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Newly Available Titles ()
Title: The Nazis / |
Author: Bruce, George, 1910- |
Publication Year: 1974 |
Call No.: RBK1970-13789 |
ISBN: 9780600365563 |
Title: The new contour dictionary : a short textbook on contour reading with map exercises / |
Author: Goodson, J. B. |
Publication Year: 1971 |
Call No.: RBK1970-14290 |
ISBN: 9780245599477 |
Title: The new enclosure : the appropriation of public land in neoliberal Britain / |
Author: Christophers, Brett, 1971- author. |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: HD 596 Chr 2019 |
ISBN: 9781786631596 |
Title: The newspaper: An international history / |
Author: Smith, Anthony. |
Publication Year: c1979. |
Call No.: RBK1970-14093 |
ISBN: 9780500272862 |
Title: The observer's book of music / |
Author: Dinn, Freda. |
Publication Year: 1979 |
Call No.: RBK1970-13709 |
ISBN: 9780723215813 |
Title: The other side / |
Author: Kubin, Alfred, 1877-1959, author. |
Publication Year: 2014 |
Call No.: PT 2621 U117 And 2014 |
ISBN: 1910213039 |
Title: The Oxford book of birds / |
Author: Watson, Donald, 1918-2005. |
Publication Year: 1972 |
Call No.: RBK1970-13705 |
ISBN: 0199100101 |
Title: The Oxford history of music. |
Publication Year: 1973 |
Call No.: RBK1970-05428 |
ISBN: 0815404743 |
Title: The Oxford junior companion to music. |
Author: Hurd, Michael, 1928-2006. |
Publication Year: 1979 |
Call No.: RBK1970-13868 |
ISBN: 9780193143029 |
Title: The papers of Robert Morris, 1781-1784 / |
Author: Morris, Robert, 1734-1806. |
Publication Year: 1973-1999. |
Call No.: RBK1970-14094 |
ISBN: 9780822932673 |
Title: The Penrose graphic arts international annual 1975 volume 68 / |
Publication Year: ©1975. |
Call No.: RBK1970-13853 |
ISBN: 9780719825392 |
Title: The Philippines, blueprint for the future : present plans and future opportunities : an assessment of the Philippine National Development Plans through 1982 / |
Publication Year: ©1979. |
Call No.: RBK1970-13761 |
Title: The pin-up : a modest history / |
Author: Gabor, Mark, 1939- |
Publication Year: 1972 |
Call No.: RBK1970-13849 |
ISBN: 9780233964096 |
Title: The Pleasure of birds : an Audubon treasury / |
Publication Year: 1975 |
Call No.: RBK1970-13876 |
ISBN: 9780397010653 |
Title: The pluralist philosophies of England and America / |
Author: Wahl, Jean André, 1888-1974. author |
Publication Year: [2021]. |
Call No.: BD 394 Wah 2021 |
ISBN: 1013562348 |
Title: The polls and the 1970 election / |
Author: Rose, Richard, 1933- |
Publication Year: 1970 |
Call No.: RBK1970-13727 |
ISBN: 9780902609044 |
Title: The population activist's handbook / |
Author: Population Institute. |
Publication Year: 1974 |
Call No.: RBK1970-14269 |
ISBN: 9780025983502 |
Title: The question of advertising / |
Author: Marland, Michael. |
Publication Year: 1974 |
Call No.: RBK1970-14131 |
ISBN: 9780701004613 |
Title: The question of the other / |
Author: Waldenfels, Bernhard, 1934- |
Publication Year: ©2007. |
Call No.: BD 213 Wal 2007 |
ISBN: 0791473716 |
Title: The reader's digest great encyclopedic dictionary |
Publication Year: c1975. |
Call No.: RBK1970-13763 |
Title: The recorder consort : forty seven pieces for recorder consort / |
Publication Year: 1978 |
Call No.: RBK1970-14272 |
Title: The road / |
Author: McCarthy, Cormac, 1933- author. |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: PS 3563 C337 Roa 2019 |
ISBN: 1509870636 |
Title: The road / |
Author: McCarthy, Cormac, 1933- author. |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: PS 3563 C337 Roa 2019 |
ISBN: 1509870636 |
Title: The road to Gafsa / |
Author: Stratton, Rebecca. |
Publication Year: 1976 |
Call No.: RBK1970-13651 |
ISBN: 9780263090208 |
Title: The role of the Communist Party in socialist society / |
Author: Shakhnazarov, Georgiĭ Khosroevich. |
Publication Year: 1974 |
Call No.: RBK1970-13659 |
Title: The Romance languages / |
Publication Year: 1990, ©1988. |
Call No.: PC 43 Rom 1990 |
ISBN: 9780415052993 |
Title: The school library media center: a force for educational excellence / |
Author: DAVIES, Ruth Ann. |
Publication Year: 1974 |
Call No.: RBK1970-14286 |
ISBN: 9780835206419 |
Title: The school library media program : instructional force for excellence / |
Author: Davies, Ruth Ann, 1915- |
Publication Year: 1979 |
Call No.: RBK1970-14072 |
ISBN: 9780835212441 |
Title: The setting up of a resources centre / |
Author: Scottish Educational Film Association. |
Publication Year: 1976 |
Call No.: RBK1970-14264 |
ISBN: 9780860110033 |