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風的起源與運動 /
Title:  風的起源與運動 /
Author:  海第 (Hidy, George M.) 著.
Publication Year:  民62[1973].
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03594
風箏 /
Title:  風箏 /
Author:  艾雲
Publication Year:  1977
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04164
風里的歲月 /
Title:  風里的歲月 /
Author:  冷若冰.
Publication Year:  1977
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04055
食品展覽展銷衛生操作指南 = Guia de prácticas de higiene para exposições e festivais de gastronomia = Guidelines on hygiene practices for food shows and expositions /
食物營養手冊 /
Title:  食物營養手冊 /
Publication Year:  民60[1971].
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04292
餘菴詞 /
Title:  餘菴詞 /
Author:  潘小磐
Publication Year:  1975]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03980
香港, 九龍, 新界新訂街道指南 /
Title:  香港, 九龍, 新界新訂街道指南 /
Publication Year:  1978
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04402
香港啊, 香港 /
Title:  香港啊, 香港 /
Author:  伍蘩.
Publication Year:  1975
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04165
香港報業雜談 = Random talk on Hong Kong newspaper industry /
Title:  香港報業雜談 = Random talk on Hong Kong newspaper industry /
Author:  李家園, author
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  PN 5449 H7 Li 2019
ISBN:  9620444396
香港學生運動 : 回顧及檢討 /
Title:  香港學生運動 : 回顧及檢討 /
Publication Year:  1978
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04038
香港東區街道故事 = The secret history of Hong Kong's eastern district streets /
Title:  香港東區街道故事 = The secret history of Hong Kong's eastern district streets /
Author:  魯金, 1924-1995, author
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  DS 796 H775 Lu 2019
ISBN:  9620444493
香港淪陷回憶錄 /
Title:  香港淪陷回憶錄 /
Author:  不平山人
Publication Year:  1978
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03502
香港漫畫春秋 = A history of Hong Kong comics /
Title:  香港漫畫春秋 = A history of Hong Kong comics /
Author:  鄭家鎮, 1918- author
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  NC 1720 H7 Che 2018
ISBN:  9620441656
香港英資財團, 1841-2019 = British enterprises in Hong Kong, 1841-2019 /
Title:  香港英資財團, 1841-2019 = British enterprises in Hong Kong, 1841-2019 /
Author:  馮邦彥, author.
Publication Year:  2019年12月.
Call No.:  HD 2756.2 H7 Fen 2019
ISBN:  9620445368
香港身份證透視 = A look into Hong Kong Identity card /
Title:  香港身份證透視 = A look into Hong Kong Identity card /
Author:  鄭宏泰, author
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  JC 599 C52 H7 Che 2018
ISBN:  962044356X
香港雜記 : 外一種 /
Title:  香港雜記 : 外一種 /
Author:  陳鏸勛
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  DS 796 H745 Che 2018
ISBN:  9789620440533
Title:  香港靑年作者近作選.
Publication Year:  1973
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03865
馬先生與馬威 /
Title:  馬先生與馬威 /
Author:  老舍, 1899-1966.
Publication Year:  [1977?]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03654
馮康侯書畫篆刻集 : 馮康侯先生庚辰百歲冥壽紀念 = Arte de Feng Kang Hou caligrafia, pinturas e sinetes = The art of Feng Kang Hou calligraphy, paintings & seal carving.
駱賓王評傳 /
Title:  駱賓王評傳 /
Author:  劉維崇
Publication Year:  民國67 [1978]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04329
马克思・恩格斯・列宁・斯大林论德国古典哲学 /
Title:  马克思・恩格斯・列宁・斯大林论德国古典哲学 /
Publication Year:  1972
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03890
马奈= Edouard Manet: 1832-1883
Title:  马奈= Edouard Manet: 1832-1883
Publication Year:  1979
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03696
高低杠的教学与训练 /
Title:  高低杠的教学与训练 /
Author:  何芝良.
Publication Year:  1976
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03514
高山滚鼓集 /
Title:  高山滚鼓集 /
Author:  柏杨, 1920-2008
Publication Year:  [1970]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03746
高情商是练出来的 : 美国大学里的高情商训练课 = Don't let your emotions run your life for teens /
Title:  高情商是练出来的 : 美国大学里的高情商训练课 = Don't let your emotions run your life for teens /
Author:  Van Dijk, Sheri, author
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  BF 724.3 E5 Van 2017
ISBN:  7559600263
高明傳記文輯 /
Title:  高明傳記文輯 /
Author:  高明, 1909-
Publication Year:  民國67 [1978]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03964
高明小學論叢 /
Title:  高明小學論叢 /
Author:  高明, 1909-, author.
Publication Year:  民國67 [1978]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03963
高明論學雜著 /
Title:  高明論學雜著 /
Author:  高明, 1909-
Publication Year:  民國67 [1978]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03965
高本漢左傳注釋 /
Title:  高本漢左傳注釋 /
Author:  高本漢 (Karlgren, Bernhard, -1980) 撰.
Publication Year:  民61[1972]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03753
高等动力学 : 应用力学续册 /
Title:  高等动力学 : 应用力学续册 /
Author:  Smith, C. E.
Publication Year:  1977
Call No.:  RBK1970-C04021