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Title: 10:04 : a novel / |
Author: Lerner, Ben, 1979- author. |
Publication Year: 2015 |
Call No.: PS 3612 E68 10 2015 |
ISBN: 1847088937 |
Title: 4000 German idioms (Redensarten) and colloquialisms with their English equivalents / |
Author: Rüdenberg, Werner. |
Publication Year: 1955 |
Call No.: RBK1950-03778 |
Title: 50 fábulas da China fabulosa = 中國寓言五十篇 / |
Publication Year: c2007. |
Call No.: PN 989 C5 50 2007 |
ISBN: 8525415502 |
Title: A classical introduction to modern number theory / |
Author: Ireland, Kenneth F. |
Publication Year: [1982] |
Call No.: QA 241 Ire 1982 |
ISBN: 9780387906256 |
Title: A divina comédia / |
Author: Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, autor. |
Publication Year: 1958 |
Call No.: RBK1950-03781 |
Title: A dolorosa raiz do Micondó : poesia / |
Author: Lima, Conceição, 1961- autor. |
Publication Year: 2006 |
Call No.: PQ 9948.9 L56 Dol 2006 |
ISBN: 9789722117661 |
Title: A follow-up study of the results of social casework / |
Author: Kogan, Leonard S. |
Publication Year: [1953] |
Call No.: RBK1950-03744 |
Title: A guerra na literatura de Macau : Cheong-Sam : a cabaia de Deolinda da Conceição / |
Author: Chen, Gao Zhao |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: MAS 063 CHEN |
Title: A guerra na literatura de Macau : Cheong-Sam : a cabaia de Deolinda da Conceição / |
Author: Chen, Gao Zhao |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: MAS 063 CHEN |
Title: A history of mathematical notations / |
Author: Cajori, Florian. |
Publication Year: stampa 1952. |
Call No.: RBK1950-03739 |
Title: A history of South-east Asia. |
Author: Hall, D. G. E. 1891-1979. (Daniel George Edward), |
Publication Year: 1964 |
Call No.: RMK2866 |
Title: A influência portuguesa na Indonésia / |
Author: França, António Pinto da, 1935- autor. |
Publication Year: [2003] |
Call No.: DS 625 Fra 2003 |
ISBN: 9789728816230 |
Title: A king alone / |
Author: Giono, Jean, 1895-1970, author. |
Publication Year: [2019] |
Call No.: PQ 2613 I57 Roi 2019 |
ISBN: 1681373092 |
Title: A ladder to the sky / |
Author: Boyne, John, 1971- author. |
Publication Year: [2019]. |
Call No.: PR 6102 O96 Lad 2019 |
ISBN: 1784161012 |
Title: A loucura e a razão : um estudo sobre O Alienista de Machado de Assis / |
Author: Qiu, Chen |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: MAS 053 QIU |
Title: A loucura e a razão : um estudo sobre O Alienista de Machado de Assis / |
Author: Qiu, Chen |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: MAS 053 QIU |
Title: A man / |
Author: Hirano, Keiichirō, 1975- author. |
Publication Year: [2020] |
Call No.: PL 871 I73 Aru 2020 |
ISBN: 1542006880 |
Title: A new birth of freedom : human rights, named and unnamed / |
Author: Black, Charles L., Jr. 1915-2001. (Charles Lund), |
Publication Year: ©1999. |
Call No.: KF 4749 Bla 1999 |
ISBN: 9780300077346 |
Title: A reinvenção do mar : antologia poética / |
Author: Duarte, Vera, 1952- autor. |
Publication Year: 2018 |
Call No.: PQ 9942.9 D83 Rei 2018 |
ISBN: 9899990574 |
Title: A segunda vida de Fernando Pessoa / |
Author: Silva, João Céu e, 1959- autor. |
Publication Year: julho de 2020. |
Call No.: PQ 9319 I4953 Seg 2020 |
ISBN: 9897025650 |
Title: A short history of India / |
Author: Moreland, W. H. 1868-1938. (William Harrison), |
Publication Year: [1962] |
Call No.: RMK2875 |
Title: A short history of the Far East / |
Author: Latourette, Kenneth Scott, 1884-1968. |
Publication Year: [1951]. |
Call No.: RMK2855 |
Title: A text-book of heat / |
Author: Allen, H. S. |
Publication Year: 1959 |
Call No.: RBK1950-03752 |
Title: A treasury of great mysteries / |
Publication Year: c1957. |
Call No.: RBK1950-03761 |
Title: Advanced introduction to global sports law / |
Author: Ross, Stephen F., 1955- author. |
Publication Year: [2021] |
Call No.: K 3702 Ros 2021 |
ISBN: 1789905095 |
Title: Advanced macroeconomics : an introduction for undergraduates / |
Author: Chu, Angus C., 1978- author. |
Publication Year: [2021]. |
Call No.: HB 172.5 Chu 2021 |
ISBN: 1786349124 |
Title: Alternative medical dispute resolution mechanism in China / |
Author: Liu, Si Jia |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: PFLL 083 LIU |
Title: Alternative medical dispute resolution mechanism in China / |
Author: Liu, Si Jia |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: PFLL 083 LIU |
Title: American originality : essays on poetry / |
Author: Glück, Louise, 1943- author. |
Publication Year: 2017 |
Call No.: PS 323.5 Glü 2017 |
ISBN: 0374299552 |
Title: Amigos pelo mundo : nível A1 / |
Author: Amado, Carla Sofia, autor. |
Publication Year: julho 2022. |
Call No.: PC 5074.5 Ama 2022 |
ISBN: 9897528253 |