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Newly Available Titles ()
Title: Ethics / |
Author: Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677. |
Publication Year: [196-?] |
Call No.: RBK1960-09154 |
Title: Exploration of Africa / |
Author: Sterling, Thomas. |
Publication Year: 1964 |
Call No.: RBK1960-08975 |
ISBN: 9780304919673 |
Title: Exploring Chinese postgraduate students' understanding of, reflections on and responses to big data and learning needs / |
Author: Shi, Guang Yu |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: MFE 931 SHI |
Title: Exploring Chinese postgraduate students' understanding of, reflections on and responses to big data and learning needs / |
Author: Shi, Guang Yu |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: MFE 931 SHI |
Title: Exploring English teachers' beliefs and practice about task-based language teaching : voices from a primary school / |
Author: Li, Shi Yi |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: MFE 967 LI |
Title: Exploring English teachers' beliefs and practice about task-based language teaching : voices from a primary school / |
Author: Li, Shi Yi |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: MFE 967 LI |
Title: Exploring the relationship between family socio-economic status and after-school tutoring for kindergarten and primary students / |
Author: Lin, I Man |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: MFE 932 LIN |
Title: Exploring the relationship between family socio-economic status and after-school tutoring for kindergarten and primary students / |
Author: Lin, I Man |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: MFE 932 LIN |
Title: Exploring the ways of mankind / |
Publication Year: 1960 |
Call No.: RBK1960-09011 |
Title: Expositio in Epistolam ad Romanos = Römerbriefkommentar / |
Author: Abelard, Peter, 1079-1142, author. |
Publication Year: [2000] |
Call No.: BS 2665 Abe 2000 |
ISBN: 9783451238086 |
Title: Extra bold : a feminist inclusive anti-racist nonbinary field guide for graphic designers / |
Author: Lupton, Ellen, author. |
Publication Year: [2021] |
Call No.: NK 1520 Lup 2021 |
ISBN: 9781616899189 |
Title: Face, expression / |
Publication Year: 2003 |
Call No.: AUS4417 |
Title: Falar verdade a mentir / |
Author: Almeida Garrett, João Baptista da Silva Leitão de Almeida Garrett, Visconde de, 1799-1854, autor. |
Publication Year: 2010 |
Call No.: PQ 9261 A575 Fal 2010 |
ISBN: 9720049588 |
Title: Fame : famous portraits of famous people by famous photographers / |
Author: Gruber, L. Fritz, editor. |
Publication Year: 1960 |
Call No.: RBK1960-08558 |
Title: FDR / |
Publication Year: c1963. |
Call No.: RBK1960-09265 |
Title: Fellside / |
Author: Carey, M. R., 1959- author. |
Publication Year: 2016 |
Call No.: PR 6103 A72 Fel 2016 |
ISBN: 0356503607 |
Title: Feminism/postmodernism / |
Publication Year: 1989 |
Call No.: HQ 1206 Fem 1989 |
ISBN: 9780415900584 |
Title: Fifteen folk-songs from Newfoundland / |
Author: Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 1872-1958. |
Publication Year: [©1968] |
Call No.: RBK1960-08833 |
Title: Fille de joie : the book of courtesans, sporting girls, ladies of the evening, madams, a few occasionals & some royal favorites. |
Publication Year: ©1967. |
Call No.: RBK1960-08498 |
Title: Filólogos portugueses entre 1868 e 1943 : catálogo da exposição organizada para o XI Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa, 1995 / |
Author: Prista, Luís. |
Publication Year: 1996 |
Call No.: AUS4539 |
ISBN: 9789728288389 |
Title: Fire administration and technology: the complete study guide for scoring high / |
Author: McGannon, Robert E. |
Publication Year: [©1968] |
Call No.: RBK1960-08826 |
Title: Fish for supper / |
Author: Goffstein, M. B. |
Publication Year: 1986, ©1976. |
Call No.: PZ 7 G557 Fis 1986 |
ISBN: 9780803702844 |
Title: Forestry and mountain village communities in Japan : a study of human relations / |
Author: Ushiomi, Toshitaka, 1922-1966. |
Publication Year: 1968 |
Call No.: RBK1960-09019 |
Title: Formwork for modern structures / |
Author: Sir Frederick Snow & Partners. |
Publication Year: [1965] |
Call No.: RBK1960-09262 |
Title: Found : the best lost, tossed, and forgotten items from around the world / |
Publication Year: ©2004. |
Call No.: AM 501 L67 Fou 2004 |
ISBN: 9780743251143 |
Title: Foundations of algebraic geometry / |
Author: Weil, André, 1906-1998. |
Publication Year: 1962 |
Call No.: RBK1960-08889 |
Title: France / |
Author: Brogan, D. W. 1900-1974. (Denis William), |
Publication Year: 1960 |
Call No.: RBK1960-08114 |
Title: Francis Thompson / |
Author: Butter, Peter H. |
Publication Year: [1961] |
Call No.: RBK1960-09084 |
Title: Freeks / |
Author: Hocking, Amanda, author. |
Publication Year: 2017 |
Call No.: PZ 7 H658 Fre 2017 |
ISBN: 1509807659 |
Title: Friction materials for engineers : a design manual / |
Author: Ferodo Ltd. |
Publication Year: [1961] |
Call No.: RBK1960-08539 |