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澳門東亞大學學院簡介 : 1991-1992 .
澳門東亞大學學院簡介 : 1990-1991 .
學院簡介 = About faculties 〔leaflet〕 .
榮譽學院 = Honours College〔簡介〕.
Faculty of Business Administration.
Faculty of Science and Technology .
Faculty of arts : 1991-1992 .
教育學院 : 1992-1993 .
University college : 1986-1987 .
University college : 1985-1986 .
Graduate college .
智谋 = Strategeme /
《澳門少年報》合集 = Macao teenager newspaper bound volume.
諜報戰 : 軍統局特務工作總報告 = General report of special intelligence of the bureau of investigation and statistics /
關鍵年代 : 空軍一九四九年鑑 = The critical era : annual of R.O.C. Air Force in 1949 /