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高盛 : 最后的赢家 /
Title:  高盛 : 最后的赢家 /
Author:  Endlich, Lisa, 1959-
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  HG 4930.5 End 2009
ISBN:  7508051513
状元实业家张謇 /
Title:  状元实业家张謇 /
Author:  卫春回, 1961-
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  HC 426.5 C52 Wei 2009
ISBN:  780214521X
逝去的武林 : 一代形意大师口述历史 /
Title:  逝去的武林 : 一代形意大师口述历史 /
Author:  李仲轩, 1915-2004.
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  GV 1113 L5 Li 2009
ISBN:  7544243931
梁啟超文选 /
Title:  梁啟超文选 /
Author:  梁启超, 1873-1929.
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  PL 2781 A5 Lia 2009
ISBN:  7541127949
汉书研究 = Hanshu yanjiu /
Title:  汉书研究 = Hanshu yanjiu /
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  DS 748 P38 Han 2009
ISBN:  7500080123
统计学习理论 /
Title:  统计学习理论 /
Author:  Vapnik, Vladimir Naumovich.
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  Q 325.7 Vap 2009
ISBN:  7121083728
全球化博弈 /
Title:  全球化博弈 /
Author:  Dehesa, Guillermo de la.
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  HF 1359 Deh 2009
ISBN:  7301156243
Relatório de auditoria de resultados : mudança e obras de remodelação das instalações do Conselho do Ambiente.
Title:  Relatório de auditoria de resultados : mudança e obras de remodelação das instalações do Conselho do Ambiente.
Author:  澳門. 審計署
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  HJ 9927 M3 Mac 2009p
Relatório de auditoria de resultados : criação, mudança e renovação de instalações de acção educativa e juvenil da Direcção dos Serviços de Educação e Juventude.
广州九章 : 岭南经・中国梦・世界观 = Nine chapters of Guangzhou : Lingnan experience, China's dream, global vision /
传统中国日常生活中的协商 : 中古契约研究 = Negotiating daily life in traditional China : how ordinary people used contracts, 600-1400 /
Title:  传统中国日常生活中的协商 : 中古契约研究 = Negotiating daily life in traditional China : how ordinary people used contracts, 600-1400 /
Author:  Hansen, Valerie, 1958-
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  KNN 858 Han 2009
ISBN:  7214057115
从民族国家拯救历史 : 民族主义话语与中国现代史研究 = Rescuing history from the nation : questioning narratives of modern China /
Title:  从民族国家拯救历史 : 民族主义话语与中国现代史研究 = Rescuing history from the nation : questioning narratives of modern China /
Author:  Duara, Prasenjit.
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  DS 734.7 Dua 2009
ISBN:  7214057131
衡工量值式審計報告 : "機動車輛估價委員會" 的運作與管理.
Title:  衡工量值式審計報告 : "機動車輛估價委員會" 的運作與管理.
Author:  澳門. 審計署
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  HJ 9927 M3 Mac 2009c
Coliseum con /
Title:  Coliseum con /
Author:  Stilton, Geronimo
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  PZ 43 S75 Ger 2009
ISBN:  9781597071727
阿恩海姆视知觉形式动力理论研究 = Aenhaimu shizhijue xingshi donglililunyanjiu /
Title:  阿恩海姆视知觉形式动力理论研究 = Aenhaimu shizhijue xingshi donglililunyanjiu /
Author:  宁海林, 1969-
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  N 71 Nin 2009
ISBN:  7010081808
人才战争 : 全球最稀缺资源的争夺战 /
Title:  人才战争 : 全球最稀缺资源的争夺战 /
Author:  王辉耀.
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  HD 4904.7 Wan 2009
ISBN:  750861559X
山寨革命 = Revolution of production way /
Title:  山寨革命 = Revolution of production way /
Author:  阿甘.
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  HF 1040.9 C5 A 2009
ISBN:  7508615719
近代上海饭店与菜场 /
Title:  近代上海饭店与菜场 /
Author:  唐艳香, 1975-
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  TX 945 Tan 2008
ISBN:  7532626210
理財鑑證科 /
Title:  理財鑑證科 /
Author:  陸柏勤.
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  HG 179 Lu 2008
儒家教育伦理研究 : 以西方教育伦理为参照 /
Title:  儒家教育伦理研究 : 以西方教育伦理为参照 /
Author:  耿有权.
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  LC 315 C5 Ken 2008
ISBN:  7500466730
明清旅游活动研究 : 以长江三角洲为中心 /
Title:  明清旅游活动研究 : 以长江三角洲为中心 /
Author:  陈建勤.
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  DS 707 Che 2008
ISBN:  7500471890
珠三角大悬念 /
Title:  珠三角大悬念 /
Author:  肖南方.
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  HC 428 C49 Hsi 2008
ISBN:  7213036017
万年历 /
Title:  万年历 /
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  CE 61 C5 Wan 2008
ISBN:  7506447207
中国经济史 /
Title:  中国经济史 /
Author:  侯家驹.
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  HC 427 Hou 2008
ISBN:  7802253829
Myra : romance /
Title:  Myra : romance /
Author:  Costa, Maria Velho da, autor.
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  PQ 9265 O82 Myr 2008
ISBN:  9723713691
會展接待員基礎培訓課程 = Curso basico de recepcionistas de prestacao de servicos em convencao e exposicao = Convention and exhibition guest service representatives training.
行政程序法典 = Codigo do procedimento administrativo.
Title:  行政程序法典 = Codigo do procedimento administrativo.
Author:  澳門. 政府
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  K M3 3400 A48 Mac 2008
ISBN:  9789993721222
中国近代股份制企业研究 /
Title:  中国近代股份制企业研究 /
Author:  朱荫贵, 1950-
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  HD 2910 Chu 2008
ISBN:  7564200243
O princípio da equivalência como critério de igualdade tributária /
Title:  O princípio da equivalência como critério de igualdade tributária /
Author:  Vasques, Sérgio, 1969- autor.
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  K 4466 Vas 2008
ISBN:  9724034038
解救腰痛完全手冊 /
Title:  解救腰痛完全手冊 /
Author:  伊籐晴夫, author
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  RD 771 Ito 2008
ISBN:  9577768814