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論商法中的 "企業" /
Título:  論商法中的 "企業" /
Autor:  馬哲
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 076 MA
國家治理體系下的民事檢察公益訴訟 : 中國民事檢察公益訴訟的理論與實踐 /
Título:  國家治理體系下的民事檢察公益訴訟 : 中國民事檢察公益訴訟的理論與實踐 /
Autor:  劉卉
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 075 LIU
國家治理體系下的民事檢察公益訴訟 : 中國民事檢察公益訴訟的理論與實踐 /
Título:  國家治理體系下的民事檢察公益訴訟 : 中國民事檢察公益訴訟的理論與實踐 /
Autor:  劉卉
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFLL 075 LIU
Design, kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning of two prototypical lower-mobility parallel manipulators /
Título:  Design, kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning of two prototypical lower-mobility parallel manipulators /
Autor:  Lu, Song
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(EM) 039 LU
Design, kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning of two prototypical lower-mobility parallel manipulators /
Título:  Design, kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning of two prototypical lower-mobility parallel manipulators /
Autor:  Lu, Song
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(EM) 039 LU
Functional genomics study of transcriptional regulation of carbon metabolism in Aspergillus nidulans /
Título:  Functional genomics study of transcriptional regulation of carbon metabolism in Aspergillus nidulans /
Autor:  Dong, Li Guo
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 127 DONG
Functional genomics study of transcriptional regulation of carbon metabolism in Aspergillus nidulans /
Título:  Functional genomics study of transcriptional regulation of carbon metabolism in Aspergillus nidulans /
Autor:  Dong, Li Guo
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 127 DONG
Multifunctional semiconducting polymer dots for near-infrared multimodal imaging and cancer therapy /
Título:  Multifunctional semiconducting polymer dots for near-infrared multimodal imaging and cancer therapy /
Autor:  Men, Xiao Ju
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 126 MEN
Multifunctional semiconducting polymer dots for near-infrared multimodal imaging and cancer therapy /
Título:  Multifunctional semiconducting polymer dots for near-infrared multimodal imaging and cancer therapy /
Autor:  Men, Xiao Ju
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 126 MEN
MOFs based nano-catalysts in high-efficient contaminated water purification and cleaner energy utilization /
Título:  MOFs based nano-catalysts in high-efficient contaminated water purification and cleaner energy utilization /
Autor:  Zhao, Shi Yin
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 125 ZHAO
MOFs based nano-catalysts in high-efficient contaminated water purification and cleaner energy utilization /
Título:  MOFs based nano-catalysts in high-efficient contaminated water purification and cleaner energy utilization /
Autor:  Zhao, Shi Yin
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 125 ZHAO
Thyroid hormone and cell adhesion modulate stem cell maintenance and cell fate determination in human embryonic stem cells /
Título:  Thyroid hormone and cell adhesion modulate stem cell maintenance and cell fate determination in human embryonic stem cells /
Autor:  Deng, Chun Hao
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 124 DENG
Thyroid hormone and cell adhesion modulate stem cell maintenance and cell fate determination in human embryonic stem cells /
Título:  Thyroid hormone and cell adhesion modulate stem cell maintenance and cell fate determination in human embryonic stem cells /
Autor:  Deng, Chun Hao
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFHS 124 DENG
Cloze in class : exercises in developing reading comprehension skills :
Título:  Cloze in class : exercises in developing reading comprehension skills :
Autor:  Moller, Alan.
Publication Year:  1981
Call No.:  PE 1128 A2 Mol 1981
ISBN:  9780080253503
山裏山外 /
Título:  山裏山外 /
Autor:  王鼎鈞.
Publication Year:  1985
Call No.:  PL 2919 T5 A6 Sha 1985
憑一張地圖 /
Título:  憑一張地圖 /
Autor:  余光中, 1928-
Publication Year:  1988
Call No.:  PL 2928 K8 Pin 1988
ISBN:  9789575601850
Government, capital and technology in China's digital era : the case study of The Paper /
Título:  Government, capital and technology in China's digital era : the case study of The Paper /
Autor:  Zhang, Xin Ran
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFSS(PA) 008 ZHANG
Government, capital and technology in China's digital era : the case study of The Paper /
Título:  Government, capital and technology in China's digital era : the case study of The Paper /
Autor:  Zhang, Xin Ran
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFSS(PA) 008 ZHANG
Three essays on corporate finance and derivatives /
Título:  Three essays on corporate finance and derivatives /
Autor:  Song, Chen
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFBA(F) 006 SONG
Three essays on corporate finance and derivatives /
Título:  Three essays on corporate finance and derivatives /
Autor:  Song, Chen
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFBA(F) 006 SONG
Determination of oxyphylla A enantiomers in Alpinia oxyphylla dried fruits and their neuroprotective effects in the experimental models of Parkinson's disease /
Determination of oxyphylla A enantiomers in Alpinia oxyphylla dried fruits and their neuroprotective effects in the experimental models of Parkinson's disease /
Functional and therapeutic implications of TNFR2 expression by cancer /
Título:  Functional and therapeutic implications of TNFR2 expression by cancer /
Autor:  Li, Ping
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PICMS(BS) 170 LI
Functional and therapeutic implications of TNFR2 expression by cancer /
Título:  Functional and therapeutic implications of TNFR2 expression by cancer /
Autor:  Li, Ping
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PICMS(BS) 170 LI
Discriminable multivariate attribute selection methods and its applications /
Título:  Discriminable multivariate attribute selection methods and its applications /
Autor:  Yang, Jie
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(CS) 056 YANG
Discriminable multivariate attribute selection methods and its applications /
Título:  Discriminable multivariate attribute selection methods and its applications /
Autor:  Yang, Jie
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(CS) 056 YANG
Behavioral assays for evaluating the auditory and vestibular function in zevrafish larvae /
Título:  Behavioral assays for evaluating the auditory and vestibular function in zevrafish larvae /
Autor:  Sun, Peng
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 094 SUN
Behavioral assays for evaluating the auditory and vestibular function in zevrafish larvae /
Título:  Behavioral assays for evaluating the auditory and vestibular function in zevrafish larvae /
Autor:  Sun, Peng
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFST(E) 094 SUN
Power elites and their organisation in a changing society : the case of the Hong Kong Jockey Club /
Título:  Power elites and their organisation in a changing society : the case of the Hong Kong Jockey Club /
Autor:  Lai, Pui Chi
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFSS(PS) 012 LAI
Power elites and their organisation in a changing society : the case of the Hong Kong Jockey Club /
Título:  Power elites and their organisation in a changing society : the case of the Hong Kong Jockey Club /
Autor:  Lai, Pui Chi
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PFSS(PS) 012 LAI