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Newly Available Titles ()
Title: How Chengguan works with weak law enforcement and administrative powers : voices of front-line staff in the Chengguan department in J City, Southern China / |
Author: Zhao, Hao Min |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MSS(C) 115 ZHAO |
Title: A reescrita do micro-polissistema da poesia de Bei Dao / |
Author: Huang, Lin |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(T) 185 HUANG |
Title: Feasibility study of applying recycled concrete aggregate in Macau pavement projects / |
Author: Choi, Sai Tat |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MST(C) 185 CHOI |
Title: How Chengguan works with weak law enforcement and administrative powers : voices of front-line staff in the Chengguan department in J City, Southern China / |
Author: Zhao, Hao Min |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MSS(C) 115 ZHAO |
Title: Chinese hip hop : glocalization, authenticity, and language use / |
Author: Wei, Hua Zhi |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 140 WEI |
Title: Gothic elements in Charles Dicken's novels / |
Author: Tong, Weng Lek |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 143 TONG |
Title: Protective and risk factors of internet-related juvenile delinquency in Mainland China : using live-streaming as an example / |
Author: Hu, Xiao Xin |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MSS(C) 114 HU |
Title: Chinese hip hop : glocalization, authenticity, and language use / |
Author: Wei, Hua Zhi |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 140 WEI |
Title: Gothic elements in Charles Dicken's novels / |
Author: Tong, Weng Lek |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 143 TONG |
Title: Protective and risk factors of internet-related juvenile delinquency in Mainland China : using live-streaming as an example / |
Author: Hu, Xiao Xin |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MSS(C) 114 HU |
Title: Code-switching in Chinese movie : a case study of American Dreams in China / |
Author: Wang, Cong Rong |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 139 WANG |
Title: A comparison of cultural responses to traumatic events from the late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century in This Place Called Absence by Lydia Kwa / |
Author: Lei, Sok Ieng |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 142 LEI |
Title: Anomie and its correlates in Mainland China and Hong Kong : findings of the world value surveys / |
Author: Gao, Min |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MSS(C) 113 GAO |
Title: Code-switching in Chinese movie : a case study of American Dreams in China / |
Author: Wang, Cong Rong |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 139 WANG |
Title: A comparison of cultural responses to traumatic events from the late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century in This Place Called Absence by Lydia Kwa / |
Author: Lei, Sok Ieng |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 142 LEI |
Title: Anomie and its correlates in Mainland China and Hong Kong : findings of the world value surveys / |
Author: Gao, Min |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MSS(C) 113 GAO |
Title: A contrastive content analysis of the language use and reading sections : two sets of the Overseas Joint College English Entrance Exam Paper for Macau candidates (OJCEEE) / |
Author: Chan, Fan Fan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 138 CHAN |
Title: An analysis about the verbal humor of modern family from the perspective of pragmatics / |
Author: Zhang, An Qi |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 141 ZHANG |
Title: Policing challenges in cases of intimate partner violence : a literature review / |
Author: Lei, Pui Ieng |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MSS(C) 112 LEI |
Title: A contrastive content analysis of the language use and reading sections : two sets of the Overseas Joint College English Entrance Exam Paper for Macau candidates (OJCEEE) / |
Author: Chan, Fan Fan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 138 CHAN |
Title: An analysis about the verbal humor of modern family from the perspective of pragmatics / |
Author: Zhang, An Qi |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(ENS) 141 ZHANG |
Title: Policing challenges in cases of intimate partner violence : a literature review / |
Author: Lei, Pui Ieng |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MSS(C) 112 LEI |
Title: The design of a basic Chinese as a foreign language course at a Canadian university / |
Author: Lin, Yan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(SLA-C) 006 LIN |
Title: Hand-crafted and deep learning schemes for copy-move forgery detection / |
Author: Zhong, Jun Liu |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(CS) 023 ZHONG |
Title: The International Trade Union Confederation and the global south / |
Author: Lei, Hio Tong |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFSS(IRP) 146 LEI |
Title: The design of a basic Chinese as a foreign language course at a Canadian university / |
Author: Lin, Yan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(SLA-C) 006 LIN |
Title: Hand-crafted and deep learning schemes for copy-move forgery detection / |
Author: Zhong, Jun Liu |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(CS) 023 ZHONG |
Title: The Routledge companion to the makers of global business / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: HD 2755.5 Rou 2020 |
ISBN: 9781138242654 |
Title: The International Trade Union Confederation and the global south / |
Author: Lei, Hio Tong |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFSS(IRP) 146 LEI |
Title: An investigationon the effectiveness of implementing SFL-genre based writing instruction in EFL primary classroom / |
Author: Kuan, Lai Chu |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: MFAH(SLA-E) 008 KUAN |