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大學教師作為知識份子的政治角色扮演 : 以 S 大學為例 /
Título:  大學教師作為知識份子的政治角色扮演 : 以 S 大學為例 /
Autor:  郭正陽
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PFSS(S) 007 GUO
大學教師作為知識份子的政治角色扮演 : 以 S 大學為例 /
Título:  大學教師作為知識份子的政治角色扮演 : 以 S 大學為例 /
Autor:  郭正陽
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PFSS(S) 007 GUO
教出讀寫素養 /
Título:  教出讀寫素養 /
Autor:  劉佩雲
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  PL 1109 Liu 2018
ISBN:  9789861918303
于丹品漢字 : 24節氣・14個歲時節慶 : 從甲骨文到古詩詞, 邂逅古典時光之美 /
Título:  于丹品漢字 : 24節氣・14個歲時節慶 : 從甲骨文到古詩詞, 邂逅古典時光之美 /
Autor:  于丹, 1965- author
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  PL 1281 Yu 2019
ISBN:  9863843601
Filming T. E. Lawrence : Korda's lost epics /
Título:  Filming T. E. Lawrence : Korda's lost epics /
Autor:  Malleson, Miles.
Publication Year:  1997
Call No.:  PN 1997.3 Mal 1997
ISBN:  1860640486
The colonial experience in French fiction : a study of Pierre Loti, Ernest Psichari, and Pierre Mille /
Título:  The colonial experience in French fiction : a study of Pierre Loti, Ernest Psichari, and Pierre Mille /
Autor:  Hargreaves, Alec G.
Publication Year:  1981
Call No.:  PQ 637 C64 Har 1981
ISBN:  0333288548
Naipaul's truth : the making of a writer /
Título:  Naipaul's truth : the making of a writer /
Autor:  Feder, Lillian.
Publication Year:  c2001.
Call No.:  PR 9272.9 N32 Nai 2001
ISBN:  0742508080
Metacognitive experience and celebrity endorsement : fluency enhances brand evaluation but disfluency improves brand recall /
Título:  Metacognitive experience and celebrity endorsement : fluency enhances brand evaluation but disfluency improves brand recall /
Autor:  Liu, Yongdan
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PFBA(M) 005 LIU
Metacognitive experience and celebrity endorsement : fluency enhances brand evaluation but disfluency improves brand recall /
Título:  Metacognitive experience and celebrity endorsement : fluency enhances brand evaluation but disfluency improves brand recall /
Autor:  Liu, Yongdan
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PFBA(M) 005 LIU
Judge Dee at work : eight Chinese detective stories /
Título:  Judge Dee at work : eight Chinese detective stories /
Autor:  Gulik, Robert Hans van, 1910-1967.
Publication Year:  1992
Call No.:  PR 9130.9 G8 Jud 1992
ISBN:  0226848663
Dogmouth blues, soulmates & holistic practices : a novel of modern Bangkok /
Título:  Dogmouth blues, soulmates & holistic practices : a novel of modern Bangkok /
Autor:  Kuaytaek, Roy.
Publication Year:  ©1993.
Call No.:  PR 9570 T53 Kua 1993
ISBN:  9789747315622
The Oxford Portuguese dictionary : Portuguese-English /
Título:  The Oxford Portuguese dictionary : Portuguese-English /
Autor:  Whitlam, John.
Publication Year:  ©1998.
Call No.:  PC 5333 Whi 1998
ISBN:  9780425163894
In a free state /
Título:  In a free state /
Autor:  Naipaul, V. S. 1932-2018. (Vidiadhar Surajprasad),
Publication Year:  1984, c1971.
Call No.:  PR 9272.9 N32 In 1984
ISBN:  0394722051
Poems of Fernando Pessoa /
Título:  Poems of Fernando Pessoa /
Autor:  Pessoa, Fernando, 1888-1935, author.
Publication Year:  1998
Call No.:  PQ 9261 P417 Poe 1998
ISBN:  9780872863422
Violin /
Título:  Violin /
Autor:  Rice, Anne, 1941-
Publication Year:  1997
Call No.:  PS 3568 I265 Vio 1997
ISBN:  9780345424464
The 1932 revolutionist /
Título:  The 1932 revolutionist /
Autor:  Kamron Gunatilaka.
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  PL 4209 K275 193 1999
ISBN:  9747449196
古希腊的文艺理论 ; 德国古典美学散论 /
Título:  古希腊的文艺理论 ; 德国古典美学散论 /
Autor:  缪朗山, 1910-1978.
Publication Year:  2011
Call No.:  PA 35 Miu 2011
ISBN:  7300129110
西方文艺理论史纲 /
Título:  西方文艺理论史纲 /
Autor:  缪朗山, 1910-1978.
Publication Year:  2011
Call No.:  PN 45 Miu 2011
ISBN:  7300129110
俄国文学史 /
Título:  俄国文学史 /
Autor:  Gorky, Maksim, 1868-1936.
Publication Year:  2011
Call No.:  PG 3015 Gor 2011
ISBN:  7300129110
伊利亚特 ; 变形记 /
Título:  伊利亚特 ; 变形记 /
Autor:  Homer.
Publication Year:  2011
Call No.:  PA 4032 C5 Ili 2011
ISBN:  7300129110
Intergroup relations between Chinese and Filipinos in Macao : towards a path tounderstanding and reducing prejudice and discrimination /
Intergroup relations between Chinese and Filipinos in Macao : towards a path tounderstanding and reducing prejudice and discrimination /
Mental health help-seeking barriers and preferences among Chinese population /
Título:  Mental health help-seeking barriers and preferences among Chinese population /
Autor:  Shi, Wei
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PFSS(P) 013 SHI
Mental health help-seeking barriers and preferences among Chinese population /
Título:  Mental health help-seeking barriers and preferences among Chinese population /
Autor:  Shi, Wei
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PFSS(P) 013 SHI
Formyl peptide receptor 1 : ligand discovery, signal transduction and application in drug delivery /
Título:  Formyl peptide receptor 1 : ligand discovery, signal transduction and application in drug delivery /
Autor:  Wang, Jun Lin
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PICMS(BS) 122 WONG
Formyl peptide receptor 1 : ligand discovery, signal transduction and application in drug delivery /
Título:  Formyl peptide receptor 1 : ligand discovery, signal transduction and application in drug delivery /
Autor:  Wang, Jun Lin
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PICMS(BS) 122 WONG
Genetical and pharmacological modulation of apoptotic cell clearance in inflammatory bowel disorder model for disease modification /
Genetical and pharmacological modulation of apoptotic cell clearance in inflammatory bowel disorder model for disease modification /
Pharmacological regulation of CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells through TNFTNFR2 signaling pathway /
Título:  Pharmacological regulation of CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells through TNFTNFR2 signaling pathway /
Autor:  He, Tian Zhen
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PICMS(BS) 120 HE
Pharmacological regulation of CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells through TNFTNFR2 signaling pathway /
Título:  Pharmacological regulation of CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells through TNFTNFR2 signaling pathway /
Autor:  He, Tian Zhen
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PICMS(BS) 120 HE