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Zebrafish larvae as a visual animal model to evaluate  the biofate and anti-cancer effect of nanomedicines in vivo /
Title:  Zebrafish larvae as a visual animal model to evaluate the biofate and anti-cancer effect of nanomedicines in vivo /
Author:  Tao, Jin Song
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  PICMS(BS) 168 TAO
Zengakuren : Japan's revolutionary students /
Title:  Zengakuren : Japan's revolutionary students /
Author:  Dowsey, Stuart J.
Call No.:  RBK1970-10778
人生的操練 /
Title:  人生的操練 /
Author:  Edman, V. Raymond 1900-1967, author (Victor Raymond),
Publication Year:  1979
Call No.:  RBK1970-C06180
史蒂文斯的詩 = Comprehensive study guide to five poems by Wallace Stevens /
Title:  史蒂文斯的詩 = Comprehensive study guide to five poems by Wallace Stevens /
Publication Year:  1977
Call No.:  RBK1970-C06003
嫦娥奔月 / Chang'e voa para a Lua / editor executivo, Departamento editorial, Centro de História e Cultura Chinesas, Universidade de Macau = Chang'e flying to the Moon / editor-in-chief, Editorial Department, Centre for Chinese History and Culture, University
斯巴達教育 /
Title:  斯巴達教育 /
Author:  石原慎太郎.
Call No.:  RBK1970-C05987
毛澤東思想內容與形式 /
Title:  毛澤東思想內容與形式 /
Author:  Chin, Steve S. K.
Publication Year:  1976
Call No.:  RBK1970-C06744
澳門年鑑. Macao Yearbook. 2018 / Government Information Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region = Macau livro do ano. 2018 / Gabinete de Comunicação Social do Governo da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau.
珠寶手工藝製造 /
Title:  珠寶手工藝製造 /
Author:  張志純.
Call No.:  RBK1970-C06468
美國的文學 /
Title:  美國的文學 /
Author:  Cunliffe, Marcus
Publication Year:  1975
Call No.:  RBK1970-C06455
羽球 /
Title:  羽球 /
Author:  競仁
Publication Year:  1973
Call No.:  RBK1970-C06228
解變, 重構 : 梁藍波《聚合大系》= Espaço Comum de  Luz e Gravidade : Contemplação e Forças de Lampo Leong = The Common Ground of Light and Gravity : Lampo Leong's Contemplation. Forces.