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走进东非 : 当代中国画精品集 = Euvres de l'exposition dans l'est de l'Afrique : album de chefs-d'oeuvre contemporains de la peinture chinoise /
走进西非 : 纪念中科建交30周年当代中国画精品集 = En l'honneur du 30e anniversaire de l'établissement des relations diplomatiques entre la Chine et la Côte d'lvoire sélection de chefs-d'ceuvre de peinture chinoise contemporaine /
赵紫阳文集1980-1989 /
Title:  赵紫阳文集1980-1989 /
Author:  赵紫阳, 1919-2005
Publication Year:  [2016].
Call No.:  DS 779.29 C47 Cha 2016
ISBN:  9629968061
越南妇女 /
Title:  越南妇女 /
Author:  黎氏壬雪, 越.
Publication Year:  1972-1975.
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09035
跨国有组织犯罪 /
Title:  跨国有组织犯罪 /
Author:  Madsen, Frank G.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  HV 6252 Mad 2020
ISBN:  7565339709
跨國公司國際投資法 = Direito do investimento internacional das sociedades transnacionais /
Title:  跨國公司國際投資法 = Direito do investimento internacional das sociedades transnacionais /
Author:  范劍虹, 1958-
Publication Year:  2003
Call No.:  K 3943 Fan 2003
ISBN:  9993726311
跨文化执法 : 多元社会中的治安战略 /
Title:  跨文化执法 : 多元社会中的治安战略 /
Author:  Shusta, Robert M.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  HV 7936 P8 Shu 2020
ISBN:  7565340154
車, 船, 飛機 /
Title:  車, 船, 飛機 /
Publication Year:  1970
Call No.:  RBK1970-C08699
转逆境为喜悦 : 与恐惧共处的智慧 = The places that scare you : a guide to fearlessness in difficult times /
Title:  转逆境为喜悦 : 与恐惧共处的智慧 = The places that scare you : a guide to fearlessness in difficult times /
Author:  Chodron, Pema
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  BQ 4023 Cho 2007
ISBN:  7800577589
轮 /
Title:  轮 /
Author:  欧文. 威尔弗雷德.
Publication Year:  1975
Call No.:  RBK1970-C08827
Title:  辭源.
Publication Year:  1951
Call No.:  RBK1970-C08913
迈向理性刑事诉讼法学 /
Title:  迈向理性刑事诉讼法学 /
Author:  樊崇义, 1940-
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  KNQ 4610 Fan 2020
ISBN:  9787565338076
近現當代傳媒與澳港台文學經驗 = Modern media and the experience of literature in Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan /
Title:  近現當代傳媒與澳港台文學經驗 = Modern media and the experience of literature in Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan /
Author:  近代公共媒體與澳港台文學經驗研討會 澳門大學, 澳門) (2010 :
Publication Year:  2012
Call No.:  PL 3031 M3 Chi 2010
ISBN:  9993710733
速写技法 /
Title:  速写技法 /
Publication Year:  1979
Call No.:  RBK1970-C08713
ISBN:  9787102010151
鄧小平與後文革的中國大陸 /
Title:  鄧小平與後文革的中國大陸 /
Author:  李英明.
Publication Year:  1995
Call No.:  DS 778 T39 Li 1995
ISBN:  9789571317748
酌定量刑情节研究 /
Title:  酌定量刑情节研究 /
Author:  陈荣飞, author.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  KNQ 4012 Che 2020
ISBN:  7100185041
重回鲁迅 /
Title:  重回鲁迅 /
Author:  杨义, 1946- author.
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  PL 2754 S5 Yan 2017
ISBN:  7542657445
重放的蓮花 : 澳門開埠450年 /
Title:  重放的蓮花 : 澳門開埠450年 /
Author:  鄭彭年
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  DS 796 M35 Che 1999
ISBN:  7501144206
金子光晴集 /
Title:  金子光晴集 /
Author:  金子光晴, 1895-1975.
Publication Year:  昭和 54 [1979]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09116
金屬電鍍工藝 = Metal electroplating.
Title:  金屬電鍍工藝 = Metal electroplating.
Author:  林西音.
Publication Year:  1978
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09046
Title:  金石篆刻硏究.
Publication Year:  1964
Call No.:  RBK1960-C00968
金砖国家公私合作法 = Laws of public-private partnership in BRICS countries /
Title:  金砖国家公私合作法 = Laws of public-private partnership in BRICS countries /
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  K 3836 Chi 2019
ISBN:  7301309732
金融创新与秩序 /
Title:  金融创新与秩序 /
Author:  黄毅.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  KNQ 940 Hua 2020
ISBN:  7519746100
金融科技背景下信用法律制度完善研究 = Research on credit legal system under the background of fintech /
Title:  金融科技背景下信用法律制度完善研究 = Research on credit legal system under the background of fintech /
Author:  赵园园.
Publication Year:  2021
Call No.:  KNQ 955 Cha 2021
ISBN:  9787519751869
金鹿  /
Title:  金鹿 /
Publication Year:  [197u?]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C08865
鍵 : 瘋癲老人日記 /
Title:  鍵 : 瘋癲老人日記 /
Author:  谷崎潤一郎, 1886-1965.
Publication Year:  平成13 [2001]
Call No.:  PL 839 A7 Kag 2001
ISBN:  9784101005157
Title:  鍾鼎備要.
Publication Year:  1975
Call No.:  RBK1970-C08906
鏡像澳門 : 陳顯耀紀實攝影集 = Macau reflectido : fotografia documental por Chan Hin Io = Reflection of Macao : documentary photographs by Chan Hin Io /
Title:  鏡像澳門 : 陳顯耀紀實攝影集 = Macau reflectido : fotografia documental por Chan Hin Io = Reflection of Macao : documentary photographs by Chan Hin Io /
Author:  陳顯耀, photographer
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  DS 796 M315 Che 2017
ISBN:  9993703427
鏡花緣選讀 /
Title:  鏡花緣選讀 /
Author:  李汝珍, approximately 1763-approximately 1830.
Publication Year:  1974
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09199
鐵證待判 /
Title:  鐵證待判 /
Author:  McDowell, Josh.
Publication Year:  1978
Call No.:  RBK1970-C08911