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Title: "Home is where the heart is" : some thoughts about the sense of belonging among Mainland Chinese students in Macau / |
Author: Chen, Yi Ming |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MA(CM) 220 CHEN |
Title: "Home is where the heart is" : some thoughts about the sense of belonging among Mainland Chinese students in Macau / |
Author: Chen, Yi Ming |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MA(CM) 220 CHEN |
Title: 1D CNNs for chart pattern matching in financial time series / |
Author: Liu, Li Ying |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: MST(CS) 038 LIU |
Title: 1D CNNs for chart pattern matching in financial time series / |
Author: Liu, Li Ying |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: MST(CS) 038 LIU |
Title: 99 privacy breaches to beware of : practical data protection tips from real-life experiences / |
Author: Shepherdson, Kevin Linus, author |
Publication Year: 2018 |
Call No.: HF 5548.37 She 2018 |
ISBN: 9789814794640 |
Title: A arte e a psicologia criminal / |
Author: Mano, A. Rafael Amorim de Lemos Marques, autor. |
Publication Year: 1955 |
Call No.: RMK |
Title: A Asia de hoje e de amanha : panorama objectivo dum continente / |
Author: Lewinsohn, Richard |
Publication Year: [1970?]. |
Call No.: RBK1970-00169 |
Title: A cognitive historical approach to creativity / |
Author: Dasgupta, Subrata, author |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: BF 408 Das 2019 |
ISBN: 0367145693 |
Title: A colour guide to Hong Kong birds / |
Author: Viney, Clive, author |
Publication Year: [1977?] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00054 |
Title: A comparative study of human translation and post-edited machine translation for subtitling from English to Chinese / |
Author: Li, Xiao Yan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(T) 188 LI |
Title: A comparative study of human translation and post-edited machine translation for subtitling from English to Chinese / |
Author: Li, Xiao Yan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(T) 188 LI |
Title: A comparison of cultural responses to traumatic events from the late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century in This Place Called Absence by Lydia Kwa / |
Author: Lei, Sok Ieng |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 142 LEI |
Title: A comparison of cultural responses to traumatic events from the late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century in This Place Called Absence by Lydia Kwa / |
Author: Lei, Sok Ieng |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 142 LEI |
Title: A concise history of Portugal / |
Author: Birmingham, David |
Publication Year: 1993 |
Call No.: DP 538 Bir 1993 |
ISBN: 0521438802 |
Title: A concise legal history of South-East Asia / |
Author: Hooker, M. B. |
Publication Year: 1978 |
Call No.: RBK1970-00161 |
ISBN: 0198253443 |
Title: A concise manual of engineering thermodynamics / |
Author: Radulescu, Liviu F., author |
Publication Year: [2019] |
Call No.: TJ 265 Rad 2019 |
ISBN: 9789813270848 |
Title: A contrastive content analysis of the language use and reading sections : two sets of the Overseas Joint College English Entrance Exam Paper for Macau candidates (OJCEEE) / |
Author: Chan, Fan Fan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 138 CHAN |
Title: A contrastive content analysis of the language use and reading sections : two sets of the Overseas Joint College English Entrance Exam Paper for Macau candidates (OJCEEE) / |
Author: Chan, Fan Fan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 138 CHAN |
Title: A Convenção Sobre a Diversidade Biológica : gestão comunitária dos recursos naturais na África Austral / |
Author: Ferrão, Jorge, autor. |
Publication Year: [2010] |
Call No.: QH 75 Fer 2010 |
ISBN: 9024799643 |
Title: A documentary history of public health in Hong Kong / |
Publication Year: [2018] |
Call No.: RA 990 H7 Doc 2018 |
ISBN: 9789629968366 |
Title: A dynamic approach to illness : a social work guide / |
Author: Upham, Frances |
Publication Year: c1949 |
Call No.: RBK1960-00030 |
Title: A escultura, a pintura e as artes decorativas em Macau no tempo da administração portuguesa, 1557-1911 / |
Author: Dias, Pedro, autor. |
Publication Year: 2018 |
Call No.: N 7346 M3 Dia 2018 |
ISBN: 9993704245 |
Title: A expansão da fé no Extremo Oriente : subsídios para a história colonial / |
Author: Farinha, António Lourenço, 1883-1985, autor. |
Publication Year: 1946 |
Call No.: RMK |
Title: A few pixels to fool deep neural networks / |
Author: Xiao, Zhe Shan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MST(CS) 044 XIAO |
Title: A few pixels to fool deep neural networks / |
Author: Xiao, Zhe Shan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MST(CS) 044 XIAO |
Title: A game of consequences / |
Author: Smith, Shelley, 1912- |
Publication Year: 1978 |
Call No.: RBK1970-00057 |
ISBN: 0333237781 |
Title: A glossary of Chinese snuff bottle rebus : re-discovering the hidden internal beauty in snuff bottles / |
Author: Li, Raymond |
Publication Year: c1976. |
Call No.: RBK1970-00108 |
Title: A history of China / |
Author: Eberhard, Wolfram, 1909-1989 |
Publication Year: 1977 |
Call No.: RMK |
ISBN: 0710083580 |
Title: A history of China / |
Author: Rodzinski, Witold. |
Publication Year: 1979-1983. |
Call No.: RMK |
ISBN: 0080218067 |
Title: A history of China / |
Author: Eberhard, Wolfram, 1909-1989 |
Publication Year: 1978 |
Call No.: RMK |