 : 互聯網商業變現的市場與技術 = Computational advertising /
Título:  計算廣告 : 互聯網商業變現的市場與技術 = Computational advertising /
Autor:  劉鵬
Publication Year:  2015
Call No.:  HF 5828.2 Liu 2015
ISBN:  9787115392497
Qualitative research methods /
Título:  Qualitative research methods /
Autor:  Hennink, Monique M.
Publication Year:  2011
Call No.:  H 85 Hen 2011
ISBN:  1412922259
中國縣域統計年鑒 /
Título:  中國縣域統計年鑒 /
Publication Year:  2013-
Call No.:  HD 2097 Chu
ISBN:  9787503777264
Qualitative analysis using MAXQDA : the five-level QDA® method /
Título:  Qualitative analysis using MAXQDA : the five-level QDA® method /
Autor:  Woolf, Nicholas H., author
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  H 62 Woo 2018
ISBN:  1138286184
微观经济学 /
Título:  微观经济学 /
Autor:  Pindyck, Robert S., author
Publication Year:  2013
Call No.:  HB 172 Pin 2013
ISBN:  7300171338
大灣區9+2城市投資大拆解 /
Título:  大灣區9+2城市投資大拆解 /
Autor:  沈永年.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  HC 428 K7 She 2019
ISBN:  9888526529
資本的規則. 中國的問題 世界的眼光 = Law of capital /
Título:  資本的規則. 中國的問題 世界的眼光 = Law of capital /
Autor:  張巍
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  HG 4523 Cha 2019
ISBN:  9787521602524
袍哥 : 1940年代川西鄉村的暴力與秩序 = Violence and order on the Chengdu Plain : the story of a secret brotherhood in rural China, 1939-1949 /
Título:  袍哥 : 1940年代川西鄉村的暴力與秩序 = Violence and order on the Chengdu Plain : the story of a secret brotherhood in rural China, 1939-1949 /
Autor:  王笛, 1956-
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  HS 310 Z7 Wan 2018
ISBN:  7301294638
跨出封閉的世界 : 長江上游區域社會研究 : 1644-1911 = Breaking up a closed world : the social transformation of the upper Yangzi Region : 1644-1911 /
本地生產總值 = Produto interno bruto = Gross domestic product /
Título:  本地生產總值 = Produto interno bruto = Gross domestic product /
Autor:  澳門. 統計暨普查局
Publication Year:  1989-
Call No.:  HC 79 I5 Mac
發現社會 : 西方社會學思想述評 /
Título:  發現社會 : 西方社會學思想述評 /
Autor:  Collins, Randall, 1941-
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  HM 51 Col 2014
ISBN:  9787100097406
Luhmann explained : from souls to systems /
Título:  Luhmann explained : from souls to systems /
Autor:  Moeller, Hans-Georg, 1964-
Publication Year:  2006
Call No.:  HM 701 Moe 2006
ISBN:  9780812695984
A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying organizations /
Título:  A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying organizations /
Autor:  Grey, Christopher, 1964- author
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  HD 58.7 Gre 2017
ISBN:  9781473953451
Poverty and income distribution in India /
Título:  Poverty and income distribution in India /
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  HC 440 I5 Pov 2017
ISBN:  938622822X
The Sage dictionary of criminology /
Título:  The Sage dictionary of criminology /
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  HV 6017 Sag 2019
ISBN:  152643671X
The politics of public budgeting : getting and spending, borrowing and balancing /
Título:  The politics of public budgeting : getting and spending, borrowing and balancing /
Autor:  Rubin, Irene, author.
Publication Year:  [2020]
Call No.:  HJ 9147 Rub 2020
ISBN:  9781544325057
The Huawei way : lessons from an international tech giant on driving growth by focusing on never-ending innovation /
Título:  The Huawei way : lessons from an international tech giant on driving growth by focusing on never-ending innovation /
Autor:  Yang, Shaolong, author.
Publication Year:  [2017]
Call No.:  HD 9696 A3 C5 Yan 2017
ISBN:  1259643050
The feminine mystique : contexts, the scholarship on the Feminine mystique /
Título:  The feminine mystique : contexts, the scholarship on the Feminine mystique /
Autor:  Friedan, Betty
Publication Year:  ©2013.
Call No.:  HQ 1426 Fri 2013
ISBN:  0393934659
Marketing : a relationship perspective /
Título:  Marketing : a relationship perspective /
Autor:  Hollensen, Svend, author
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  HF 5415.55 Hol 2019
ISBN:  9781944659622
Building a responsive and flexible supply chain /
Título:  Building a responsive and flexible supply chain /
Autor:  Minagawa, Yoshiteru, 1952- author
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  HD 38.5 Min 2019
ISBN:  9789813222090
Managing your startup's new product development projects : practice your skills with simulation-based training /
Título:  Managing your startup's new product development projects : practice your skills with simulation-based training /
Autor:  Shtub, Avraham, author
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  HF 5415.153 Sht 2019
ISBN:  9789813277540
Mergers and acquisitions : a practitioner's guide to successful deals /
Título:  Mergers and acquisitions : a practitioner's guide to successful deals /
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  HG 4028 M4 Mer 2019
ISBN:  9789813277410