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澳門道教青詞探略 = An exploration of then sacrificial poem (Qingci) on Toaism in Macao /
Título:  澳門道教青詞探略 = An exploration of then sacrificial poem (Qingci) on Toaism in Macao /
Autor:  黃安琪
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MCS(LIT) 193 WONG
澳門道教青詞探略 = An exploration of then sacrificial poem (Qingci) on Toaism in Macao /
Título:  澳門道教青詞探略 = An exploration of then sacrificial poem (Qingci) on Toaism in Macao /
Autor:  黃安琪
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MCS(LIT) 193 WONG
桐梓文昌戲研究 = A study on the xiqu of Tongzi County about the god of Wenchang /
Título:  桐梓文昌戲研究 = A study on the xiqu of Tongzi County about the god of Wenchang /
Autor:  熊野
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MCS(LIT) 192 XIONG
桐梓文昌戲研究 = A study on the xiqu of Tongzi County about the god of Wenchang /
Título:  桐梓文昌戲研究 = A study on the xiqu of Tongzi County about the god of Wenchang /
Autor:  熊野
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MCS(LIT) 192 XIONG
"儀禮. 士冠禮" 鄭玄注義探隅 : 以禮儀流程為核心之研究 = Study for the Zheng Xuan's annotation in Etiquette and Ceremonial. Capping rites for a common officer : focusing on the moving meaning /
"儀禮. 士冠禮" 鄭玄注義探隅 : 以禮儀流程為核心之研究 = Study for the Zheng Xuan's annotation in Etiquette and Ceremonial. Capping rites for a common officer : focusing on the moving meaning /
Attitude and positioning in English and Chinese editorials and social networking site comments : Donald Trump from presidential election to presidency /
Attitude and positioning in English and Chinese editorials and social networking site comments : Donald Trump from presidential election to presidency /
A comparative study of human translation and post-edited machine translation for subtitling from English to Chinese /
Título:  A comparative study of human translation and post-edited machine translation for subtitling from English to Chinese /
Autor:  Li, Xiao Yan
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFAH(T) 188 LI
A comparative study of human translation and post-edited machine translation for subtitling from English to Chinese /
Título:  A comparative study of human translation and post-edited machine translation for subtitling from English to Chinese /
Autor:  Li, Xiao Yan
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFAH(T) 188 LI
A study of work-life balance in Macau /
Título:  A study of work-life balance in Macau /
Autor:  Kong, Hio I
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA 192 KONG
A study of work-life balance in Macau /
Título:  A study of work-life balance in Macau /
Autor:  Kong, Hio I
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA 192 KONG
The congruity effects of background music on consumers' purchase intention and attitude towards the brand /
Título:  The congruity effects of background music on consumers' purchase intention and attitude towards the brand /
Autor:  Lam, Kun Chio
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA 191 LAM
The congruity effects of background music on consumers' purchase intention and attitude towards the brand /
Título:  The congruity effects of background music on consumers' purchase intention and attitude towards the brand /
Autor:  Lam, Kun Chio
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA 191 LAM
A study of the curvilinear relationship between psychological ownership towards a team and perceived teammate support /
Título:  A study of the curvilinear relationship between psychological ownership towards a team and perceived teammate support /
Autor:  Chao, Seong Wai
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA 190 CHAO
A study of the curvilinear relationship between psychological ownership towards a team and perceived teammate support /
Título:  A study of the curvilinear relationship between psychological ownership towards a team and perceived teammate support /
Autor:  Chao, Seong Wai
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA 190 CHAO
How place attachment affects residents’ perception of impacts and support to tourism development : the case of Macau /
Título:  How place attachment affects residents’ perception of impacts and support to tourism development : the case of Macau /
Autor:  Cheng, Nga Man
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA(IIRM) 075 CHENG
How place attachment affects residents’ perception of impacts and support to tourism development : the case of Macau /
Título:  How place attachment affects residents’ perception of impacts and support to tourism development : the case of Macau /
Autor:  Cheng, Nga Man
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA(IIRM) 075 CHENG
Factors that influence Chinese customers' satisfaction and behavioral intentions to dining facility in integrated resorts /
Título:  Factors that influence Chinese customers' satisfaction and behavioral intentions to dining facility in integrated resorts /
Autor:  Un, Ka Man
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA(IIRM) 074 UN
Factors that influence Chinese customers' satisfaction and behavioral intentions to dining facility in integrated resorts /
Título:  Factors that influence Chinese customers' satisfaction and behavioral intentions to dining facility in integrated resorts /
Autor:  Un, Ka Man
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA(IIRM) 074 UN
澳門電子遊戲產業發展策略探究 : 基於電子競技與遊戲會展模式的思考 = Exploration on the development strategies of Macao's video game industry : based on the thinking of model of the e-sports and game exhibition businesses /
澳門電子遊戲產業發展策略探究 : 基於電子競技與遊戲會展模式的思考 = Exploration on the development strategies of Macao's video game industry : based on the thinking of model of the e-sports and game exhibition businesses /
澳門特色智慧旅遊研究 : 文化遺產旅遊的轉型 = Study of Macao's Characteristic Smart Tourism : transformation of cultural heritage tourism /
澳門特色智慧旅遊研究 : 文化遺產旅遊的轉型 = Study of Macao's Characteristic Smart Tourism : transformation of cultural heritage tourism /
跟蹤纏擾行為刑事化研究 = Research on criminalization of stalking and harassment /
Título:  跟蹤纏擾行為刑事化研究 = Research on criminalization of stalking and harassment /
Autor:  蔡南南
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFLL 755 TSAI
跟蹤纏擾行為刑事化研究 = Research on criminalization of stalking and harassment /
Título:  跟蹤纏擾行為刑事化研究 = Research on criminalization of stalking and harassment /
Autor:  蔡南南
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFLL 755 TSAI
論防止透過澳門博彩業清洗黑錢的措施 = Study of measures of preventing money laundering in the gambling industry of Macau /
論防止透過澳門博彩業清洗黑錢的措施 = Study of measures of preventing money laundering in the gambling industry of Macau /
澳門行政訴訟管轄問題研究 = A study on the jurisdiction of administrative litigation in Macao /
Título:  澳門行政訴訟管轄問題研究 = A study on the jurisdiction of administrative litigation in Macao /
Autor:  布家明
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFLL 753 POU
澳門行政訴訟管轄問題研究 = A study on the jurisdiction of administrative litigation in Macao /
Título:  澳門行政訴訟管轄問題研究 = A study on the jurisdiction of administrative litigation in Macao /
Autor:  布家明
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFLL 753 POU