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Newly Available Titles ()
Title: Edward Berner is alive again! / |
Author: Kastle, Herbert D. |
Publication Year: [1975] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00218 |
ISBN: 0132407701 |
Title: Linear and nonlinear waves / |
Author: Whitham, G. B. 1927- (Gerald Beresford), |
Publication Year: [1974] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00104 |
ISBN: 0471940909 |
Title: The Chinese revolution, 1900-1950. |
Author: Vohra, Ranbir, comp. |
Publication Year: [1974] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00223 |
ISBN: 0395183383 |
Title: Rousseau; stoic and romantic / |
Author: Roche, Kennedy F. |
Publication Year: [1974] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00199 |
ISBN: 0416786901 |
Title: Marketing for business growth. |
Author: Levitt, Theodore, 1925-2006. |
Publication Year: [1974] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00115 |
ISBN: 0070374155 |
Title: An Introduction to chinese civilisation / |
Publication Year: [1973] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00127 |
Title: Psycholinguistics and reading / |
Publication Year: [1973] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00085 |
ISBN: 0030914515 |
Title: Daily life in revolutionary China. |
Author: Macciocchi, Maria Antonietta. |
Publication Year: [1973, c1972] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00211 |
Title: Management: a systems approach |
Author: Cleland, David I. |
Publication Year: [1972] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00111 |
ISBN: 0070113149 |
Title: Attitudes and motivation in second-language learning / |
Author: Gardner, Robert C., author |
Publication Year: [1972] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00145 |
ISBN: 9120660901 |
Title: Supervision and management, |
Author: Benton, Lewis R. |
Publication Year: [1972] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00008 |
ISBN: 0070048134 |
Title: Indochina in conflict : a political assessment / |
Publication Year: [1972] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00012 |
ISBN: 066981539X |
Title: Famous Mozart operas; an analytical guide for the opera-goer and armchair listener, |
Author: Hughes, Spike, 1908- |
Publication Year: [1972] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00185 |
ISBN: 0486228584 |
Title: 西歐六國風光 / |
Author: 祝天明 |
Publication Year: [1972?]. |
Call No.: RMK1656 |
Title: 從手相看命運 / |
Author: 石川雅章 |
Publication Year: [1971] |
Call No.: RMK |
Title: China's fertilizer economy. |
Author: Liu, Jung-Chao, 1929-1999. |
Publication Year: [1971] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00219 |
ISBN: 0852241968 |
Title: The Industrial Revolution and economic growth |
Author: Hartwell, R. M. 1921-2009. (Ronald Max), |
Publication Year: [1971] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00207 |
ISBN: 0416195008 |
Title: The Far East : a history of the Western impact and the Eastern response (1830-1970) / |
Author: Clyde, Paul Hibbert, 1896-1998, author. |
Publication Year: [1971] |
Call No.: RMK2387 |
ISBN: 9780133029765 |
Title: I talked with spirits |
Author: Ernest, Victor H. |
Publication Year: [1970] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00217 |
ISBN: 0842315500 |
Title: Number stories of long ago / |
Author: Smith, David Eugene, 1860-1944 |
Publication Year: [1970?]. |
Call No.: RBK1970-00097 |
Title: A Asia de hoje e de amanha : panorama objectivo dum continente / |
Author: Lewinsohn, Richard |
Publication Year: [1970?]. |
Call No.: RBK1970-00169 |
Title: 詳訂古文評註全集 / |
Author: 過珙 |
Publication Year: [197-?] |
Call No.: RMK |
Title: 大河彼岸 / |
Author: Snow, Edgar, 1905-1972 |
Publication Year: [197-?] |
Call No.: RMK |
Title: 繪圖小笑話. |
Publication Year: [197-?] |
Call No.: RMK |
Title: The road to communism : China since 1912 / |
Publication Year: [1969] |
Call No.: RBK1960-00029 |
Title: Massage girl, and other sketches of Thailand |
Author: Caldwell, John C. 1913- (John Cope), |
Publication Year: [1968] |
Call No.: RBK1960-00034 |
Title: On war. |
Author: Clausewitz, Carl von, 1780-1831. |
Publication Year: [1968] |
Call No.: RBK1970-00214 |
Title: A short history of Shakespearean criticism / |
Author: Eastman, Arthur M., 1918- author |
Publication Year: [1968] |
Call No.: RBK1960-00067 |
Title: The Boxer rising 1900. |
Publication Year: [1967] |
Call No.: RBK1960-00058 |
Title: A history of western philosophy / |
Author: Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970 |
Publication Year: [1967?], c1945. |
Call No.: RBK1960-00070 |
ISBN: 0671201581 |