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No teu deserto /
Title:  No teu deserto /
Author:  Tavares, Miguel Sousa, autor.
Publication Year:  2022
Call No.:  PQ 9320 A93 No 2022
ISBN:  972003369X
Now what? confronting uncomfortable truths about inequity in schools : a leadership rubric for action /
Title:  Now what? confronting uncomfortable truths about inequity in schools : a leadership rubric for action /
Author:  Franco, Carmella S., author.
Publication Year:  [2023]
Call No.:  LB 2805 Fra 2023
ISBN:  1071850768
O anjo mudo /
Title:  O anjo mudo /
Author:  Berto, Al, autor.
Publication Year:  2012
Call No.:  PQ 9264 E74 Anj 2012
ISBN:  9723705192
O Anti-Christo /
Title:  O Anti-Christo /
Author:  Leal, Gomes, 1849-1921, autor.
Publication Year:  2000-2003.
Call No.:  PQ 9261 G64 Ant 2000
ISBN:  9723705788
O beco da liberdade /
Title:  O beco da liberdade /
Author:  Lúcio, A. Laborinho, author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  PQ 9274 U35 Bec 2019
ISBN:  9897226168
O cavalo de sol /
Title:  O cavalo de sol /
Author:  Gersão, Teolinda, autor.
Publication Year:  2022
Call No.:  PQ 9269 E77 Cav 2022
ISBN:  9720035226
O contrato de trabalho em funções públicas face à lei geral do trabalho /
Title:  O contrato de trabalho em funções públicas face à lei geral do trabalho /
Author:  Nunes, Cláudia Sofia Henriques, autor.
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  KKQ 2984.5 Nun 2014
ISBN:  9723222825
O diabo /
Title:  O diabo /
Author:  Tavares, Gonçalo M., 1970- autor.
Publication Year:  2022
Call No.:  PQ 9282 A89 Dia 2022
ISBN:  9722535714
O essencial da política portuguesa /
Title:  O essencial da política portuguesa /
Publication Year:  abril 2023.
Call No.:  DP 681 Ess 2023
ISBN:  9896717451
O homem de Constantinopla : romance /
Title:  O homem de Constantinopla : romance /
Author:  Santos, José Rodrigues dos, 1964-, autor
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  PQ 9319 A685 Hom 2014
ISBN:  9789896165499
O homem que escrevia azulejos /
Title:  O homem que escrevia azulejos /
Author:  Lúcio, A. Laborinho, autor.
Publication Year:  2016
Call No.:  PQ 9274 U35 Hom 2016
ISBN:  9897223223
O meu amor existe /
Title:  O meu amor existe /
Author:  Pinto, Margarida Rebelo, 1965- author.
Publication Year:  novembro 2016.
Call No.:  PQ 9278 I5616 Meu 2016
ISBN:  9897243356
O mistério da estrada de Sintra /
Title:  O mistério da estrada de Sintra /
Author:  Queirós, Eça de, 1845-1900, autor.
Publication Year:  2016
Call No.:  PQ 9261 E3 Mis 2016
ISBN:  9723829665
O olhar diagonal das coisas /
Title:  O olhar diagonal das coisas /
Author:  Amaral, Ana Luísa, 1956-2022, autor.
Publication Year:  outubro 2022.
Call No.:  PQ 9263 M26 Olh 2022
ISBN:  9723722259
O planeta branco /
Title:  O planeta branco /
Author:  Tavares, Miguel Sousa, autor.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PQ 9320 A93 Pla 2020
ISBN:  9720727713
O regresso dos deuses, e outros escritos de António Mora /
Title:  O regresso dos deuses, e outros escritos de António Mora /
Author:  Pessoa, Fernando, 1888-1935, autor.
Publication Year:  2013
Call No.:  PQ 9261 P417 Reg 2013
ISBN:  9723716909
O santo ilusionista /
Title:  O santo ilusionista /
Author:  Andrade, Cláudia, 1975- autor.
Publication Year:  outubro de 2022.
Call No.:  PQ 9301 N377 San 2022
ISBN:  9896237220
O segredo do rio /
Title:  O segredo do rio /
Author:  Tavares, Miguel Sousa, autor.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PQ 9320 A93 Seg 2021
ISBN:  9720727705
Obra poética /
Title:  Obra poética /
Author:  Cinatti, Ruy, autor.
Publication Year:  2016-
Call No.:  PQ 9261 C5 Obr 2016
ISBN:  9723718758
Open the Door for an International Legal Career.
Title:  Open the Door for an International Legal Career.
Publication Year:  1990
Call No.:  UMHP0132
Organizational leadership /
Title:  Organizational leadership /
Publication Year:  [2023]
Call No.:  HD 57.7 Org 2023
ISBN:  9781529793611
Organizational stress : a review and critique of theory, research, and applications /
Title:  Organizational stress : a review and critique of theory, research, and applications /
Author:  Nerstad, Christina G. L., author.
Publication Year:  [2023]
Call No.:  HF 5548.85 Ner 2023
ISBN:  1529724724
Organizations and society /
Title:  Organizations and society /
Author:  Spear, Joseph Howard, author.
Publication Year:  [2023]
Call No.:  HM 786 Spe 2023
ISBN:  1071802208
Os portugueses em Solor e Timor de 1515 a 1702 /
Title:  Os portugueses em Solor e Timor de 1515 a 1702 /
Author:  Leitão, Humberto, autor.
Publication Year:  1948
Call No.:  RMK2705
Our problem, our path : collective antiracism for white people /
Title:  Our problem, our path : collective antiracism for white people /
Author:  Michael, Ali, author.
Publication Year:  [2023]
Call No.:  HT 1563 Mic 2023
ISBN:  1071851322
Para onde vão os guarda-chuvas /
Title:  Para onde vão os guarda-chuvas /
Author:  Cruz, Afonso, 1971- autor.
Publication Year:  [2023]
Call No.:  PQ 9303 R89 Par 2023
ISBN:  9898775181
Physiology /
Title:  Physiology /
Publication Year:  c2004.
Call No.:  QP 34.5 Phy 2004
ISBN:  0323022251
Poesias completas e dispersos /
Title:  Poesias completas e dispersos /
Author:  O'Neill, Alexandre, autor.
Publication Year:  fevereiro 2022.
Call No.:  PQ 9261 O545 Poe 2022
ISBN:  9723722429
Political analysis : a guide to data & statistics /
Title:  Political analysis : a guide to data & statistics /
Author:  Loveless, Matthew, author.
Publication Year:  [2023]
Call No.:  JA 71.7 Lov 2023
ISBN:  1529774845
polytechnic college computer studies programme student handbook 1988-1989.
Title:  polytechnic college computer studies programme student handbook 1988-1989.
Publication Year:  1988
Call No.:  UMHP0168